

accuracy 13

action 391

action-value function 392

activation functions 9, 478

ReLU 479

sigmoid 478

tanh 479


key intuitions 214

aleatory uncertainty 438

probabilistic neural networks 441, 442

probabilistic neural networks, using 440

AlexNet 95

Android Studio

reference link 589

Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) 501

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

reference link 587

Area Under the Curve (AUC) 458, 549

Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUC ROC) 458

Arm Cortex-M

reference link 587

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) 445

artificial neural networks (nets/ANNs) 3

atrous convolution

using, for audio 635

Attention mechanism 182-184, 195-197

computing 198, 199

full, versus sparse matrices 206

local attention 206

LSH Attention 206

seq2seq model, using with 184-189

Augmented Multiscale Deep InfoMax (AMDIM) 380

autoencoders 287-289

context 367, 368

convolutional 301-306

deonising 297-301

sparse 295-297

stacked 301

stacked deonising 367

variational 314-319, 371

AutoEncoding (AE) 365

Autograd Module 521

AutoKeras 450

architecture 451

automatic differentiation 495

Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML) 445, 446, 570

achieving 446

automatic data preparation 447

automatic feature engineering 447, 448

automatic model generation 448, 449

H2O, using 523- 525

pipeline, steps 446

tuning 38, 39

autoregressive (AR) generation 364

GPT-3 365

Image GPT (IPT) 364

PixelRNN 364

WaveNet 366

WaveRNN 366

XLNet 365

autoregressive (AR) models 362


backdrop 480

backpropagation 3, 480

and ConvNets 491

and RNNs 492-494

backstep 483, 484

forward propagation 481

forward step 482, 483

overview 39- 41

purpose 480

backpropagation through time (BPTT) 142, 143, 494

backstep 483, 484

neuron equation, form hidden layer to hidden layer 485-489

neuron equation, form hidden layer to output layer 484, 485

Bahdanau attention (additive) 183

Barlow Twins model 377, 378

baseline model 569

Batch Gradient Descent (BGD) 491

batch normalization 33

Bayesian Networks (BN) 434-436

factors 436, 437

Bayesian optimization 450

beginning-of-string (BOS) 172

Bernoulli distribution 428

best practices

for data 564

for model 568

need for 563, 564

bfloat16 504

Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) 133, 207, 366, 367

key intuitions 208

using, as feature extractor 134, 135

bidirectional LSTM (biLSTM) 147

bidirectional RNNs 147, 148

BigBird 211

key intuitions 212

BiLingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) 179

binary_crossentropy, objective functions 13

Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL) model 378

bottleneck layer 289

Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) 372




capsule networks (CapsNets) 641

catastrophic forgetting 394

categorical_crossentropy, objective functions 13

causal graphs 434

Central Processing Units (CPUs) 499

chain rule 477

character embedding 128, 129


performance, improving with data augmentation 84-87

performance, improving with deeper network 82-84

predicting with 87

CIFAR-10 images

recognizing, with deep learning 78-82

classification task

versus regression task 58

CLEVR dataset

reference link 624

CLIP model 381, 382

CNN architectures 95

AlexNet 95

DenseNets 96

HighwaysNet 96

residual networks 95

Xception 97, 98, 99

CodeSearchNet model 383

Codex 519, 520

Colab 33, 35

reference link 509, 510

using, with TPU 509

collaborative filtering (CF) models 288

colorization 369

concatenative TTS 635

ConceptNet Numberbatch 117

Conditional Probability Table (CPT) 434

content-based attention 183

context autoencoder 367, 368

Context Free Network (CFN) 370

Contextualized Vectors (CoVe) 129

continuous backpropagation

history 473

Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) 107

Contrastive Divergence (CD) 278

contrastive learning (CL) 207, 362, 373

Deep InfoMax (DIM) 207

instance transformation 376

multimodal models 381

multiview coding 380

Next Sentence Prediction (NSP)

