Bag of Testing Tricks

Why isn't it possible to prove that a program is correct by testing it? To use testing to prove that a program works, you'd have to test every conceivable input value to the program and every conceivable combination of input values. Even for simple programs, such an undertaking would become massively prohibitive. Suppose, for example, that you have a program that takes a name, an address, and a phone number and stores them in a file. This is certainly a simple program, much simpler than any whose correctness you'd really be worried about. Suppose further that each of the possible names and addresses is 20 characters long and that there are 26 possible characters to be used in them. This would be the number of possible inputs:


2620 (20 characters, each with 26 possible choices)


2620 (20 characters, each with 26 possible choices)

Phone Number

1010 (10 digits, each with 10 possible choices)

Total Possibilities

= 2620 * 2620 * 1010 ≈ 1066

Even with this relatively small amount of input, you have one-with-66-zeros possible test cases. To put this in perspective, if Noah had gotten off the ark and started testing this program at the rate of a trillion test cases per second, he would be far less than 1 percent of the way done today. Obviously, if you added a more realistic amount of data, the task of exhaustively testing all possibilities would become even more impossible.

Incomplete Testing

Since exhaustive testing is impossible, practically speaking, the art of testing is that of picking the test cases most likely to find errors. Of the 1066 possible test cases, only a few are likely to disclose errors that the others don't. You need to concentrate on picking a few that tell you different things rather than a set that tells you the same thing over and over.


One way of telling whether you've covered all the code is to use a coverage monitor. For details, see "Coverage Monitors" in Test-Support Tools, later in this chapter.

When you're planning tests, eliminate those that don't tell you anything new—that is, tests on new data that probably won't produce an error if other, similar data didn't produce an error. Various people have proposed various methods of covering the bases efficiently, and several of these methods are discussed in the following sections.

Structured Basis Testing

In spite of the hairy name, structured basis testing is a fairly simple concept. The idea is that you need to test each statement in a program at least once. If the statement is a logical statement—an if or a while, for example—you need to vary the testing according to how complicated the expression inside the if or while is to make sure that the statement is fully tested. The easiest way to make sure that you've gotten all the bases covered is to calculate the number of paths through the program and then develop the minimum number of test cases that will exercise every path through the program.

You might have heard of "code coverage" testing or "logic coverage" testing. They are approaches in which you test all the paths through a program. Since they cover all paths, they're similar to structured basis testing, but they don't include the idea of covering all paths with a minimal set of test cases. If you use code coverage or logic coverage testing, you might create many more test cases than you would need to cover the same logic with structured basis testing.


This procedure is similar to the one for measuring complexity in "How to Measure Complexity" in Control Structures and Complexity.

You can compute the minimum number of cases needed for basis testing in this straightforward way:

  1. Start with 1 for the straight path through the routine.

  2. Add 1 for each of the following keywords, or their equivalents: if, while, repeat, for, and, and or.

  3. Add 1 for each case in a case statement. If the case statement doesn't have a default case, add 1 more.

Here's an example:

Example 22-1. Simple Example of Computing the Number of Paths Through a Java Program

Statement1;       <-- 1
if ( x < 10 ) {       <-- 2

(1)Count "1" for the routine itself.

(2)Count "2" for the if.

In this instance, you start with one and count the if once to make a total of two. That means that you need to have at least two test cases to cover all the paths through the program. In this example, you'd need to have the following test cases:

  • Statements controlled by if are executed (x < 10).

  • Statements controlled by if aren't executed (x >= 10).

The sample code needs to be a little more realistic to give you an accurate idea of how this kind of testing works. Realism in this case includes code containing defects.

image with no caption

The following listing is a slightly more complicated example. This piece of code is used throughout the chapter and contains a few possible errors.

