Watch for Falling Rocks

Programming is neither fully an art nor fully a science. As it's typically practiced, it's a "craft" that's somewhere between art and science. At its best, it's an engineering discipline that arises from the synergistic fusion of art and science (McConnell 2004). Whether art, science, craft, or engineering, it still takes plenty of individual judgment to create a working software product. And part of having good judgment in computer programming is being sensitive to a wide array of warning signs, subtle indications of problems in your program. Warning signs in programming alert you to the possibility of problems, but they're usually not as blatant as a road sign that says "Watch for Falling Rocks."

When you or someone else says "This is really tricky code," that's a warning sign, usually of poor code. "Tricky code" is a code phrase for "bad code." If you think code is tricky, think about rewriting it so that it's not.

A class's having more errors than average is a warning sign. A few error-prone classes tend to be the most expensive part of a program. If you have a class that has had more errors than average, it will probably continue to have more errors than average. Think about rewriting it.

If programming were a science, each warning sign would imply a specific, welldefined corrective action. Because programming is still a craft, however, a warning sign merely points to an issue that you should consider. You can't necessarily rewrite tricky code or improve an error-prone class.

Just as an abnormal number of defects in a class warns you that the class has low quality, an abnormal number of defects in a program implies that your process is defective. A good process wouldn't allow error-prone code to be developed. It would include the checks and balances of architecture followed by architecture reviews, design followed by design reviews, and code followed by code reviews. By the time the code was ready for testing, most errors would have been eliminated. Exceptional performance requires working smart in addition to working hard. Lots of debugging on a project is a warning sign that implies people aren't working smart. Writing a lot of code in a day and then spending two weeks debugging it is not working smart.

You can use design metrics as another kind of warning sign. Most design metrics are heuristics that give an indication of the quality of a design. The fact that a class contains more than seven members doesn't necessarily mean that it's poorly designed, but it's a warning that the class is complicated. Similarly, more than about 10 decision points in a routine, more than three levels of logical nesting, an unusual number of variables, high coupling to other classes, or low class or routine cohesion should raise a warning flag. None of these signs necessarily means that a class is poorly designed, but the presence of any of them should cause you to look at the class skeptically.

Any warning sign should cause you to doubt the quality of your program. As Charles Saunders Peirce says, "Doubt is an uneasy and dissatisfied state from which we struggle to free ourselves and pass into the state of belief." Treat a warning sign as an "irritation of doubt" that prompts you to look for the more satisfied state of belief.

If you find yourself working on repetitious code or making similar modifications in several areas, you should feel "uneasy and dissatisfied," doubting that control has been adequately centralized in classes or routines. If you find it hard to create scaffolding for test cases because you can't use an individual class easily, you should feel the "irritation of doubt" and ask whether the class is coupled too tightly to other classes. If you can't reuse code in other programs because some classes are too interdependent, that's another warning sign that the classes are coupled too tightly.

When you're deep into a program, pay attention to warning signs that indicate that part of the program design isn't defined well enough to code. Difficulties in writing comments, naming variables, and decomposing the problem into cohesive classes with clear interfaces all indicate that you need to think harder about the design before coding. Wishy-washy names and difficulty in describing sections of code in concise comments are other signs of trouble. When the design is clear in your mind, the lowlevel details come easily.

Be sensitive to indications that your program is hard to understand. Any discomfort is a clue. If it's hard for you, it will be even harder for the next programmers. They'll appreciate the extra effort you make to improve it. If you're figuring out code instead of reading it, it's too complicated. If it's hard, it's wrong. Make it simpler.

Watch for Falling Rocks

If you want to take full advantage of warning signs, program in such a way that you create your own warnings. This is useful because even after you know what the signs are, it's surprisingly easy to overlook them. Glenford Myers conducted a study of defect correction in which he found that the single most common cause of not finding errors was simply overlooking them. The errors were visible on test output but not noticed (Myers 1978b).

Make it hard to overlook problems in your program. One example is setting pointers to null after you free them so that they'll cause ugly problems if you mistakenly use one. A freed pointer might point to a valid memory location even after it's been freed. Setting it to null guarantees that it points to an invalid location, making the error harder to overlook.

Compiler warnings are literal warning signs that are often overlooked. If your program generates warnings or errors, fix it so that it doesn't. You don't have much chance of noticing subtle warning signs when you're ignoring those that have "WARNING" printed directly on them.

Why is paying attention to intellectual warning signs especially important in software development? The quality of the thinking that goes into a program largely determines the quality of the program, so paying attention to warnings about the quality of thinking directly affects the final product.

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