To Comment or Not to Comment

Comments are easier to write poorly than well, and commenting can be more damaging than helpful. The heated discussions over the virtues of commenting often sound like philosophical debates over moral virtues, which makes me think that if Socrates had been a computer programmer, he and his students might have had the following discussion.

The Commento


THRASYMACHUS A green, theoretical purist who believes everything he reads

CALLICLES A battle-hardened veteran from the old school—a "real" programmer

GLAUCON A young, confident, hot-shot computer jock

ISMENE A senior programmer tired of big promises, just looking for a few practices that work

SOCRATES The wise old programmer



"Does anyone have any other issues before we get back to work?" Socrates asked.

"I want to suggest a commenting standard for our projects," Thrasymachus said. "Some of our programmers barely comment their code, and everyone knows that code without comments is unreadable."

"You must be fresher out of college than I thought," Callicles responded. "Comments are an academic panacea, but everyone who's done any real programming knows that comments make the code harder to read, not easier. English is less precise than Java or Visual Basic and makes for a lot of excess verbiage. Programming-language statements are short and to the point. If you can't make the code clear, how can you make the comments clear? Plus, comments get out of date as the code changes. If you believe an out-of-date comment, you're sunk."

"I agree with that," Glaucon joined in. "Heavily commented code is harder to read because it means more to read. I already have to read the code; why should I have to read a lot of comments, too?"

"Wait a minute," Ismene said, putting down her coffee mug to put in her two drachmas' worth. "I know that commenting can be abused, but good comments are worth their weight in gold. I've had to maintain code that had comments and code that didn't, and I'd rather maintain code with comments. I don't think we should have a standard that says use one comment for every x lines of code, but we should encourage everyone to comment."

"If comments are a waste of time, why does anyone use them, Callicles?" Socrates asked.

"Either because they're required to or because they read somewhere that they're useful. No one who's thought about it could ever decide they're useful."

"Ismene thinks they're useful. She's been here three years, maintaining your code without comments and other code with comments, and she prefers the code with comments. What do you make of that?"

"Comments are useless because they just repeat the code in a more verbose—"

To Comment or Not to Comment

"Wait right there," Thrasymachus interrupted. "Good comments don't repeat the code or explain it. They clarify its intent. Comments should explain, at a higher level of abstraction than the code, what you're trying to do."

"Right," Ismene said. "I scan the comments to find the section that does what I need to change or fix. You're right that comments that repeat the code don't help at all because the code says everything already. When I read comments, I want it to be like reading headings in a book or a table of contents. Comments help me find the right section, and then I start reading the code. It's a lot faster to read one sentence in English than it is to parse 20 lines of code in a programming language." Ismene poured herself another cup of coffee.

"I think that people who refuse to write comments (1) think their code is clearer than it could possibly be, (2) think that other programmers are far more interested in their code than they really are, (3) think other programmers are smarter than they really are, (4) are lazy, or (5) are afraid someone else might figure out how their code works.

"Code reviews would be a big help here, Socrates," Ismene continued. "If someone claims they don't need to write comments and are bombarded by questions during a review—when several peers start saying, ‘What the heck are you trying to do in this piece of code?’—then they'll start putting in comments. If they don't do it on their own, at least their manager will have the ammo to make them do it.

"I'm not accusing you of being lazy or afraid that people will figure out your code, Callicles. I've worked on your code and you're one of the best programmers in the company. But have a heart, huh? Your code would be easier for me to work on if you used comments."

"But they're a waste of resources," Callicles countered. "A good programmer's code should be self-documenting; everything you need to know should be in the code."

"No way!" Thrasymachus was out of his chair. "Everything the compiler needs to know is in the code! You might as well argue that everything you need to know is in the binary executable file! If you were smart enough to read it! What is meant to happen is not in the code."

Thrasymachus realized he was standing up and sat down. "Socrates, this is ridiculous. Why do we have to argue about whether comments are valuable? Everything I've ever read says they're valuable and should be used liberally. We're wasting our time."

"Cool down, Thrasymachus. Ask Callicles how long he's been programming."

Clearly, at some level comments have to be useful. To believe otherwise would be to believe that the comprehensibility of a program is independent of how much information the reader might already have about it.

B. A. Sheil

"How long, Callicles?"

"Well, I started on the Acropolis IV about 15 years ago. I guess I've seen about a dozen major systems from the time they were born to the time we gave them a cup of hemlock. And I've worked on major parts of a dozen more. Two of those systems had over half a million lines of code, so I know what I'm talking about. Comments are pretty useless."

Socrates looked at the younger programmer. "As Callicles says, comments have a lot of legitimate problems, and you won't realize that without more experience. If they're not done right, they're worse than useless."

"Even when they're done right, they're useless," Callicles said. "Comments are less precise than a programming language. I'd rather not have them at all."

"Wait a minute," Socrates said. "Ismene agrees that comments are less precise. Her point is that comments give you a higher level of abstraction, and we all know that levels of abstraction are one of a programmer's most powerful tools."

"I don't agree with that," Glaucon replied. "Instead of focusing on commenting, you should focus on making code more readable. Refactoring eliminates most of my comments. Once I've refactored, my code might have 20 or 30 routine calls without needing any comments. A good programmer can read the intent from the code itself, and what good does it do to read about somebody's intent when you know the code has an error?" Glaucon was pleased with his contribution. Callicles nodded.

"It sounds like you guys have never had to modify someone else's code," Ismene said. Callicles suddenly seemed very interested in the pencil marks on the ceiling tiles. "Why don't you try reading your own code six months or a year after you write it? You can improve your code-reading ability and your commenting. You don't have to choose one or the other. If you're reading a novel, you might not want section headings. But if you're reading a technical book, you'd like to be able to find what you're looking for quickly. I shouldn't have to switch into ultra-concentration mode and read hundreds of lines of code just to find the two lines I want to change."

"All right, I can see that it would be handy to be able to scan code," Glaucon said. He'd seen some of Ismene's programs and had been impressed. "But what about Callicles' other point, that comments get out of date as the code changes? I've only been programming for a couple of years, but even I know that nobody updates their comments."

"Well, yes and no," Ismene said. "If you take the comment as sacred and the code as suspicious, you're in deep trouble. Actually, finding a disagreement between the comment and the code tends to mean both are wrong. The fact that some comments are bad doesn't mean that commenting is bad. I'm going to the lunchroom to get another pot of coffee." Ismene left the room.

"My main objection to comments," Callicles said, "is that they're a waste of resources."

"Can anyone think of ways to minimize the time it takes to write the comments?" Socrates asked.

"Design routines in pseudocode, and then convert the pseudocode to comments and fill in the code between them," Glaucon said.

"OK, that would work as long as the comments don't repeat the code," Callicles said.

"Writing a comment makes you think harder about what your code is doing," Ismene said, returning from the lunchroom. "If it's hard to comment, either it's bad code or you don't understand it well enough. Either way, you need to spend more time on the code, so the time you spent commenting wasn't wasted because it pointed you to required work."

"All right," Socrates said. "I can't think of any more questions, and I think Ismene got the best of you guys today. We'll encourage commenting, but we won't be naive about it. We'll have code reviews so that everyone will get a good sense of the kind of comments that actually help. If you have trouble understanding someone else's code, let them know how they can improve it."

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