AAPA (American Association of Port Authorities), 409–410

Aatique, Muhammed, 539

Abd al-Rahman, Umar, 564

Abdi, Nuradin M., 539

Abdo, Naser Jason, 549

Abdul Rahim, Jamal Saeed, 582

Abdul-Latif, Abu Khalid, 549

Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, xiv, 183, 546

Abdur-Raheem, Hammad, 539

Abouhalima, Mahmud, 205

Abousamra, Ahmad, 545–546

Abraham, Patrick, 542

Abu Hul, 582

Abu Muhjin, 562

Abu Nidal Organization (ANO), 581

Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG), 38, 552–554

Abu Tholut, 568

Abu Zubaydah, 580

Abujihadd, Hassan, 542

Accountability, 473–474

Achille Lauro, 282–283

Advanced persistent threats (APT), 521

Advani, Lalchand Kishen, 578

Adware, 521

Afghanistan, 16, 37–38, 40–43, 48, 52, 56, 58, 60, 62, 126, 263, 271, 275, 283, 298–299, 302, 336–339, 365, 537

Agriculture, 384, 392, 415. See also Food

Ahmad, Babar, 544

Ahmed, Farooque, 547–548

Ahmed, Syed Haris, 541

Ahmedzay, Zarein, 545

Ahsan, Syed Talha, 544

AI (Ansar Al-Islam), 562–563

AIMA (Argentine-Jewish Mutual Association), 576

Air cargo bomb plot, 2010, 548

Air Force, U.S., 216, 221

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA), 514


“Airport Watch” program, 513–514

JFK Airport plot 2007, 543

La Guardia Airport bombing (1975), 281–282, 336

screening, 63

Akbar, Hasan, 549

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, 582–583

Alaska earthquake, 1964, 26

Al-Dawa, 296–297

Aldawsari, Khalid Ali-M, 548–549

ALF (Animal Liberation Front), 317

Al-Gamaa al-Islamiya, 38, 564

Algeria, 38–39, 290, 559

Algeria Armed Islamic Group, 38

Alien Registration Act, 20

All-hazards approach, 237–238

al-Mihdhar, Khalid, 44

al-Qaida, xiii, 25, 274, 276–277, 313, 537. See also bin Ladin, Usama; 9/11/2001 attacks

attacks abroad, 29

bin Ladin establishing, 37–38

bin Ladin molding, 298

blanket control on, 302

campaign against America, 143

camps, 538

cyanide weapons and, 347

effective operation, 44, 49

emergence of, 37–44

funding, 40

international and transnational terrorism and, 290–291

leadership, 328

links to, 28

members, 38

Muslim theocracy, 38

nonstate actors, 119

operatives, 31

planning, 41

profile, 554–556

sanctuaries, 61

security, 43

sheltering, 287

strategy, 43

structure, 39

surveillance by, 203

technology, 39–40

video producers, 525

war against, 58

WMD and, 50

al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI), 557–558

al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), 525, 544, 548, 556–557

al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), 558–560

“Al-Qaida Manual,” 63, 295, 315, 323, 325, 328, 331, 336–337

Alwan, Sahim, 538

al-Zarqawi, Abu Musab, 302, 557–558

al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 306, 555

Amawi, Mohammad Zaki, 541

Amazon, 478

AMBER alerts, 453

Ambushes, 332

American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), 409–410

American Chemistry Council, 412

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 433

American Type Culture Collection, 353

AmeriCorps, 485–486

Analytical tools, 139–144

The Anarchists Cookbook, 325

Andreas, Daniel, 306, 318

Animal disease outbreaks, 391–393

Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, 318

Animal Liberation Brigade, 318

Animal Liberation Front (ALF), 317

ANO (Abu Nidal Organization), 581

Ansar Al-Islam (AI), 562–563

ANSI (American National Standards Institute), 433

Anthrax attacks, 51, 63, 159, 344, 537

Antiaircraft missiles, 333–335

Anti-Pinkerton Act, 9

Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange (ATIX), 200

Antiterrorism measures, 456–458

Antivirus software, 533

AOI (Army of Islam), 583

AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association), 514

APT (Advanced persistent threats), 521

AQAP (al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula), 525, 544, 548, 556–557

AQI (al-Qaida in Iraq), 557–558

AQIM (al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb), 558–560

Arafat, Yasir, 265, 588

Aref, Yassin, 155, 540

Argentine-Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA), 576

Armstrong, Jack, 558

Army, U.S., 19, 216, 221

Army Corps of Engineers, 382, 395

Army of God manual, 315–316

Army of Islam (AOI), 583

Aryan Brotherhood, 314, 315

Aryan Nations, 310, 314

ASA Diamond, 40

Asahara Shoko, 36–37

Asbat al-Ansar, 561–562

ASG (Abu Sayyaf Group), 38, 552–554

Assassination, 6, 8, 9, 261, 337, 341, 413, 547, 553, 555, 560, 563, 579, 589, 590, 597, 600