Replaced Token Detection (RTD) 207

Sentence Order Prediction (SOP) 207

training objectives 373

contrastive loss 374

Contrastive Multiview Coding (CMC) 381

convergence 19

ConvNet (1D CNN) 118


summarizing 69

convolutional autoencoder 301

used, for removing noise from images 301-306

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) 41, 114, 533

classification and localization 614

composing, for complex tasks 613

features 641-643

instance segmentation 619-621

issue 641

object detection 616-619

semantic segmentation 615

using, for audio 634

using, for sentiment analysis 632- 634

using, with videos 630

convolution layer configuration, parameters

kernel size 640

padding 640

stride 640

convolution operations 639

basic CNNs 639, 640

depthwise convolution 640

depthwise separable convolution 641

dilated convolution 640

separable convolution 640

transposed convolution 640

cost functions 13

critic network 419

cross entropy 489

derivative 489, 490

custom graph dataset 554

multiple graphs, in datasets 557-559

single graphs, in datasets 554-556

CycleGAN 340-342

implementing, in TensorFlow 348-356


DALL-E 2 371, 372, 518, 519

Data2Vec model 383

data best practices 564

features and data 565, 566

feature selection 565

data cleansing 447

data generation

diffusion models, using for 358, 359

flow-based models, using for 356-358

data pipelines

building, with TFDS 583-585

data synthesis 447

D-dilated convolution 636

DeBERTa 217

key intuitions 217

decision boundaries 58

decoder pretraining 206

Deep Averaging Network (DAN) 131

deep belief networks (DBNs) 283

DeepCluster 379

deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) 329, 330

for MNIST digits 330-339

Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) 66

ConvNets, in TensorFlow 68

example, LeNet 69

for large-scale image recognition 88, 90

local receptive fields 66

mathematical example 67, 68

pooling layers 68

shared weights and bias 67

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) 418, 419

DeepDream network

creating 625-629

deep learning 3, 41

CIFAR-10 images, recognizing with 78-82

importance 77

Deep Q-Networks (DQNs) 406, 407

for CartPole 407-412

used, for playing Atari game 412- 415

variants 415-418

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL)

