Recommended Approach to Developer Testing

A systematic approach to developer testing maximizes your ability to detect errors of all kinds with a minimum of effort. Be sure to cover this ground:

  • Test for each relevant requirement to make sure that the requirements have been implemented. Plan the test cases for this step at the requirements stage or as early as possible—preferably before you begin writing the unit to be tested. Consider testing for common omissions in requirements. The level of security, storage, the installation procedure, and system reliability are all fair game for testing and are often overlooked at requirements time.

  • Test for each relevant design concern to make sure that the design has been implemented. Plan the test cases for this step at the design stage or as early as possible— before you begin the detailed coding of the routine or class to be tested.

  • Use "basis testing" to add detailed test cases to those that test the requirements and the design. Add data-flow tests, and then add the remaining test cases needed to thoroughly exercise the code. At a minimum, you should test every line of code. Basis testing and data-flow testing are described later in this chapter.

  • Use a checklist of the kinds of errors you've made on the project to date or have made on previous projects.

Design the test cases along with the product. This can help avoid errors in requirements and design, which tend to be more expensive than coding errors. Plan to test and find defects as early as possible because it's cheaper to fix defects early.

Test First or Test Last?

Developers sometimes wonder whether it's better to write test cases after the code has been written or beforehand (Beck 2003). The defect-cost increase graph—see Figure 3-1—suggests that writing test cases first will minimize the amount of time between when a defect is inserted into the code and when the defect is detected and removed. This turns out to be one of many reasons to write test cases first:

  • Writing test cases before writing the code doesn't take any more effort than writing test cases after the code; it simply resequences the test-case-writing activity.

  • When you write test cases first, you detect defects earlier and you can correct them more easily.

  • Writing test cases first forces you to think at least a little bit about the requirements and design before writing code, which tends to produce better code.

  • Writing test cases first exposes requirements problems sooner, before the code is written, because it's hard to write a test case for a poor requirement.

  • If you save your test cases, which you should do, you can still test last, in addition to testing first.

All in all, I think test-first programming is one of the most beneficial software practices to emerge during the past decade and is a good general approach. But it isn't a testing panacea, because it's subject to the general limitations of developer testing, which are described next.

Limitations of Developer Testing

Watch for the following limitations with developer testing:

Developer tests tend to be "clean tests". Developers tend to test for whether the code works (clean tests) rather than test for all the ways the code breaks (dirty tests). Immature testing organizations tend to have about five clean tests for every dirty test. Mature testing organizations tend to have five dirty tests for every clean test. This ratio is not reversed by reducing the clean tests; it's done by creating 25 times as many dirty tests (Boris Beizer in Johnson 1994).

Developer tests tend to be "clean tests"

Developer testing tends to have an optimistic view of test coverage. Average programmers believe they are achieving 95 percent test coverage, but they're typically achieving more like 80 percent test coverage in the best case, 30 percent in the worst case, and more like 50-60 percent in the average case (Boris Beizer in Johnson 1994).

Developer testing tends to skip more sophisticated kinds of test coverage. Most developers view the kind of test coverage known as "100% statement coverage" as adequate. This is a good start, but it's hardly sufficient. A better coverage standard is to meet what's called "100% branch coverage," with every predicate term being tested for at least one true and one false value. Bag of Testing Tricks, provides more details about how to accomplish this.

None of these points reduce the value of developer testing, but they do help put developer testing into proper perspective. As valuable as developer testing is, it isn't sufficient to provide adequate quality assurance on its own and should be supplemented with other practices, including independent testing and collaborative construction techniques.

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