Chapter 21. Collaborative Construction


Related Topics

You might have had an experience common to many programmers. You walk into another programmer's cubicle and say, "Would you mind looking at this code? I'm having some trouble with it." You start to explain the problem: "It can't be a result of this thing, because I did that. And it can't be the result of this other thing, because I did this. And it can't be the result of—wait a minute. It could be the result of that. Thanks!" You've solved your problem before your "helper" has had a chance to say a word.

In one way or another, all collaborative construction techniques are attempts to formalize the process of showing your work to someone else for the purpose of flushing out errors.

If you've read about inspections and pair programming before, you won't find much new information in this chapter. The extent of the hard data about the effectiveness of inspections in Formal Inspections might surprise you, and you might not have considered the code-reading alternative described in Other Kinds of Collaborative Development Practices. You might also take a look at Table 21-1, at the end of the chapter. If your knowledge is all from your own experience, read on! Other people have had different experiences, and you'll find some new ideas.

Table 21-1. Comparison of Collaborative Construction Techniques


Pair Programming

Formal Inspection

Informal Review (Walk-Throughs)

Defined participant roles




Formal training in how to perform the roles

Maybe, through coaching



Who "drives" the collaboration

Person with the keyboard


Author, usually

Focus of collaboration

Design, coding, testing, and defect correction

Defect detection only


Focused review effort—looks for the most frequently found kinds of errors

Informal, if at all



Follow-up to reduce bad fixes




Fewer future errors because of detailed error feedback to individual programmers




Improved process efficiency from analysis of results




Useful for nonconstruction activities




Typical percentage of defects found




Overview of Collaborative Development Practices

"Chapter 21" refers to pair programming, formal inspections, informal technical reviews, and document reading, as well as other techniques in which developers share responsibility for creating code and other work products. At my company, the term "collaborative construction" was coined by Matt Peloquin in about 2000. The term appears to have been coined independently by others in the same time frame.

Overview of Collaborative Development Practices

All collaborative construction techniques, despite their differences, are based on the ideas that developers are blind to some of the trouble spots in their work, that other people don't have the same blind spots, and that it's beneficial for developers to have someone else look at their work. Studies at the Software Engineering Institute have found that developers insert an average of 1 to 3 defects per hour into their designs and 5 to 8 defects per hour into code (Humphrey 1997), so attacking these blind spots is a key to effective construction.

Collaborative Construction Complements Other Quality-Assurance Techniques

Collaborative Construction Complements Other Quality-Assurance Techniques

The primary purpose of collaborative construction is to improve software quality. As noted in Chapter 20, software testing has limited effectiveness when used alone—the average defect-detection rate is only about 30 percent for unit testing, 35 percent for integration testing, and 35 percent for low-volume beta testing. In contrast, the average effectivenesses of design and code inspections are 55 and 60 percent (Jones 1996). The secondary benefit of collaborative construction is that it decreases development time, which in turn lowers development costs.

Collaborative Construction Complements Other Quality-Assurance Techniques

Early reports on pair programming suggest that it can achieve a code-quality level similar to formal inspections (Shull et al 2002). The cost of full-up pair programming is probably higher than the cost of solo development—on the order of 10–25 percent higher—but the reduction in development time appears to be on the order of 45 percent, which in some cases may be a decisive advantage over solo development (Boehm and Turner 2004), although not over inspections which have produced similar results.

Technical reviews have been studied much longer than pair programming, and their results, as described in case studies and elsewhere, have been impressive:

Collaborative Construction Complements Other Quality-Assurance Techniques
  • IBM found that each hour of inspection prevented about 100 hours of related work (testing and defect correction) (Holland 1999).

  • Raytheon reduced its cost of defect correction (rework) from about 40 percent of total project cost to about 20 percent through an initiative that focused on inspections (Haley 1996).

  • Hewlett-Packard reported that its inspection program saved an estimated $21.5 million per year (Grady and Van Slack 1994).

  • Imperial Chemical Industries found that the cost of maintaining a portfolio of about 400 programs was only about 10 percent as high as the cost of maintaining a similar set of programs that had not been inspected (Gilb and Graham 1993).

  • A study of large programs found that each hour spent on inspections avoided an average of 33 hours of maintenance work and that inspections were up to 20 times more efficient than testing (Russell 1991).

