
The moral virtues, then, are engendered in us neither by nor contrary to nature…their full development in us is due to habit….Anything that we have to learn to do we learn by the actual doing of it….Men will become good builders as a result of building well and bad ones as a result of building badly….So it is a matter of no little importance what sort of habits we form from the earliest age—it makes a vast difference, or rather all the difference in the world. —Aristotle

Good habits matter because most of what you do as a programmer you do without consciously thinking about it. For example, at one time, you might have thought about how you wanted to format indented loops, but now you don't think about it again each time you write a new loop. You do it the way you do it out of habit. This is true of virtually all aspects of program formatting. When was the last time you seriously questioned your formatting style? Chances are good that if you've been programming for five years, you last questioned it four and a half years ago. The rest of the time you've relied on habit.

You have habits in many areas. For example, programmers tend to check loop indexes carefully and not to check assignment statements, which makes errors in assignment statements much harder to find than errors in loop indexes (Gould 1975). You respond to criticism in a friendly way or in an unfriendly way. You're always looking for ways to make code readable or fast, or you're not. If you have to choose between making code fast and making it readable, and you make the same choice every time, you're not really choosing—you're responding out of habit.


For details on errors in assignment statements, see "Errors by Classification" in Typical Errors.

Study the quotation from Aristotle and substitute "programming virtues" for "moral virtues." He points out that you are not predisposed to either good or bad behavior but are constituted in such a way that you can become either a good or a bad programmer. The main way you become good or bad at what you do is by doing—builders by building and programmers by programming. What you do becomes habit, and over time your good and bad habits determine whether you're a good or a bad programmer.

Bill Gates says that any programmer who will ever be good is good in the first few years. After that, whether a programmer is good or not is cast in concrete (Lammers 1986). After you've been programming a long time, it's hard to suddenly start saying, "How do I make this loop faster?" or "How do I make this code more readable?" These are habits that good programmers develop early.

When you first learn something, learn it the right way. When you first do it, you're actively thinking about it and you still have an easy choice between doing it in a good way and doing it in a bad way. After you've done it a few times, you pay less attention to what you're doing and "force of habit" takes over. Make sure that the habits that take over are the ones you want to have.

What if you don't already have the most effective habits? How do you change a bad habit? If I had the definitive answer to that, I could sell self-help tapes on late-night TV. But here's at least part of an answer. You can't replace a bad habit with no habit at all. That's why people who suddenly stop smoking or swearing or overeating have such a hard time unless they substitute something else, like chewing gum. It's easier to replace an old habit with a new one than it is to eliminate one altogether. In programming, try to develop new habits that work. Develop the habits of writing a class in pseudocode before coding it and carefully reading the code before compiling it, for instance. You won't have to worry about losing the bad habits; they'll naturally drop by the wayside as new habits take their places.

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