success stories 395, 396

Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) algorithms 393

action selection, by agent 394

balance, maintaining between exploration and exploitation 394

highly correlated input state space, dealing with 394, 395

moving targets issues, dealing with 395

policy-based methods 393

value-based methods 393

DeepWalk 123

denoising autoencoders 297

used, for clearing images 298-301

DenseNets 96

dependent variable 44

depthwise convolution 640

depthwise separable convolution 641

derivatives 474

differentiation rules 477

diffusion models

using, for data generation 358, 359

Dilated Causal Convolutions 635

dilated ConvNet 636

dilated convolution 640

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) 434

distributed representations 105, 106

double DQN 416

DQN variants

double DQN 416

dueling DQN 416-418

Rainbow 418


used, for improving net in TensorFlow 19-21

dueling DQN 416-418

dynamic embeddings 129, 130


edge computing 597

Edge TPU 506, 507

Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) 449

eigen decomposition 262

ElasticNet regularization 32


key intuitions 216

Embedding Projector tool 265

data panel 265

inspector panel 266

projections panel 265


creating, with Gensim 110, 111

Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo) 130

embedding space

exploring, with Gensim 111-113

encoder-decoder architecture 200

seq2seq model 172

encoder-decoder pretraining 206

encoder pretraining 206

end-of-sentence (EOS) 174

entity extraction 631

epistemic uncertainty 438

accounting 442, 443

Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) 449

Evolved Transformer 217

key intuitions 217, 218

experience replay method 394

exploration vs exploitation tradeoff 394

Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) 8


Facebook AI Research (FAIR) 129

False Positive Rate (FPR) 458

Fast Attention Via positive Orthogonal Random (FAVOR) 196

fastText 117

feature clustering 378

feature construction 447

feature map

properties 273

feature mapping 448

features 4

feature selection 447

federated core (FC) 599

Federated Learning (FL) 599

architecture 598

issues 598

overview 597, 598

TensorFlow FL APIs 599

FeedForward Network (FFN) 533

FigureQA dataset

reference link 624

FlatBuffers 586

reference link 586

Floating-Point Unit (FPU) 502

flow-based models

using, for data generation 356-358

Frechet Inception Distance (FID) 358, 372

function approximator 49

fuzzy clustering 270


GAN architectures 339

CycleGAN 340-342

InfoGAN 342-344

SRGAN 339, 340

Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) 494

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) 569


reference link 397

General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) 252

components 252

reference link 252

Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) 322, 323, 372

applications 344-348

building, with MNIST in TensorFlow 324-329

Generative Pre-Trained (GPT) model 205

Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT-3) model 365, 517, 518

key intuitions 209

Generative Pretraining (GPT) 133

Genetic Programming (GP) 449


embedding space, exploring with 111-113

installation link 110

used, for creating embeddings 110, 111

Global vectors for word representation (GloVe) 109, 110, 117

download link 110

GLUE 252, 253

Google Cloud AutoML 451

reference link 451

tables solution, using 451-462

text solution, using 463- 466

training cost 470

video solution, using 466-470

Google Colab

playing with 33-35

URL 33


key intuitions 209

gradient descent (GD) 22, 483

gradients 474-476


URL 591


basics 532

convolutions 533, 534

customizations 551

graph classification 541-545

link prediction 545-551

machine learning 532

link prediction 545-551

node classification 537-541

Graph Attention Network (GAT) 535

graph customizations 551

custom layers 551

message-passing mechanism 551-554

Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) 134, 499-500

Graph Isomorphism Network (GIN) 536, 537

graph layers 534

Graph Attention Network (GAT) 535

Graph Convolution Network (GCN) 535

GraphSAGE 536

greedy search 154

grid search 450

gRPC Remote Procedure Calls (gRPC) 509



reference link 523

using, for AutoML 523, 524, 525 522, 523

H2O AutoML 523

H2O model, explain module 526

model correlation 528

Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) 526

variable importance heatmap 527

handwritten digits

baseline, establishing 15, 16

experiments, summarizing 31