Example 22-2. Example of Computing the Number of Cases Needed for Basis Testing of a Java Program

1  // Compute Net Pay       <-- 1
2  totalWithholdings = 0;
4  for ( id = 0; id < numEmployees; id++ ) {       <-- 2
6     // compute social security withholding, if below the maximum
7     if ( m_employee[ id ].governmentRetirementWithheld < MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT ) {       <-- 3
8          governmentRetirement = ComputeGovernmentRetirement( m_employee[ id ] );
9     }
11    // set default to no retirement contribution
12    companyRetirement = 0;
14    // determine discretionary employee retirement contribution
15    if ( m_employee[ id ].WantsRetirement &&       <-- 4
16       EligibleForRetirement( m_employee[ id ] ) ) {
17       companyRetirement = GetRetirement( m_employee[ id ] );
18    }
20    grossPay = ComputeGrossPay ( m_employee[ id ] );
22    // determine IRA contribution
23    personalRetirement = 0;
24    if ( EligibleForPersonalRetirement( m_employee[ id ] ) ) {       <-- 5
25       personalRetirement = PersonalRetirementContribution( m_employee[ id ],
26          companyRetirement, grossPay );
27    }
29    // make weekly paycheck
30    withholding = ComputeWithholding( m_employee[ id ] );
31    netPay = grossPay - withholding - companyRetirement - governmentRetirement -
32       personalRetirement;
33    PayEmployee( m_employee[ id ], netPay );
35    // add this employee's paycheck to total for accounting
36    totalWithholdings = totalWithholdings + withholding;
37    totalGovernmentRetirement = totalGovernmentRetirement + governmentRetirement;
38    totalRetirement = totalRetirement + companyRetirement;
39 }
41 SavePayRecords( totalWithholdings, totalGovernmentRetirement, totalRetirement );

(1)Count "1" for the routine itself.

(2)Count "2" for the for.

(3)Count "3" for the if.

(4)Count "4" for the if and "5" for the &&.

(5)Count "6" for the if.

In this example, you'll need one initial test case plus one for each of the five keywords, for a total of six. That doesn't mean that any six test cases will cover all the bases. It means that, at a minimum, six cases are required. Unless the cases are constructed carefully, they almost surely won't cover all the bases. The trick is to pay attention to the same keywords you used when counting the number of cases needed. Each keyword in the code represents something that can be either true or false; make sure you have at least one test case for each true and at least one for each false.

Here is a set of test cases that covers all the bases in this example:


Test Description

Test Data

Note: This table will be extended with additional test cases throughout the chapter.


Nominal case

All boolean conditions are true


The initial for condition is false

numEmployees < 1


The first if is false

m_employee[ id ].governmentRetirementWith-held >=MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT


The second if is false because the first part of the and is false

not m_employee[ id ].WantsRetirement


The second if is false because the second part of the and is false

not EligibleForRetirement( m_employee[id] )


The third if is false

not EligibleForPersonalRetirement( m_employee[ id ] )

If the routine were much more complicated than this, the number of test cases you'd have to use just to cover all the paths would increase pretty quickly. Shorter routines tend to have fewer paths to test. Boolean expressions without a lot of ands and ors have fewer variations to test. Ease of testing is another good reason to keep your routines short and your boolean expressions simple.

Now that you've created six test cases for the routine and satisfied the demands of structured basis testing, can you consider the routine to be fully tested? Probably not.

This kind of testing assures you only that all of the code will be executed. It does not account for variations in data.

Data-Flow Testing

Considering the last section and this one together gives you another example illustrating that control flow and data flow are equally important in computer programming.

Data-flow testing is based on the idea that data usage is at least as error-prone as control flow. Boris Beizer claims that at least half of all code consists of data declarations and initializations (Beizer 1990).

Data can exist in one of three states:

  • Defined The data has been initialized, but it hasn't been used yet.

  • Used The data has been used for computation, as an argument to a routine, or for something else.

  • Killed The data was once defined, but it has been undefined in some way. For example, if the data is a pointer, perhaps the pointer has been freed. If it's a forloop index, perhaps the program is out of the loop and the programming language doesn't define the value of a for-loop index once it's outside the loop. If it's a pointer to a record in a file, maybe the file has been closed and the record pointer is no longer valid.

In addition to having the terms "defined," "used," and "killed," it's convenient to have terms that describe entering or exiting a routine immediately before or after doing something to a variable:

  • Entered The control flow enters the routine immediately before the variable is acted upon. A working variable is initialized at the top of a routine, for example.

