1. Introducing Scratch

Scratch is a programming language developed to help young people between the ages of 8 and 16 learn 21st century skills by developing computer programs. The development of Scratch was inspired by the scratching process that DJs use to create new sounds and music by rubbing old-style vinyl records back and forth on record turntables, creating a new and distinctively different sound out of something that already exists. In similar fashion, Scratch application projects mix together graphics and sounds in order to use them in new and different ways. To help get you started with Scratch programming, this chapter provides an overview of the language and reviews the steps that you need to follow to get up and running quickly.

The major topics covered in this chapter include:

  • A review of Scratch’s capabilities and uses

  • Instruction on how to install Scratch on both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X

  • A discussion of the benefits of joining Scratch’s global community

  • A demonstration of how to create and execute your first Scratch application project

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