net, improving in TensorFlow with dropout 19-21

net, improving in TensorFlow with hidden layers 16-19

neural net, defining in TensorFlow 11-15

number of epochs, increasing 27

number of internal hidden neurons, increasing 28-30

one hot-encoding (OHE) 10

optimizer learning rate, controlling 28

optimizers, testing in TensorFlow 22-27

recognizing 10

reconstructing, with vanilla autoencoders 292-295

simple neural net, defining in TensorFlow 13, 14

size of batch computation, increasing 30

TensorFlow net, running 15, 16

hard clustering 270

hard negatives 374

hard update 395

heterogeneous graphs 560

hidden layers

used, for improving net in TensorFlow 16-19

HighwaysNet 96

Hugging Face 242, 515-517

autotokenization 244

features 242

fine-tuning 248, 249

model, autoselecting with 244

named entity recognition, performing 245

summarization 246, 247

used, for text generation 242-244

using 242

hybrid self-prediction models 370

DALL-E 371, 372

Jukebox 371

VQ-GAN 372

VQ-VAE 371

hyperparameters 38

tuning 38, 39, 448, 449


identity block 96

image classification 592, 593

Image GPT (IPT) AR model 364

Importance Weight Sampling

reference link 566

Inception V3

for transfer learning 93-95

independent and dependent variables in Machine Learning

reference link 44

independent variable 44

InfoGAN 342, 343

InfoNCE loss 375

Information Retrieval (IR) 104

innate relationship prediction 369

jigsaw puzzles, solving 370

relative position 369

rotation 370

input features 4

instance transformation 376

Barlow Twins model 377, 378

Bootstrap Your Own Latent (BYOL) model 378

DeepCluster 379

feature clustering 378

InterCLR model 379, 380

SimCLR model 376

SWapping Assignments between multiple Views (SwAV) model 379

InterCLR model 379, 380

Internet of Things (IoT) 506

Item2Vec embedding model 122


Jacobian matrix 494

Java Caffe

URL 88

jigsaw puzzles

solving 370

Jukebox 371


Kaggle VQA challenge

reference link 624

Keras 3

Keras applications 98, 621

Keras initializer, 5

Keras MNIST TPU, end-to-end training 510

kernel 66

k-means clustering 266

implementing, in TensorFlow 268-270

variations 270, 271

working 266

Kohonen networks 271

Kullback-Leiber (KL) divergence 296


L1 regularization 32

L2 regularization 32

label smoothing 326

LaMDA 219

key intuitions 219, 220

language model-based embedding 132, 133

Language Modeling (LM) 207


latent loss 315

Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) 104

latent space 315

leaderboard 523

LeakyReLU 9

learning rate 22

learning with a critic 390

left singular matrix 262

LeNet 69

defining, in TF 70-77

lifted structured loss 375

linear regression 44

multiple linear regression 48

multivariate linear regression 49

neural networks 49

simple linear regression 45-47

used, for prediction 44

logistic regression 59

applying, on MNIST dataset 60-64

reference link 60

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 130, 194, 494

loss functions 13, 373

reference link 13

loss minimization 13

LSTM-based autoencoder

building, to generate sentence vectors 306-314


Machine Learning (ML) 532

Magenta 638

Magenta NSynth 637


reference link 397

many-to-many topology

POS tagging 163-172

many-to-one topology

sentiment analysis 157-163

Markov Decision Process (MDP) 393

Markov property 392

Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation (MADE) 358

masked generation models 366

Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) 366, 367

colorization 369

context autoencoder 367, 368

stacked denoising autoencoder (AE) 367

Masked Language Modeling (MLM) 207, 366

mathematical tools

chain rule 477

derivatives and gradients 474-476

differentiation rules 477

gradient descent 476

matrix operations 478

vectors 474

matrix factorization 109

matrix operations 478

max pooling operator 68

Mean Opinion Score (MOS) 635

mean squared error (MSE) 288

message function 551

message-passing mechanism 535-554

Message Passing Neural Network (MPNN) 551

method of least squares 45

metrics 14

reference link 13, 14

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (MBGD) 491


reference link 257


used, for building GAN in TensorFlow 324-329

MNIST dataset

logistic regression, applying 60-64

PCA, implementing on 262-264

mobile neural architecture search (MNAS) 593

mobile optimized interpreter 586

model best practices

AutoML 570

baseline model 569

evaluation and validation 570

improvements 571, 572

model evaluation and validation

model deltas, using 570