  • Exited The control flow leaves the routine immediately after the variable is acted upon. A return value is assigned to a status variable at the end of a routine, for example.

Combinations of Data States

The normal combination of data states is that a variable is defined, used one or more times, and perhaps killed. View the following patterns suspiciously:

  • Defined-Defined If you have to define a variable twice before the value sticks, you don't need a better program, you need a better computer! It's wasteful and error-prone, even if not actually wrong.

  • Defined-Exited If the variable is a local variable, it doesn't make sense to define it and exit without using it. If it's a routine parameter or a global variable, it might be all right.

  • Defined-Killed Defining a variable and then killing it suggests that either the variable is extraneous or the code that was supposed to use the variable is missing.

  • Entered-Killed This is a problem if the variable is a local variable. It wouldn't need to be killed if it hasn't been defined or used. If, on the other hand, it's a routine parameter or a global variable, this pattern is all right as long as the variable is defined somewhere else before it's killed.

  • Entered-Used Again, this is a problem if the variable is a local variable. The variable needs to be defined before it's used. If, on the other hand, it's a routine parameter or a global variable, the pattern is all right if the variable is defined somewhere else before it's used.

  • Killed-Killed A variable shouldn't need to be killed twice. Variables don't come back to life. A resurrected variable indicates sloppy programming. Double kills are also fatal for pointers—one of the best ways to hang your machine is to kill (free) a pointer twice.

  • Killed-Used Using a variable after it has been killed is a logical error. If the code seems to work anyway (for example, a pointer that still points to memory that's been freed), that's an accident, and Murphy's Law says that the code will stop working at the time when it will cause the most mayhem.

  • Used-Defined Using and then defining a variable might or might not be a problem, depending on whether the variable was also defined before it was used. Certainly if you see a used-defined pattern, it's worthwhile to check for a previous definition.

Check for these anomalous sequences of data states before testing begins. After you've checked for the anomalous sequences, the key to writing data-flow test cases is to exercise all possible defined-used paths. You can do this to various degrees of thoroughness, including

  • All definitions. Test every definition of every variable—that is, every place at which any variable receives a value. This is a weak strategy because if you try to exercise every line of code, you'll do this by default.

  • All defined-used combinations. Test every combination of defining a variable in one place and using it in another. This is a stronger strategy than testing all definitions because merely executing every line of code does not guarantee that every defined-used combination will be tested.

Here's an example:

Example 22-3. Java Example of a Program Whose Data Flow Is to Be Tested

if ( Condition 1 ) {
   x = a;
else {
   x = b;
if ( Condition 2 ) {
   y = x + 1;
else {
   y = x - 1;

To cover every path in the program, you need one test case in which Condition 1 is true and one in which it's false. You also need a test case in which Condition 2 is true and one in which it's false. This can be handled by two test cases: Case 1 (Condition 1=True, Condition 2=True) and Case 2 (Condition 1=False, Condition 2=False). Those two cases are all you need for structured basis testing. They're also all you need to exercise every line of code that defines a variable; they give you the weak form of data-flow testing automatically.

To cover every defined-used combination, however, you need to add a few more cases. Right now you have the cases created by having Condition 1 and Condition 2 true at the same time and Condition 1 and Condition 2 false at the same time:

x = a
y = x + 1


x = b
y = x - 1

But you need two more cases to test every defined-used combination: (1) x = a and then y = x - 1 and (2) x = b and then y = x + 1. In this example, you can get these combinations by adding two more cases: Case 3 (Condition 1=True, Condition 2=False) and Case 4 (Condition 1=False, Condition 2=True).

A good way to develop test cases is to start with structured basis testing, which gives you some if not all of the defined-used data flows. Then add the cases you still need to have a complete set of defined-used data-flow test cases.

As discussed in the previous section, structured basis testing provided six test cases for the routine beginning in Minimizing the Work Inside Loops. Data-flow testing of each defined-used pair requires several more test cases, some of which are covered by existing test cases and some of which aren't. Here are all the data-flow combinations that add test cases beyond the ones generated by structured basis testing:


Test Description


Define companyRetirement in line 12, and use it first in line 26.


