Iterate, Repeatedly, Again and Again

Iteration is appropriate for many software-development activities. During your initial specification of a system, you work with the user through several versions of requirements until you're sure you agree on them. That's an iterative process. When you build flexibility into your process by building and delivering a system in several increments, that's an iterative process. If you use prototyping to develop several alternative solutions quickly and cheaply before crafting the final product, that's another form of iteration. Iterating on requirements is perhaps as important as any other aspect of the software-development process. Projects fail because they commit themselves to a solution before exploring alternatives. Iteration provides a way to learn about a product before you build it.

As Chapter 28, points out, schedule estimates during initial project planning can vary greatly depending on the estimation technique you use. Using an iterative approach for estimation produces a more accurate estimate than relying on a single technique.

Software design is a heuristic process and, like all heuristic processes, is subject to iterative revision and improvement. Software tends to be validated rather than proven, which means that it's tested and developed iteratively until it answers questions correctly. Both high-level and low-level design attempts should be repeated. A first attempt might produce a solution that works, but it's unlikely to produce the best solution. Taking several repeated and different approaches produces insight into the problem that's unlikely with a single approach.

The idea of iteration appears again in code tuning. Once the software is operational, you can rewrite small parts of it to greatly improve overall system performance. Many of the attempts at optimization, however, hurt the code more than they help it. It's not an intuitive process, and some techniques that seem likely to make a system smaller and faster actually make it larger and slower. The uncertainty about the effect of any optimization technique creates a need for tuning, measuring, and tuning again. If a bottleneck is critical to system performance, you can tune the code several times, and several of your later attempts may be more successful than your first.

Reviews cut across the grain of the development process, inserting iterations at any stage in which they're conducted. The purpose of a review is to check the quality of the work at a particular point. If the product fails the review, it's sent back for rework. If it succeeds, it doesn't need further iteration.

One definition of engineering is to do for a dime what anyone can do for a dollar. Iterating in the late stages is doing for two dollars what anyone can do for one dollar. Fred Brooks suggested that you "build one to throw away; you will, anyhow" (Brooks 1995). The trick of software engineering is to build the disposable parts as quickly and inexpensively as possible, which is the point of iterating in the early stages.

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