patterns, searching in measured errors 571

unseen data, testing 571

user experience techniques 570

utilitarian power 570

model evaluation approaches

few-shot learning 210

one-shot learning 210

zero-shot learning 210

model-free reinforcement learning 392

model generation 448

model improvements

data drift 571

training-serving skew 571, 572

model of the environment 392

mse, objective functions 13

multi-head (self-)attention 198

multi-layer perceptron (MLP) 5, 288

activation functions 9

example 5

Exponential Linear Unit (ELU) 8

LeakyReLU 9

perceptron and solution, training problems 6

ReLU activation function 7

sigmoid activation function 7

tanh activation function 7

multimodal models 381

CLIP 381, 382

CodeSearchNet 383

Data2Vec 383

multiple linear regression 48

exploring, with TensorFlow Keras API 53-58

multiplicative( Luong's) attention 183, 184

Multitask Unified Model (MUM) 216

reference link 216

multivariate linear regression 49

exploring, with TensorFlow Keras API 53-58

multivariate normal distribution 433, 434

multiview coding 380

Augmented Multiscale Deep InfoMax (AMDIM) 380

Contrastive Multiview Coding (CMC) 381

MuseNet 638, 639

reference link 638




Named Entity Recognition (NER) 245

Natural Language Generation (NLG) 205

Natural Language Processing (NLP) 104, 150, 563

negative sampling 108


inspections, performing 629, 630

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) 217

neural embeddings 122

Item2Vec 122

node2vec 123-128

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) 195

neural networks 3, 10

defining, in TensorFlow 11, 12

for linear regression 49

neurons 3

Next Sentence Prediction (NSP) 366

NLP-progress 255

reference link 255

node2vec embedding model 123-128


TensorFlow.js, using with 610

nodes 532

Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) loss 375

Non-linear Independent Components Estimation (NICE) 358

normal distribution 431

multivariate normal distribution 433, 434

univariate normal distribution 431-433


batch normalization 33

N-pair loss 374

NSynth 637


objective function 13

one-dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (1D CNN) 118

one hot-encoding (OHE) 10

one-to-many topology

text generation 150-156

OpenAI 517

OpenAI Codex 519, 520

OpenAI DALL-E 2 518, 519

OpenAI GPT-3 API 517

examples, reference link 36

reference link 517

tasks 518

OpenAI Gym 397-401

random agent, playing Breakout game 401-403

supported environments 398

wrappers 403-405

Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) 522

optimizer learning rate

controlling 28

optimizers 12

reference link 13

testing, in TensorFlow 22- 27

Optim Module 522

out of vocabulary (OOV) 308


predicting 39

overfitting 31


paragraph embedding 131, 132

Paragraph Vectors - Distributed Bag of Words (PV-DBOW) 132

Paragraph Vectors - Distributed Memory (PV-DM) 132

parametric TTS 635

paraphrase database (PPDB) 117

Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) 526

Part-of-Speech (POS) 150

analysis 631

tagging 163-172

Pathways Language Model (PaLM) 223

peephole LSTM 147

perceptron 3, 4

Permuted Language Modeling (PLM) 207

Pixel Neural Core 506

PixelRNN AR model 364

policy 392

pooling layers 68

average pooling 69

max pooling 68

reference link 69

positional encoding 195

posterior probabilities 437

pre-built deep learning models

recycling, for feature extraction 91, 92

precision 13

prediction 58

linear regression, using with 44

pretext tasks 384

pretrained models 570

pretrained models, TensorFlow Lite 591, 592

audio speech synthesis 591

image classification 591, 592

large language models 596

mobile GPUs 596

object detection 591, 594

pose estimation 594

question and answer 591

segmentation 594

segmentations 591

smart reply 594

style transfer 594

style transfers 591

text classification 591, 595

text embedding 591

pretrained TPU models

using 511-513

pretraining 132, 206, 384

decoder pretraining 206

encoder-decoder pretraining 206

encoder pretraining 206

principal component analysis (PCA) 261, 288

implementing, on MNIST dataset 262-264

probabilistic neural networks

for aleatory uncertainty 441, 442

using, for aleatory uncertainty 440

prompt engineering 365

PyTorch 520

modules 520


PyTorch, modules

Autograd Module 521

NN Module 520

Optim Module 522


quantization 585

post-training quantization 585

quantization-aware training 586


Rainbow 418

random search 450

ReAding Comprehension dataset from Examinations (RACE) 255

