Programming Style as Documentation

In contrast to external documentation, internal documentation is found within the program listing itself. It's the most detailed kind of documentation, at the sourcestatement level. Because it's most closely associated with the code, internal documentation is also the kind of documentation most likely to remain correct as the code is modified.

The main contributor to code-level documentation isn't comments, but good programming style. Style includes good program structure, use of straightforward and easily understandable approaches, good variable names, good routine names, use of named constants instead of literals, clear layout, and minimization of control-flow and data-structure complexity.

Here's a code fragment with poor style:

What do you think this routine does? It's unnecessarily cryptic. It's poorly documented not because it lacks comments, but because it lacks good programming style. The variable names are uninformative, and the layout is crude. Here's the same code improved—just improving the programming style makes its meaning much clearer:

Example 32-2. Java Example of Documentation Without Comments (with Good Style)

for ( primeCandidate = 2; primeCandidate <= num; primeCandidate++ ) {
   isPrime[ primeCandidate ] = true;

for ( int factor = 2; factor < ( num / 2 ); factor++ ) {
    int factorableNumber = factor + factor;
    while ( factorableNumber <= num ) {
        isPrime[ factorableNumber ] = false;
        factorableNumber = factorableNumber + factor;

for ( primeCandidate = 2; primeCandidate <= num; primeCandidate++ ) {
   if ( isPrime[ primeCandidate ] ) {
      System.out.println( primeCandidate + " is prime." );


In this code, the variable factorableNumber is added solely for the sake of clarifying the operation. For details on adding variables to clarify operations, see "Making Complicated Expressions Simple" in Boolean Expressions.

Unlike the first piece of code, this one lets you know at first glance that it has something to do with prime numbers. A second glance reveals that it finds the prime numbers between 1 and Num. With the first code fragment, it takes more than two glances just to figure out where the loops end.

The difference between the two code fragments has nothing to do with comments— neither fragment has any. The second one is much more readable, however, and approaches the Holy Grail of legibility: self-documenting code. Such code relies on good programming style to carry the greater part of the documentation burden. In well-written code, comments are the icing on the readability cake.

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