Direct Appeal Close

The direct appeal close has the advantages of clarity and simplicity. This close involves simply asking for the order in a straightforward manner. It is the most direct closing approach, and many buyers find it attractive. Realistically, most customers expect salespeople to ask for the sale.

The direct appeal should not, of course, come too early. It should not be used until the prospect has displayed a definite interest in the product or service. The salesperson must also gain the prospect’s respect before initiating this appeal. Once you make the direct appeal, stop talking. John Livesay, West Coast ad director for W magazine, says being patient at the close is his “secret weapon.” After asking the customer to buy, he stays silent. He avoids asking more questions or making additional statements. This approach gives the customer time to think about the proposal.16

A variation of the direct appeal close involves use of a question to determine how close the customer is to making a buying decision. The question might be, “How close are we to closing the sale?” This direct question calls for a direct answer. The customer is encouraged to reflect on the progress of the sale.17

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