This isn't necessarily covered by any of the previous test cases.


Define companyRetirement in line 12, and use it first in line 31.


This isn't necessarily covered by any of the previous test cases.


Define companyRetirement in line 17, and use it first in line 31.


This isn't necessarily covered by any of the previous test cases.

Once you run through the process of listing data-flow test cases a few times, you'll get a sense of which cases are fruitful and which are already covered. When you get stuck, list all the defined-used combinations. That might seem like a lot of work, but it's guaranteed to show you any cases that you didn't test for free in the basis-testing approach.

Equivalence Partitioning

A good test case covers a large part of the possible input data. If two test cases flush out exactly the same errors, you need only one of them. The concept of "equivalence partitioning" is a formalization of this idea and helps reduce the number of test cases required.


Equivalence partitioning is discussed in far more depth in the books listed in the "Additional Resources" section at the end of this chapter.

In the listing beginning in Minimizing the Work Inside Loops, line 7 is a good place to use equivalence partitioning. The condition to be tested is m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld < MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT. This case has two equivalence classes: the class in which m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld is less than MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT and the class in which it's greater than or equal to MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT. Other parts of the program might have other related equivalence classes that imply that you need to test more than two possible values of m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld, but as far as this part of the program is concerned, only two are needed.

Thinking about equivalence partitioning won't give you a lot of new insight into a program when you have already covered the program with basis and data-flow testing. It's especially helpful, however, when you're looking at a program from the outside (from a specification rather than the source code) or when the data is complicated and the complications aren't all reflected in the program's logic.

Error Guessing

In addition to the formal test techniques, good programmers use a variety of less formal, heuristic techniques to expose errors in their code. One heuristic is the technique of error guessing. The term "error guessing" is a lowbrow name for a sensible concept. It means creating test cases based upon guesses about where the program might have errors, although it implies a certain amount of sophistication in the guessing.


For details on heuristics, see How to Use Software Metaphors.

You can base guesses on intuition or on past experience. Chapter 21, points out that one virtue of inspections is that they produce and maintain a list of common errors. The list is used to check new code. When you keep records of the kinds of errors you've made before, you improve the likelihood that your "error guess" will discover an error.

The next few sections describe specific kinds of errors that lend themselves to error guessing.

Boundary Analysis

One of the most fruitful areas for testing is boundary conditions—off-by-one errors. Saying num – 1 when you mean num and saying >= when you mean > are common mistakes.

The idea of boundary analysis is to write test cases that exercise the boundary conditions. Pictorially, if you're testing for a range of values that are less than max, you have three possible conditions:

image with no caption

As shown, there are three boundary cases: just less than max, max itself, and just greater than max. It takes three cases to ensure that none of the common mistakes has been made.

The code sample in Minimizing the Work Inside Loops contains a check for m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld < MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT. According to the principles of boundary analysis, three cases should be examined:


Test Description


Case 1 is defined so that the true condition for m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld < MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT is the first case on the true side of the boundary. Thus, the Case 1 test case sets m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld to MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT – 1. This test case was already generated.


Case 3 is defined so that the false condition for m_employee[ ID ]. governmentRetirementWithheld < MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT is on the false side of the boundary. Thus, the Case 3 test case sets m_employee[ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld to MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT + 1. This test case was also already generated.


An additional test case is added for the case directly on the boundary in which m_employee [ ID ].governmentRetirementWithheld = MAX_GOVT_RETIREMENT.

Compound Boundaries

Boundary analysis also applies to minimum and maximum allowable values. In this example, it might be minimum or maximum grossPay, companyRetirement, or PersonalRetirementContribution, but because calculations of those values are outside the scope of the routine, test cases for them aren't discussed further here.

A more subtle kind of boundary condition occurs when the boundary involves a combination of variables. For example, if two variables are multiplied together, what happens when both are large positive numbers? Large negative numbers? 0? What if all the strings passed to a routine are uncommonly long?