Assessment, 153–154, 168

needs, 467–468

net, 143–144

risk, 141, 436–437, 443–444

strategy, 122–126

target value, 413

threat, 413

vulnerability, 413–414


assessment, 413

counterintelligence, 148

in critical infrastructure, 426

cyber assets, 527–528

Asymmetric warfare, 264

ATIX (Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange), 200

Atlantic, 121

Atomic Energy Act, 363

Atta, Mohamed, 44

Attack planning and execution

hierarchy of, 324–326

overview, 323–324

phases of, 329–331

support operations, 329

target selection, 329–330

terrorist operations, 332–341

terrorist organization, 326–329

AUC (United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia), 602–603

Augustin, Burson, 542

Augustine, Rotschild, 542

Aum Shinrikyo cult, 28, 36–37, 276–277, 344, 355, 361, 593–594

Australia Group, 345, 351, 353

Aviation and Transportation Security Act, 63, 508

Aviation security, 63, 508–514

al-Awlaki, Anwar, 274, 303, 546

Azhar, Masood, 578, 579

Baader-Meinhof gang, 39

Baby formula diversion, 204

Background checks, 514

Backpack attacks, 364

Baiting, 522

al-Bakri, Mukhtar, 538

Bangladesh, 38–39, 132, 290, 566, 579

Banking and finance, 423

Barot, Dhiren, 539–540

Bashir, Abu Bakar, 568

Basque Fatherland and Liberty, 588–589

Batiste, Narseal, 542

Beamer, Todd, xvii, 17

Beheshti, Mohammad, 596

Beirut barracks bombings (1983), 275, 297

Benkhala, Sabri, 539

Berg, Nicholas, 333, 558

BEST (Border Enforcement Security Task Forces), 497

Best practices, 431

Bhopal chemical disaster, 348–349

Bhutto, Benazir, 573

Big picture, 440

bin Ladin, Usama, 26, 47, 192, 537, 571, 578

al-Qaida established, 37–38

campaign against America, 29

CIA tracking, 41

invoking warriors, 295

killing of, 58, 77

links to, 28

molding al-Qaida, 298

on terrorism, 262, 266–267

WMD and, 50

bin Nayif, Muhammad, 557

Binalshibhand, Ramzi, 44

Biological weapons, 350–356

Biosecurity, 392

Bioterrorism, 63, 68, 352, 415

Black bloc, 312

Black swan, 372

Black Tigers, 592

Blackouts, 116, 398, 405, 422, 519, 523

Blood diamonds, 40

Bombings, 332. See also High-yield explosives; Weapons of Mass Destruction

air cargo bomb plot, 2010, 548

aircraft, 338

Beirut barracks bombings (1983), 275, 297

bomb threats, 456–458

booby traps, 337

car bombs, 338–339

Christmas Day bombing, 2009, xiv, 508, 546

fire bombings, 341

grenade attacks, 337–338

Kenya embassy bombing (1998), 38

Khobar Towers bombing (1996), 300

La Guardia Airport bombing (1975), 281–282, 336

LAX bomber, 41–42

leave-behind bombs, 336

letter bombs, 337

Madrid train bombings (2004), 136–137

Office of Bombing Prevention, 150

Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing (1995), 28, 31, 70, 273, 311, 325, 330, 338, 364, 365, 417

printer bomb, 511, 531

suicide bombers, 266

Teddy bear bombs, 338

terrorist operations, 336–339

Times Square bomb (2012), 366

Tokyo subway bombing (1995), 28, 344

truck bombs, 358

Unabomber, 337

World Trade Center attack, New York (1993), 28, 35, 205, 330, 338, 364, 366

Booby traps, 337

Border Enforcement Security Task Forces (BEST), 497

Border fencing, 496

Border Patrol, 10, 20–22, 76, 496, 498

Border security. See Immigration and border security

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 393

Boyd, John, 119

Boyd cycle, 119

@BPGlbalPR, 371–372

Bracero Program, 20, 23

Bratton, William J., 121, 163

Broken windows theory, 121, 163–164

Buckley, William, 333

Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 174–175

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 47

Bureau of Land Management, 384

Burnett, Tom, xvii, 17

Burr, Aaron, 213

Bush, George W., 55, 77, 87, 109, 482, 541, 548

disasters under, 30

Hurricane Katrina and, 218

national security strategy, 126, 129

Bush administration, 29, 58–60, 267

Bush doctrine, 56–60

cyberdefense, 529

war of ideas, 171–173

war on terrorism, 110, 123

Business Roundtable, 477

Business support, 484

“Buy America,” 253

California earthquake (1994), 374

CAN (Coordinated Assistance Network), 483

Canada Border Services Agency, 501

Canada Command, 500

Canadian border, 492–495

Canadian Coast Guard, 500–501

Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 500

Capitano, Phil, 471

Capone, Al, 186

Car bombs, 338–339

Car rammings, 341

Carter, Jimmy, 310

Caucasus Emirate (CE), 563

CBIRF (Chemical and Biological Incident Response Forces), 226, 235–236

CBP (Customs and Border Protection), 93–94, 410, 497, 499, 505, 508

CBRNE (Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-explosives), 226, 344, 366

CCMRFs (Consequence Management Response Forces), 230

CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 27

CE (Caucasus Emirate), 56

Cells, 327

Center for the Advancement of Collaborative Strategies in Health, 472

Center on Disaster Resilience, 484

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 27, 103

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 21–22, 90, 158

covert operations, 60–61

Directorate of Intelligence, 172

foreign intelligence, 171

HUMINT and, 155

intelligence gathering, 24

National Clandestine Service, 172

tracking bin Ladin, 41

Central Security Service (CSS), 157

CERFP (Enhanced Response Force Packagers), 230

CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), 479, 485

CFIUS (Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States), 408–409, 411