Real-valued Non-Volume Preserving (RealNVP) 357

recall 13

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) 194, 362, 364 533

reduce function 551

Reformer model 210

key intuitions 210

Region-based CNN (R-CNN) 617

Region Of Interest (ROI) 617

Region Proposal Network (RPN) 618

regression 43, 44

regression model

building, with TensorFlow 439, 440

regression task

versus classification task 58


adopting, to avoid overfitting 31, 32

used, in machine learning 32


reference link 33

reinforcement learning (RL) 389, 390

goal 389

interaction, with environment 389

simulation environments 396

trial and error 389

relative position prediction 369

ReLU (REctified Linear Unit) 7

derivative 479

LeakyReLU 9

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) 509

residual block 96

residual networks 95


reference link 461

Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) 278, 362

backward pass operation 278

deep belief networks (DBNs) 283

forward pass operation 278

hidden layer 278

images, reconstructing with 279-283

visible layer 278

Retrieval Database (DB) 222

Retrieval-Enhanced Transformer (RETRO) 222

key intuitions 222

return 392

reward 391

Ridge 32

right singular matrix 262

RNN cell 140-142

backpropagation through time (BPTT) 142, 143

gradients, exploding 144

gradients, vanishing 143

RNN cell variants 144

gated recurrent unit (GRU) 146

long short-term memory (LSTM) 144-146

peephole LSTM 147

RNN topologies 149, 150

many-to-many topology 163-171

many-to-one topology 157-163

RNN variants 147

bidirectional RNNs 147, 148

stateful RNNs 148

RoBERTa 213

key intuitions 213

Robot Operating System (ROS) 397


using, as self-supervision signal 370

RotNet model 370


SavedModel 587

scaled dot-product attention 184

Scheduled Sampling 178

scikit-learn 114

reference link 114

self-attention mechanism 198

Self-Driving Car (SDC) 391

self-organizing maps (SOMs) 271, 272

implementing 272, 273

used, for color mapping 273- 278

self-prediction 363

autoregressive (AR) generation 364

hybrid self-prediction models 370

innate relationship prediction 369

masked generation models 366

self-supervised learning 363

advantages 363

semi-supervised learning 287

Sensibleness, Specificity, and Interestingness (SSI) 220

sentence embedding 131, 132

sentiment analysis 36-38, 631

AutoML, tuning 38, 39

hyperparameters, tuning 38, 39

separable convolution 640

seq2seq model 172

example 173-182

using, with Attention mechanism for machine translation 184-189

Sequential() model 4

shallow neural networks 278

Short Message Service (SMS) 114

sigmoid function 7

derivative 479

SimCLR model 376

simple linear regression 45-47

building, with TensorFlow Keras 49-53

simulation environments, for RL

Blender learning environment 397

Gazebo 397

Malmo 397

OpenAI Gym 397

Unity ML-Agents SDK 397

Single Shot Detectors (SSD) 619

singular value decomposition (SVD) 262

Skip-Gram with Negative Sampling (SGNS) model 109

skip-thought vectors 131

soft clustering 270

soft nearest neighbors loss 376

soft update 395

spam detection 114, 122, 631

SparkFun Edge

reference link 587

sparse autoencoder 295-297

stacked autoencoder 301

stacked denoising autoencoder (AE) 367

Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) 254

state 391

stateful RNNs 148

state-value function 392

static embeddings 106

GloVe 109, 110

Word2Vec 106-109

STM32F746 Discovery kit

reference link 587

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) 14, 23, 109, 473, 491

StructBERT 214

key intuitions 214, 215

style transfer 99, 100

content distance 100

style distance 101

subword embedding 128, 129

sum of squared error (SSE) distance 269

SuperGLUE 253, 254

Super Resolution GANs (SRGANs) 339, 340

supervised learning 10

support-vector machines (SVMs)

reference link 617

SWapping Assignments between multiple Views (SwAV) model 379

Switch Transformer 221

key intuitions 222

synthetic dataset

creating 438, 439


tanh function 7

derivative 479


pretraining 207

Teacher Forcing 178

techniques, for augmenting speech data

Frequency Masking 568

Time Masking 568

time warping 568

techniques, for augmenting textual data

back translation 567

synonym replacement 567

Temporal Graphs 560, 561

TensorFlow (TF) 495

ConvNets 68

CycleGAN, implementing 348-356

features 2

GAN, building with MNIST 324-329

used, for building regression model 439, 440

TensorFlow Datasets (TFDS) 580

data pipelines, building with 583-585

TensorFlow Embedding API 264-266

TensorFlow Federated (TTF)

