Running Scratch Applications on the Internet

Scratch is all about learning and sharing. The Scratch website ( is specifically designed to facilitate both of these objectives, making it easy for you to upload and run your Scratch applications online and to run and download applications submitted by members of the global Scratch community.


At the time this book was written, over 125,000 Scratch projects had already been posted on the Scratch website, providing a wealth of examples that you can download, study, and learn.

To view and run Scratch applications on the Scratch website, you need to use a web browser that supports Java. As an easy way to determine if Java is installed on your browser, visit the Scratch website and click on one of the many available Scratch projects. If the application opens, then Java is installed and working correctly. However, if you see results similar to those shown in Figure 13.1, Java is not installed.

Figure 13.1. Determining if your browser supports Java so that it can run Scratch applications.

If you determine that you need to install Java, you can do so for free by visiting, clicking on the Free Java Download button, and following the instructions that are provided.

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