Chandia, Ali Asad, 539

Chapman, Seifullah, 539

Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-explosives (CBRNE), 226, 344, 366

Chemical and Biological Incident Response Forces (CBIRF), 226, 235–236

Chemical weapons, 18, 226, 344–350, 366

Chernobyl reactor disaster, 1986, 425

Chertoff, Michael, 76

Chesimard, Joanne, 312, 604

China, 15, 285, 290, 364, 523, 529, 608

Christian Identity movement, 313

Christmas Day bombing, 2009, xiv, 508, 546

CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency

Cigarette smuggling, 205

CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army), 590

Citizen Corps, 485

Civil Air Patrol, 385, 486

Civil defense, 18, 19, 26, 33

Civil liberties, 529

habeas corpus, 6–7

safeguards, 30–31

World War II impact, 19–20

Civil support teams (CSTs), 230–231

Civil War, 6–8, 213

Clapper, James, 285

Classification, 149, 165–166

Classified Information Procedures Act, 192

Clean Air Act, 434

Clinton, William J., 29, 30, 300, 310

Clinton administration, 29

Clothing and bedding, 462

Cloud computing, 445, 526

CNCI (Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative), 527

Coase, Ronald Harry, 121

Coast Guard, U.S., 10, 15, 22, 72, 395–396, 508

auxiliary, 486

captain of the port, 504–505

commandant, 92–93

Deployable Operations Group, 397

establishment, 91

Hurricane Katrina and, 111

hurricanes and, 377

Maritime Operational Threat Response Plan, 91

missions, 92, 215

oil spills response, 29

port programs, 410

regulatory authorities, 92

reserve, 93

search and rescue, 380

support organizations, 171

Cohen, Jon, 387–389

Cold War, 21–23, 26–27, 109, 112, 326, 345

Colombia, 268, 284, 287, 333, 601–603

Colonial legacy, 4–5

Commercial facilities, 417–418

Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (CFIUS), 408–409, 411

“Committee Sharply Critiques WHO’s Pandemic Response,” 387–389

Common operating picture (COP), 502

Communism, 38, 594

Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA), 594

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), 479, 485

Community involvement, 139

Community response, 466–468

Community-based planning, 467

Competitive intelligence, 161–162

Complex systems analysis, 140–141

Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI), 527

Congress, U.S., 103–104, 175–176

Consequence Management Response Forces (CCMRFs), 230

Constitution, U.S., 3, 150, 156

control of military, 213

federalism dictates, 237

First Amendment, 186

Third Amendment, 213

use of force in, 5

Constructivism, 118

Container Security Initiative (CSI), 507

Continental defense, 17

Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA), 590

Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, 365

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction, 345

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling, of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, 351

Convergence, 141, 142, 236, 474

Cooperative counterterrorism investigation, 189–191

Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act, 240

Coordinated Assistance Network (CAN), 483

COP (Common operating picture), 502

Counterespionage, 19

Counterintelligence, 19, 65, 148, 167, 169, 171–172, 175, 179, 325, 546

Countersurveillance, 203–204, 325, 328, 330

Counterterrorism, 57–58, 68, 168. See also Domestic counterterrorism

cooperative counterterrorism investigation, 189–191

costs, 69–70

operations abroad, 85

Countries. See specific countries

Coupon fraud, 205

Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA), 320

Covert and open sources, 149–150

CPP/NPA (Communist Party of the Philippines/New People’s Army), 594

Creativity Movement, 308, 314

Crisis-action decision making, 135–137

Critical infrastructure

agriculture and food, 415

banking and finance, 423

chemical, 424

commercial facilities, 417–418

coordination and organization, 407–409

critical manufacturing, 418–419

dams, 418

defense industrial base, 420–421

DHS and, 408

emergency services, 419–420

energy, 422

government facilities, 417

health care and public health, 417–418

information technology and communications, 421

key assets, 426

lifeblood of U.S. economy, 404–407

nuclear reactors, 425–426

overview, 403

postal system and shipping, 424

private sector, xviii

protecting, 411–414

transportation, 422–423

types of, 414–426

water, 417

during World War II, 18

Critical manufacturing, 418–419

Croatian nationalists, 24, 281

Cromitie, James, 544

Crusades, 295

Cruz León, René, 604

CSA (Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord), 320

CSI (Container Security Initiative), 507

CSS (Central Security Service), 157

CSTs (Civil support teams), 230–231

C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism), 94, 410, 507

Cuba, 24, 39, 60, 283–284, 312, 551, 601–604

Culture clash, 113–115

Culture of unpreparedness, 115–117

Customs Air Security Officers Program, 24

Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 93–94, 169–170, 410, 497, 505

