Amount of Time to Spend on Upstream Prerequisites

The amount of time to spend on problem definition, requirements, and software architecture varies according to the needs of your project. Generally, a well-run project devotes about 10 to 20 percent of its effort and about 20 to 30 percent of its schedule to requirements, architecture, and up-front planning (McConnell 1998, Kruchten 2000). These figures don't include time for detailed design—that's part of construction.


The amount of time you spend on prerequisites will depend on your project type. For details on adapting prerequisites to your specific project, see Determine the Kind of Software You're Working On, earlier in this chapter.

If requirements are unstable and you're working on a large, formal project, you'll probably have to work with a requirements analyst to resolve requirements problems that are identified early in construction. Allow time to consult with the requirements analyst and for the requirements analyst to revise the requirements before you'll have a workable version of the requirements.

If requirements are unstable and you're working on a small, informal project, you'll probably need to resolve requirements issues yourself. Allow time for defining the requirements well enough that their volatility will have a minimal impact on construction.

If the requirements are unstable on any project—formal or informal—treat requirements work as its own project. Estimate the time for the rest of the project after you've finished the requirements. This is a sensible approach since no one can reasonably expect you to estimate your schedule before you know what you're building. It's as if you were a contractor called to work on a house. Your customer says, "What will it cost to do the work?" You reasonably ask, "What do you want me to do?" Your customer says, "I can't tell you, but how much will it cost?" You reasonably thank the customer for wasting your time and go home.


For approaches to handling changing requirements, see "Handling Requirements Changes During Construction" in Requirements Prerequisite, earlier in this chapter.

With a building, it's clear that it's unreasonable for clients to ask for a bid before telling you what you're going to build. Your clients wouldn't want you to show up with wood, hammer, and nails and start spending their money before the architect had finished the blueprints. People tend to understand software development less than they understand two-by-fours and sheetrock, however, so the clients you work with might not immediately understand why you want to plan requirements development as a separate project. You might need to explain your reasoning to them.

When allocating time for software architecture, use an approach similar to the one for requirements development. If the software is a kind that you haven't worked with before, allow more time for the uncertainty of designing in a new area. Ensure that the time you need to create a good architecture won't take away from the time you need for good work in other areas. If necessary, plan the architecture work as a separate project, too.

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