datasets 600

Federated core (FC) 599

Federated learning (FL) 599

TensorFlow FL APIs

builders 600

models 599

TensorFlow Hub 576, 621

pretrained models, using for inference 577- 580

reference link 621

TensorFlow.js 600

models, converting 607

pretrained models 607, 609

using, with Node.js 610

Vanilla TensorFlow.js 600-606

TensorFlow Keras

used, for building simple linear regression 49-53

used, for exploring multiple linear regression 53-58

used, for exploring multivariate linear regression 53-58

TensorFlow Keras layers

custom layers, defining 290, 291

TensorFlow Lite 585

architecture 587

example 588, 589, 591

FlatBuffers 586

GPUs and accelerators, using 589

mobile converter 586

mobile optimized interpreter 586

pretrained models 591

quantization 585

supported platforms 587

using 588

TensorFlow Probability (TFP) 423-427

distributions 427

used, for handling uncertainty in predictions 437

TensorFlow Probability (TFP) distributions 427

coin-flip example 428

normal distribution 431

using 428

Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) 134, 500

availability, checking 509, 510

Edge TPU 506, 507

first generation 501-503

fourth generation 506

generations 501

performance 507, 508

second generation 504

third generation 505, 506

using, with Colab 509

Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) 104

Text-to-Speech (TTS) 635

Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5)

key intuitions 215

textual data

augmenting 567, 568

TFDS dataset

loading 581, 582, 583

TFHub 250

reference link 250

using 250, 251

tf.Keras built-in VGG16 net module

utilizing 90, 91


reference link 11

TFLite Converter 587

TFLite FlatBuffer 587

TFLite interpreter 587

thought vector 131

topic categorization 631

training objectives, CL models 373

contrastive loss 374

InfoNCE loss 375

lifted structured loss 375

Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) loss 375

N-pair loss 374

soft nearest neighbors loss 376

triplet loss 374

transfer learning

Inception V3 93-95

transformer categories

decoder or autoregressive 205

encoder or autoencoding 205

multimodal 205

retrieval 205

seq2seq 205


architecture 194-204

architectures 204

attention mechanism 205

best practices 258, 259

categories 204

cost of serving 257

evaluating 252

future 259

implementations 223

normalization layer 200

optimization 257

pitfalls 259

quality, measuring 252

reference implementation 224-242

residual layers 200

size, measuring 256, 257

training, via semi-supervised learning 204

transformers optimization 257

knowledge distillation 258

quantization 257

weight pruning 257

Transformer-XL 212

key intuitions 212

transposed convolution 640

triplet loss 374

True Positive Rate (TPR) 458


UCI ML repository

reference link 53

uncertainty, in predictions

aleatory uncertainty 438

epistemic uncertainty 438

handling, with TensorFlow Probability 437

synthetic dataset, creating 438, 439

underfitting 32


reference link 615

univariate normal distribution 431-433

Universal Language Model Fine-Tuning (ULMFiT) model 133

update function 551


value function 392

vanilla autoencoders 289, 290

handwritten digits, reconstructing with 292-295

TensorFlow Keras layers 290, 291

Vanilla TensorFlow.js 600-606

variational autoencoders 314-319, 371

vectorization 104

Vector Processing Unit (VPU) 504

Vector Quantized Variational AutoEncoder (VQ-VAE) 371

vectors 474

Vertex AI 451

VGG16 net

cats, recognizing with 90


classifying, with pretrained nets 630

vision transformers (ViTs) 259

Visual Question Answering (VQA) 622-625

reference link 622

URL 622

vocabulary 158

VQ-GAN 372


WaveNet 366, 636, 637

reference link 637

WaveRNN 366

weight pruning

reference link 258

Winner-Take-All Units (WTUs) 271

Word2Vec 106-109, 117

algorithm 384

CBOW architecture 107, 108

reference link 109

skip-gram architecture 107, 108

word embedding, used for spam detection 114

data, obtaining 115

data, processing 115, 116

embedding matrix, building 117, 118

model, evaluating 120

model, training 120

spam classifier, defining 118

spam detector, running 121, 122

wrappers 403


Xception 97-99

XLNet 213, 365

key intuitions 213


You Only Look Once (YOLO)

reference link 619

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