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), 94, 410, 507

Cyanide weapons, 346–347, 350

Cyber assets, 527–528

Cyber Command, 527

Cyber defense, 525–531

Cyberattacks, 529–530, 608

Cybercrime, 520, 526, 534

Cybersecurity, 173, 421

antivirus software, 533

authentication and password protection, 531, 533

backup, 534

cyber defense, 525–531

defined, 518–519

destruction, 519

disruption, 519

DOD missions, 527

human engineering, 521–524

insider attacks, 519

malicious software, 520–521

outsider attacks, 520

overview, 517–518

practices, 533–534

principles, 531

private sector in, 531–534

resilience and future prospects, 534–535

terrorist use of cyberspace, 524–525

threat of, 518–519

Cyberspace, 490, 524–525

Cyberwarfare, 522–523, 523

Dams, 418

Daqduq, Ali Mussa, 574–575

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 161

Daschle, Tom, 51

Data, 178. See also Information; Intelligence; Supervisory control and data acquisition

mining, 160–161

National Capabilities Analysis Database, 150

repositories, 197–198

at rest, 526

TIPOFF database, 68, 101

in transit, 526

DCE (Defense Coordinating Element), 231

DCO (Defense Coordinating Officer), 231

DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service), 518–519, 521

de Mello, Sergio Vieira, 558

DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), 174, 286

Dean, Diana, 42

Debs, Eugene V., 12

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 161

Defense Civil Preparedness Agency, 26

Defense Coordinating Element (DCE), 231

Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO), 231

Defense industrial base, 420–421

Defense Intelligence Agency, 90, 172

Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center, 172

Defense Production Act of 1950, 240

Defense spending, 23, 28, 33

Defense support to civil authorities (DSCA), 215–217, 223, 225, 230

Defreitas, Russell, 543

Deliberate decision making, 134–135

Delphi technique, 142

Democracy, 303. See also Freedom

Department of Commerce, 501

Department of Defense (DOD), 158, 214–215, 260

authority, 220

cybersecurity missions, 527

directives, 217

mission, technologies, activities, 102

netcentric warfare, 528


policy execution, 220

Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report, 85, 88–89, 110, 227–229, 403