  • In a software-maintenance organization, 55 percent of one-line maintenance changes were in error before code reviews were introduced. After reviews were introduced, only 2 percent of the changes were in error (Freedman and Weinberg 1990). When all changes were considered, 95 percent were correct the first time after reviews were introduced. Before reviews were introduced, under 20 percent were correct the first time.

  • A group of 11 programs were developed by the same group of people, and all were released to production. The first five were developed without reviews and averaged 4.5 errors per 100 lines of code. The other six were inspected and averaged only 0.82 errors per 100 lines of code. Reviews cut the errors by over 80 percent (Freedman and Weinberg 1990).

  • Capers Jones reports that of all the software projects he has studied that have achieved 99 percent defect-removal rates or better, all have used formal inspections. Also, none of the projects that achieved less than 75 percent defect-removal efficiency used formal inspections (Jones 2000).

A number of these cases illustrate the General Principle of Software Quality, which holds that reducing the number of defects in the software also improves development time.

Collaborative Construction Complements Other Quality-Assurance Techniques

Various studies have shown that in addition to being more effective at catching errors than testing, collaborative practices find different kinds of errors than testing does (Myers 1978; Basili, Selby, and Hutchens 1986). As Karl Wiegers points out, "A human reviewer can spot unclear error messages, inadequate comments, hard-coded variable values, and repeated code patterns that should be consolidated. Testing won't" (Wiegers 2002). A secondary effect is that when people know their work will be reviewed, they scrutinize it more carefully. Thus, even when testing is done effectively, reviews or other kinds of collaboration are needed as part of a comprehensive quality program.

Collaborative Construction Provides Mentoring in Corporate Culture and Programming Expertise

Software standards can be written down and distributed, but if no one talks about them or encourages others to use them, they won't be followed. Reviews are an important mechanism for giving programmers feedback about their code. The code, the standards, and the reasons for making the code meet the standards are good topics for review discussions.

Informal review procedures were passed on from person to person in the general culture of computing for many years before they were acknowledged in print. The need for reviewing was so obvious to the best programmers that they rarely mentioned it in print, while the worst programmers believed they were so good that their work did not need reviewing.

Daniel Freedman Gerald Weinberg

In addition to feedback about how well they follow standards, programmers need feedback about more subjective aspects of programming: formatting, comments, variable names, local and global variable use, design approaches, the-way-we-do-things-around-here, and so on. Programmers who are still wet behind the ears need guidance from those who are more knowledgeable, and more knowledgeable programmers who tend to be busy need to be encouraged to spend time sharing what they know. Reviews create a venue for more experienced and less experienced programmers to communicate about technical issues. As such, reviews are an opportunity for cultivating quality improvements in the future as much as in the present.

One team that used formal inspections reported that inspections quickly brought all the developers up to the level of the best developers (Tackett and Van Doren 1999).

Collective Ownership Applies to All Forms of Collaborative Construction

With collective ownership, all code is owned by the group rather than by individuals and can be accessed and modified by various members of the group. This produces several valuable benefits:

  • Better code quality arises from multiple sets of eyes seeing the code and multiple programmers working on the code.

  • The impact of someone leaving the project is lessened because multiple people are familiar with each section of code.

  • Defect-correction cycles are shorter overall because any of several programmers can potentially be assigned to fix bugs on an as-available basis.


A concept that spans all collaborative construction techniques is the idea of collective ownership. In some development models, programmers own the code they write and official or unofficial restrictions on modifying someone else's code exist. Collective ownership increases the need for work coordination, especially configuration management. For details, see Configuration Management.

Some methodologies, such as Extreme Programming, recommend formally pairing programmers and rotating their work assignments over time. At my company, we've found that programmers don't need to pair up formally to achieve good code coverage. Over time we achieve cross-coverage through a combination of formal and informal technical reviews, pair programming when needed, and rotation of defectcorrection assignments.

Collaboration Applies As Much Before Construction As After

This book is about construction, so collaboration on detailed design and code are the focus of this chapter. However, most of the comments about collaborative construction in this chapter also apply to estimates, plans, requirements, architecture, testing, and maintenance work. By studying the references at the end of the chapter, you can apply collaborative techniques to most software development activities.

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