In the running example, you might want to see what happens to the variables totalWithholdings, totalGovernmentRetirement, and totalRetirement when every member of a large group of employees has a large salary—say, a group of programmers at $250,000 each. (We can always hope!) This calls for another test case:


Test Description


A large group of employees, each of whom has a large salary (what constitutes "large" depends on the specific system being developed)—for the sake of example, we'll say 1000 employees, each with a salary of $250,000, none of whom have had any social security tax withheld and all of whom want retirement withholding.

A test case in the same vein but on the opposite side of the looking glass would be a small group of employees, each of whom has a salary of $0.00:


Test Description


A group of 10 employees, each of whom has a salary of $0.00.

Classes of Bad Data

Aside from guessing that errors show up around boundary conditions, you can guess about and test for several other classes of bad data. Typical bad-data test cases include

  • Too little data (or no data)

  • Too much data

  • The wrong kind of data (invalid data)

  • The wrong size of data

  • Uninitialized data

Some of the test cases you would think of if you followed these suggestions have already been covered. For example, "too little data" is covered by Cases 2 and 12, and it's hard to come up with anything for "wrong size of data." Classes of bad data nonetheless gives rise to a few more cases:


Test Description


An array of 100,000,000 employees. Tests for too much data. Of course, how much is too much would vary from system to system, but for the sake of the example, assume that this is far too much.


A negative salary. Wrong kind of data.


A negative number of employees. Wrong kind of data.

Classes of Good Data

When you try to find errors in a program, it's easy to overlook the fact that the nominal case might contain an error. Usually the nominal cases described in the basis-testing section represent one kind of good data. Following are other kinds of good data that are worth checking. Checking each of these kinds of data can reveal errors, depending on the item being tested.

  • Nominal cases—middle-of-the-road, expected values

  • Minimum normal configuration

  • Maximum normal configuration

  • Compatibility with old data

The minimum normal configuration is useful for testing not just one item, but a group of items. It's similar in spirit to the boundary condition of many minimal values, but it's different in that it creates the set of minimum values out of the set of what is normally expected. One example would be to save an empty spreadsheet when testing a spreadsheet. For testing a word processor, it would be saving an empty document. In the case of the running example, testing the minimum normal configuration would add the following test case:


Test Description


A group of one employee. To test the minimum normal configuration.

The maximum normal configuration is the opposite of the minimum. It's similar in spirit to boundary testing, but again, it creates a set of maximum values out of the set of expected values. An example of this would be saving a spreadsheet that's as large as the "maximum spreadsheet size" advertised on the product's packaging. Or printing the maximum-size spreadsheet. For a word processor, it would be saving a document of the largest recommended size. In the case of the running example, testing the maximum normal configuration depends on the maximum normal number of employees. Assuming it's 500, you would add the following test case:


Test Description


A group of 500 employees. To test the maximum normal configuration.

The last kind of normal data testing—testing for compatibility with old data—comes into play when the program or routine is a replacement for an older program or routine. The new routine should produce the same results with old data that the old routine did, except in cases in which the old routine was defective. This kind of continuity between versions is the basis for regression testing, the purpose of which is to ensure that corrections and enhancements maintain previous levels of quality without backsliding. In the case of the running example, the compatibility criterion wouldn't add any test cases.

Use Test Cases That Make Hand-Checks Convenient

Let's suppose you're writing a test case for a nominal salary; you need a nominal salary, and the way you get one is to type in whatever numbers your hands land on. I'll try it:


OK. That's a pretty high salary, a little over a trillion dollars, in fact, but if I trim it so that it's somewhat realistic, I get $90,783.82.

Now, further suppose that the test case succeeds—that is, it finds an error. How do you know that it's found an error? Well, presumably, you know what the answer is and what it should be because you calculated the correct answer by hand. When you try to do hand-calculations with an ugly number like $90,783.82, however, you're as likely to make an error in the hand-calc as you are to discover one in your program. On the other hand, a nice, even number like $20,000 makes number crunching a snap. The 0s are easy to punch into the calculator, and multiplying by 2 is something most programmers can do without using their fingers and toes.

You might think that an ugly number like $90,783.82 would be more likely to reveal errors, but it's no more likely to than any other number in its equivalence class.

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