support agencies, 172–173, 220–221

traditional missions, 68

transportation and, 111

Department of Energy, 103, 174, 236, 501

Department of Health and Human Services, 68, 102–103, 241, 392, 415

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

agricultural support, 392

committees, 135

creation, xv, 67

critical infrastructure and, 408

culture clash, 114–115

cyber assets and, 527–528

disaster planning scenarios, 372

domestic counterterrorism and, 187–188

establishment, 166

FBI and, 68

fusion centers, 170, 177

immigration and border security and, 75–76

information network, 199

lead protection agency, 183

maritime threats and, 502–503

mission, xiv

Office of Bombing Prevention, 150

operations center, 198

Ready Campaign, 71

reorganization, xvi

responsibilities, 90–91

terrorist alerts, 396

transportation security lists, 68

Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, 239

Department of Interior, 426

Department of Justice, 173–174, 501

background checks, 514

maritime threats and, 502

RISS, 199–200

Department of the Interior, 384

Department of Transportation, 395, 508

Department of Treasury, 175

Destruction, 261, 276–277, 345, 351, 519. See also Weapons of Mass Destruction

DHS. See Department of Homeland Security

“Difficult Decisions: FBI Priorities,” 193–196

Digital Pearl Harbor, 518, 529

Director of National Intelligence (DNI), 76, 90, 168, 522

Directorate of Intelligence, 172

Disaster medical assistance teams (DMATs), 484

Disaster mortuary operational response teams (DMORTs), 485

Disaster preparedness, 10–11, 49–50, 372

Disaster Relief Act of 1974, 27

Disaster supply kits, 459

clothing and bedding, 462

first-aid supplies, 461–462

food, 459–461

lights and batteries, 461

pet supplies, 463

special items, 462–463

tools and supplies, 462

water, 459, 461

Disaster warnings, 148, 202, 374–376, 450–453

Disasters and mass emergencies

defined, 370–372

drought and extreme heat conditions, 394–395

earthquakes, 373–374

floods and levee breaks, 381–382

food contamination and animal disease outbreaks, 356, 391–393

forest fires, 383–384

hazardous material spills and releases, 389–391

hostage taking, riots, targeted violence, 396–397

hurricanes, 374–378

landslides and debris flows, 381–383

overview, 369

pandemics, 385–389

severe storms and cold weather, 393–394

space weather, 397–399

structural collapse, 395–396

tornadoes, 378–379

tsunamis, 379–380

volcanic eruptions, 382–383

Disruption, 203, 519

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), 518–519, 521

Distributed terrorism, 273

DMATs (Disaster medical assistance teams), 484

DMORTs (Disaster mortuary operational response teams), 485

DNDO (Domestic Nuclear Detection Office), 491

DNI (Director of National Intelligence), 76, 90, 522

Document fraud, 205–206

DOD. See Department of Defense

Domain security

aviation security, 508–514

border security, 491–499

challenges, 514

layered security principle, 490–491

maritime security, 499–507

overview, 489–490

Domestic counterterrorism

baby formula diversion and, 204

case management, 200

cigarette smuggling and, 205

countersurveillance, 203–204

coupon fraud and, 205

data repositories, 197–198

DHS and, 187–188

disrupting and interdicting terrorism, 203

dissemination and warnings, 202

document fraud and, 205–206

drugs and, 204

FBI and, 185–187

federal support for, 188, 198

fund-raising and, 204

information sharing and collaboration, 198–199

intelligence collection and analysis, 201–202

intelligence gathering and exploitation, 201

issues in, 191–196

jurisdictions, responsibilities, organizations, 183–191

legal preparation, 197

operations components, 196–200

organized crime and, 204

organizing efforts, 197–198

overview, 181–182

recovery, 208

resources and deployment, 196–197

response, 206–208

state and local, 188–189

terrorism front lines, 182–183

training and equipment, 200

Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO), 491

Domestic security, 85–86

Domestic terrorism, 8, 24–25

defined, 306–307

disaster preparedness and response, 10–11

enemy within, 306

evolving threat, 318–320

FBI and, 307

federal roles emerging, 8–9

groups and movements, 312–318

incidence of, 307

overview, 305–306

prevalence of, 310–311

prevention and investigation, 9–10

U.S. Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan, 242

WMD and, 319–320

during World War I, 14–15

Donations management, 475–477

Douglas, James H., 218

Drive-by-shootings, 341

Drought and extreme heat conditions, 394–395

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 174, 286

Drugs, 174, 204, 286, 513. See also Food and Drug Administration

DSCA (Defense support to civil authorities), 215–217, 223, 225, 230

Dual hatting, 218–220

Duck and Cover, 26

E coli, 393

Early warning, 148

Earth Liberation Front (ELF), 317


Alaska earthquake, 1964, 26

California earthquake (1994), 374

disasters and mass emergencies, 373–374

Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2011, xv, 115–116, 137, 419

San Francisco earthquake (1906), 10–11, 113

EAS (Emergency Alert System), 452–453

East Turkistan Islamic Party (ETIM), 608

Eastwood, Clint, 268

eBay, 451

E-commerce system, 521

Economy Act of 1932, 111, 217, 240

Ecoterrorism, 305, 311, 316–318, 320

EDEN (Extension Disaster Education Network), 433

Egypt, 38–39, 290, 295–296, 298, 558, 564, 583

Einstein series, 528

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 16, 27, 139

El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC), 198

Electronic surveillance, 17, 186. See also Signals intelligence

Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA), 499

Elevated threat alert, 450

ELF (Earth Liberation Front), 317

ELN (National Liberation Army), 601–602

Elshafay, James, 540

EMACs (Emergency management assistance compacts), 253

Emergency Alert System (EAS), 452–453

Emergency management, 239

all-hazards approach, 237–238

authorities, 239–241

concept of operations, 248

critical infrastructure, 252

domestic incidents, 237

experiencing the unthinkable, 234–235

issues, 248–254

mitigation, 238–239

overview, 233

preparedness, 239

principles and components, 238–239

recovery, 239

response, 239

response challenge, 235–236

specific hazards approach, 237

state territorial, local, tribal response, 247

systems and operation, 241–247

Emergency management assistance compacts (EMACs), 253

Emergency Management Reform Act of 2007, 239, 244, 476

Emergency operations center (EOC), 246, 440, 442

Emergency preparedness liaison officers (EPLOs), 231

Emergency responders, xx, 106–107

Emergency services, 419–420

Emergency Support Functions (ESFs), 244–245, 475–477

Encryption, 526

Enemy combatants, 20

Energy, 358, 363, 422, 425. See also Department of Energy

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act, 63

Enhanced Response Force Packagers (CERFP), 230

Environmental Protection Agency, 236, 347

EOC (Emergency operations center), 246, 440, 442

EPIC (El Paso Intelligence Center), 198

EPLOs (Emergency preparedness liaison officers), 231

ESFs (Emergency Support Functions), 244–245, 475–477

Espionage, 12, 19

Essabar, Zakariya, 44

ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization), 499

ETA (Euskadi Ta Askatasuna), 282, 525, 604. See also Basque Fatherland and Liberty

ETIM (East Turkistan Islamic Party), 608

European Union (EU), 62, 115

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA), 282, 525, 604. See also Basque Fatherland and Liberty

Evacuations, 464–465, 476

Ex parte Milligan, 6–8

Exon-Florio Provision, 408

Exploitation, 519

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN), 433

Extremism, 295–298, 300, 302. See also Homegrown violent extremism; Shiites; Sunni Muslims; Terrorism

Islamic, 28

left-wing, 312

noise of, 305

religious, 315

right-wing, 314–315

terrorism compared to, 308–309

Exxon Valdez, 136

Ezaegwula, Quinton, 544

FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), 96, 514

Facebook, 16, 450, 452, 548

Faith-based and community organizations (FBCOs), 480–484

FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional), 281, 312

False negatives, 506

La Familia Michoacana, 288

FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation), 134

Far enemies, 298

FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia), 268, 284, 287, 333, 601–603

Faris, Iyman, 328–329, 538

Fatwas (opinions on matter of Islamic law), 37, 292, 578

Fault lines, 373

FBCOs (Faith-based and community organizations), 480–484

FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCC (Federal Communications Commission), 453–454

