Review Questions

  1. 16-1 Describe how a salesperson is much like the individual who owns and operates a business.

  2. 16-2 Opportunity management has been described as a four-dimensional process. Describe each dimension.

  3. 16-3 List and briefly describe the four goal-setting principles.

  4. 16-4 List four techniques the salesperson should use to make better use of valuable selling time.

  5. 16-5 Effective territory management involves two major steps. What are they?

  6. 16-6 What is a sales call plan? Explain how it is used.

  7. 16-7 Describe the most common records kept by salespeople.

  8. 16-8 What is the definition of “stress”? What are some indicators of stress?

  9. 16-9 Table 16.2 (on page 348) describes six “five-minute stress busters” to reduce stress. Which of these do you think are most important for persons employed in the sales field? Explain.

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