FCO (Federal coordinating official), 248

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 188, 350, 392, 415

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 134

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 96, 514

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 193–196, 353

authority, 173

components, 100–101

counterespionage, 19

crisis management, 241

DHS and, 68

domestic counterterrorism and, 185–187

domestic intelligence and, 156

domestic terrorism and, 307

historical overview, 9–10

hostage rescue teams, 397

intelligence gathering, 24

investigation stages, 186

maritime liaison, 505

public safety warnings, 396

refocusing, 55

response, 29

restructuring, 68

specialized units, 174

surveying industry, 18

terrorism definition, 261

Violent Gang and Terrorist Offender’s File, 68

Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, 214

Federal Code of Regulations, 261

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 453–454

Federal coordinating official (FCO), 248

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 27–28, 97–98, 372

all-hazards approach, 238

emergency supplies, 459

on extreme heat, 394

flood mitigation, 382

planning, 138, 253

Private Sector Preparedness Coordinating Council, 432–433

regions, 230

revised role, 239–240

routine disasters and, 254

support functions, 99–100, 390

urban searches, 379

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISM), 528

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLTC), 179

Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan, 242

Federal Response Plan (FRP), 241–243

FedEx, 484

Feedback, 138

FEMA. See Federal Emergency Management Agency

Finney, Michael Robert, 312, 604

Finton, Michael, 545

Fire bombings, 341

Firewalls, 526

First Amendment, 186

First responders, 28

First-aid supplies, 461–462

Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 384

FISM (Federal Information Security Management Act), 528

Flood Control and Coastal Emergencies Act, 240

Floods and levee breaks, 240, 381–382

FLTC (Federal Law Enforcement Training Center), 179

FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), 160, 162

Followers, 327

Food, 188, 350, 392, 415

contamination, 356, 391–393

in critical infrastructure, 415

in disaster supply kits, 459–461

storage, 459–460

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 188, 350, 392, 415

Food Safety Modernization Act, 415

Force Act of 1871, 213

Foreign Fugitive File, 198

Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, 408

Foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs), 286, 551, 556, 569, 571, 574, 582, 590–591, 598–601, 604

Foreign threats, 11–12

Forest fires, 383–384

Forest Service, U.S., 384

Fort Dix plot, 2007, 543

Fort Hood shooting, 2009, xiv, 274, 546

Fox, Armando, 445

Freedom, 160, 162, 310

Operation Enduring Freedom, 567

Operation Iraqi Freedom, 61

USA Freedom Corps, 71

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 160, 162

Front-loaded response, 377

FRP (Federal Response Plan), 241–243

FTOs (Foreign terrorist organizations), 286, 551, 556, 569, 571, 574, 582, 590–591, 598–601, 604

Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (FALN), 281, 312

Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC), 268, 284, 287, 333, 601–603

Fund-raising, 204

Furrow, Buford O., Jr., 308, 319

Fusion centers, 170, 177

Galab, Faysal, 538

Gandhi, Rajiv, 592

GAO (General Accounting Office), 127–128, 483, 509–510

Garber, Robert, 430

General Accounting Office (GAO), 127–128, 483, 509–510

Geneva Conventions, 263, 264

Gerena, Victor Manuel, 604

German Red Army Faction, 282

Germaneau, Michel, 559

GhostNet, 521

GICM (Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group), 572

Giuliani, Rudy, 233

Globalization, 280

G-men, 14

Goba, Yahya, 538

Goldstein, Baruch, 585

Gonsalves, Marc, 602

Google, 162, 371, 391, 478

Gore, Al, 31

Gore Commission, 31

Government facilities, 417

Government-sponsored volunteer response, 484–486

Grassroots response, 472–473

Greece, 597, 598, 599

Gregoire, Christine, 218

Grenade attacks, 337–338

Ground Zero, 46, 70, 102, 233

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, 60

Guerilla groups, 264, 269, 325

Gulf oil spill (2010), 136, 233, 254, 371

Guzmanin, Abimael, 600

Habeas corpus, 6–7

Hacktivists, 520

Haji (pilgrimage), 292

Hamas, 283, 576, 583–585, 605

al-Hamdi, Ibrahim, 539

Hammerskin Nation, 314

Hammoud, Assem, 542

Hammoud, Chawki, 190

Hammoud, Mohamad, 189–191

Hanjour, Hani, 44

Haqqani Network (HQN), 551, 564–565

Harakat ul-Mujahideen (HUM), 38, 577–579

Harakat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI), 565

Harakat-ul Jihad-i-Islami Bangladesh (HUJI-B), 566

Hardin, Garrett, 120–121

Hart, Gary, 41

Hart-Rudman Commission, 35

Hasan, Khwaja Mahmood, 539

Hasan, Nidal, 311, 546, 549

Hate groups, 312–313

Hayat, Hamid, 540

Hayat, Umer, 540

Hazardous material spills and releases, 389–391

Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 434

al-Hazmi, Nawaf, 44

Headley, David Coleman, xiii–187, 340, 539

Health care and public health, 417–418

Hensley, Jack, 558

Herrera, Naudimar, 542

Hewitt, Steve, 369

Higgins, William (“Rich”), 333

High-yield explosives, 364–366

Hijackings, 336. See also 9/11/2001 attacks; Skyjackings

Hill, Charles, 312


Hizballah, 38, 190, 204, 283, 289, 297–298, 300–301, 333, 573–577, 604

Hoaxes, 340, 455

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr., 14–15

Holocaust Memorial Museum, 417

Home Depot, 484

Home front defense, 18

Homegrown violent extremism (HVE), 273–274, 318, 327, 525

Homeland defense, 84–85

authority to act, 212–220

convergence, 236

defined, 214–215

forces available, 226–230

home front history, 212–214

military commands, 221

military operations, 230–232

multinational commands, 222–223

organization, 220–226

overview, 211

status of forces, 217

statutory conditions and restrictions, 217–218

U.S.-only commands, 223–226

Homeland Response Forces (HRF), 230

Homeland Secure Data Network, 178

Homeland security. See also Department of Homeland Security; Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007; National security strategy; Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report; specific topics

analytical tools, 139–144

birth of contemporary, 55–78

broken system, 30–31

business support, 484

challenges, 111–117

Civil War and, 6–8

during Cold War, 21–23

colonial legacy, 3–5

Congress’s role, 103–104

defined, xiii–85

emerging threats, 28–31

evolving enterprise, 76–77

federal government role in, 86–103

foreign threats, 11

hard choices, 144–145

immigration and border security, 10, 15, 20–21

influenza pandemic, 15–17

information, xviiixix

internal threats, 5–6

national responsibility, xviixviii

national strategies, 126

planning, 137–139

roles, responsibilities, jurisdictions, 83–107

shadow war and, 24–28

state and local government role in, 104–107

strategy assessment, 122–126

theories, 117–122

U.S. conception formed, 14

during World War I, 12–17

during World War II, 17–21

in young republic, 5–11

Homeland Security Act of 2002, 67, 86, 87, 90, 106, 407, 449, 476, 491

Homeland Security Advisory System (HSAS), 449

“Homeland Security Alerts Get Much Needed New Look,” 450–452

Homeland Security Council, 64, 77, 87

Homeland Security Information Network, 177

Homeland Security Operations Center, 244

Homeland security presidential directives (HSPDs), 87

Honoré, Russel L., 211, 225

Hoover, J. Edgar, 9

Horizon scanning, 142

Hossain, Mohammad, 155, 540

Hostage taking

as disasters and mass emergencies, 396–397

rescue teams, 397

terrorist operations, 333

Hovey, Alvin P., 7

Howe, Thomas, 602

HQN (Haqqani Network), 551, 564–565

HRF (Homeland Response Forces), 230

HSAS (Homeland Security Advisory System), 449

HSPDs (Homeland security presidential directives), 87

Hudgins, A. J., 363

HUJI (Harakat-ul Jihad Islami), 565

HUJI-B (Harakat-ul Jihad-i-Islami Bangladesh), 566

Hull, David Wayne, 314

HUM (Harakat ul-Mujahideen), 38, 577–579

Human engineering, 521–524

HUMINT (Human intelligence), 155–156

Hurricane Katrina, xv–88, 418

assistance offered, 254

Bush, George W., and, 218

catastrophe case study, 71–73

Coast Guard and, 111

grassroots response, 472

lessons, 74–75, 477–479

rescues, 73

responders, 141, 217

response, 102–103, 112, 211, 225, 235

rumors, 468


Andrew, 30, 55, 73–74, 377–378

Camille, 371

Coast Guard and, 377

as disasters and mass emergencies, 374–378

Ivan, 382

warnings, 374–376

Hussein, Saddam, 299, 537

Hutaree Christian militia, 307

HVE (Home-grown violent extremism), 273–274, 318, 327, 525

IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), 358, 425

IAFIS (Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System), 195

IAIP (Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection), 449

IBET (Integrated Border Enforcement Team), 493, 497

Ibn Abdur-Raheem, Basha, 539

Ibrahim, Kareem, 543

ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), 96, 510

ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), 49, 95, 497, 505

ICS (Incident Command Systems), 135, 245–246, 248

ICS (Industrial Control System), 524

Idealism, 118

Identity theft, 520

IDSs (Intrusion detection systems), 526

IEDs (Improvised explosive devices), 326, 337, 563, 570, 574

IJU (Islamic Jihad Union), 266, 566–567

Illegals, 327

Imagery intelligence (IMINT), 157–158

Immigration and border security, 22–23, 49, 95–96, 169–170, 491–499, 497, 505

border patrolling, 10, 15, 20–21

DHS and, 75–76

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 49, 95, 169–170, 497, 505

Immigration and Nationality Act, 22, 491

Immigration and Naturalization Service, 20, 95–96

Immigration Reform and Control Act, 23, 75

Imminent threat alert, 450

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs), 326, 337, 563, 570, 574

IMU (Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan), 38, 567–568

Incident Command Systems (ICSs), 135, 245–246, 248

Incident management. See Emergency management

Incident response annexes, 245

India, 577–581, 597

Industrial Control System (ICS), 524

Infectious diseases, 356. See also Pandemics

Influenza pandemic, 15–17

Information, 71, 160–162, 165, 177, 195, 198–200, 449, 528. See also Data

Classified Information Procedures Act, 192

homeland security, xviiixix

information, 198–199, 199

management, 247

sharing and collaboration, 198–199, 404, 412

Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection (IAIP), 449

Information technology, 421, 445

Information-sharing and analysis centers (ISACs), 404, 412

Infrared imagery, 158

Insider attacks, 519

Insider threat, 413

Insurrection Act of 1807, 213, 217, 218

Insurrections, 5, 213, 217, 218, 237

Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), 195

Integrated Border Enforcement Team (IBET), 493, 497

Integrated Public Alert and Warning Systems (IPAWS), 453

Intelink-U, 177

Intelligence, 76, 198, 199, 522, 540. See also Central Intelligence Agency; Counterintelligence; National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency

barriers, 152

Bureau of Intelligence and Research, 174–175

collection, 150, 154–165, 201–202

competitive, 161–162

covert and open sources, 149–150

cycle, 151–154

Defense Intelligence Agency, 90, 172

Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center, 172

domestic, 156

early warning, 148

exploitation, 201

foreign, 171

function and role, 148–150

gathering, 24, 201

human, 155–156

HUMINT, 155–156

imagery, 157–158

IMINT, 157–158

issues, 160–165

management issues, 152

National Intelligence Coordination Center, 168

National Intelligence Council, 169

National Intelligence Estimates, 149

National Intelligence Program, 168

Office of Intelligence and Analysis, 169

Office of Naval Intelligence, 17, 19

open source, 159–160, 160

OPSEC, 167

organizations and missions, 167–176

overview, 147–148, 154–155

security classification and clearances, 165–166

SIGINT, 156–157

Signals intelligence, 156–157

state and local law enforcement, 176–179

technical, 158–159

technical intelligence, 158–159

Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, 76, 200

Intelligence-led policing, 163–164

Interagency conflict, 19

Interagency operations, 111–112

Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group (ITACG), 153–154, 168

International Air Transport Association, 510

International and transnational terrorism, xiv, 260–261

al-Qaida and, 290–291

complacency toward, 29

current threat, 289–290

defined, 281–288

democracy and, 303

globalization and, 280

ideological groups, 282

international cooperation, 61–62

International Islamic Front for Jihad, 299–303

Iraq and Afghanistan, 302

Islamist terrorism, 294–299

Muslim world and, 291–294

narco-terrorism and, 286–288

nationalist groups, 282–283

overview, 279–280

preparing for, 29–30

rise of, 25–29

state sponsorship, 283–285

transnational crime and, 285–286

trends, 36–37

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 358, 425

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), 96, 510

International Islamic Front for Jihad, 299–303

International relations theory, 118–119

International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS), 501

Internet, 160, 451, 518, 524. See also Cyberspace; Web sites; WikiLeaks

Interpol, 170

Interstate Identification Index, 198

Intrusion detection systems (IDSs), 526

Invasion of privacy, 158

IPAWS (Integrated Public Alert and Warning Systems), 453

Iqbal, Mohammad, 566

IRA (Irish Republican Army), 39, 281, 289

Iran, 290, 573–577, 595–597

Iranian-backed terrorism, 266, 283–284

state sponsor of terrorism, 576–577

Tehran embassy siege, 296


AQI, 557–558

forces withdrawal, 77, 300

international and transnational terrorism, 302

Operation Iraqi Freedom, 61

U.S invasion, 61

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 39, 281, 289

ISACs (Information-sharing and analysis centers), 404, 412

Islam, 38, 266, 540, 558–560, 565–569, 571–572, 583, 587, 608. See also al-Qaida; Muslims; Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Shiites; Sunni extremists; Sunni Muslims

Algeria Armed Islamic Group, 38

Ansar Al-Islam, 562–563

basic faith, 291–292

extremism, 28

fatwas (opinions on matter of Islamic law), 37, 292, 578

international and transnational terrorism, 294–303

International Islamic Front for Jihad, 299–303

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, 38

Palestinian Islamic Jihad, 289

sects and schisms, 292–294

Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), 266, 566–567

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), 38, 567–568

ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security), 501

Israel, 581–588

Issue-oriented groups, 315–316

Istishad, 275

ITACG (Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group), 153–154, 168

Italian Red Brigades, 39

Ivins, Bruce, 537

Jaish-e-Mohammaed (JEM), 579–580

Jama at al-Tawhid, 302

Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JUD), 580

James, Kevin, 540

Jamiat ul-Ansar (JUA), 578

Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (JIS), 540

Janjalani, Abdurajak Abubakar, 544

Janjalani, Khadaffy, 544–545

Japan earthquake and tsunami, 2011, xv, 115–116, 137, 419

Japanese Red Army (JRA), 282, 284

JDL (Jewish Defense League), 24, 315

JEM (Jaish-e-Mohammaed), 579–580

Jemaah Islamiya (JI), 555, 556, 568–569

Jewish Defense League (JDL), 24, 315

JFK Airport plot 2007, 543

JI (Jemaah Islamiya), 555, 556, 568–569

JIATFs (Joint Interagency Task Forces), 112

Jihad, 292, 302, 539

Jihobbyists, 525

JIS (Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh), 540

JITF-CT (Joint Intelligence Task Force-Combating Terrorism), 199

JITTFs (Joint Terrorism Task Forces), 186–188, 191, 546

Johnson, Paul, 333

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 21, 220

Joint Field Office (JFO), 231, 248

Joint Intelligence Task Force-Combating Terrorism (JITF-CT), 199

Joint Interagency Task Forces (JIATFs), 112

Joint Regional Information Exchange System (JRIES), 199

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