Adaptive Selling: Builds on Four Strategic Areas of Personal Selling

  1. 10.4 Explain how adaptive selling builds on four broad strategic areas of personal selling

At the very heart of adaptive selling is the belief that every sales call must be tailored to the unique needs, wants, and concerns of the customer. As noted in Chapter 5, adaptive selling involves altering sales behaviors in order to improve communication with the customer. Identifying and responding to the customer’s needs frequently requires complex behavioral adjustments before and during the sales call. These adjustments are based on the relationship needs and product needs of the customer. Salespeople today must develop a broader repertoire of selling strategies and apply more effective information-acquisition skills.12

The strategic planning that takes place during the preapproach can greatly enhance the adaptive selling process. This plan includes strategies that you use to position yourself with the customers and tactics you will use when you are face-to-face with a customer. Planning the approach involves consideration of how the relationship, product, and customer and presentation (described earlier in this chapter) strategies can enhance the sales presentation.

Review The Relationship Strategy

As noted in Chapter 3, salespeople need to think of everything they say or do in the context of their relationship with the customer. Customers want a quality product and a quality relationship. Building and nourishing a long-term partnership with the customer often begins with attention to many small details. Confirming the appointment with a brief e-mail message and arriving for the appointment a few minutes early send a positive message to the customer before the first face-to-face meeting.

The first contact between a salesperson and a prospect is very important. A positive or negative first impression can be formed in a matter of seconds. The customer is receiving a variety of verbal and nonverbal messages that can either facilitate or distract from the sales call. Your behaviors and appearance create an image that others observe and remember. Identification of the customer’s preferred communication style should be given a high priority during the initial contact. Once you are in the presence of the customer, absorb the many clues that will help you with style identification. Then use style flexing to accommodate the needs of that person.

Review The Product Strategy

During the preapproach, you will learn some new things about the potential customer. You will no doubt acquire information that did not surface during the prospecting stage. If this is the case, it pays to take another look at your product. Now it will be easier to identify features with special appeal to the person you are calling on. In addition, you can more accurately identify questions that the prospect might raise.

An illustration shows an example each of supportive, emotive, directive, and reflective styles.

The strategic planning and preparation that take place during the preapproach can greatly enhance the adaptive selling process. This planning includes a clear understanding of the relationship, product, and customer strategies. This planning and preparation enabled Lana and her sales team to create a presentation strategy that met the relationship and product needs of Ron, one of her largest customers.

Source: Michael Ahearne

Product knowledge, combined with knowledge of the customer, builds confidence. Salespeople who are confident in their ability to alter the sales approach as needed are much better prepared to engage in adaptive selling.13 Customers today are eager to do business with salespeople who have developed “expert power.”

Review The Customer Strategy

Personal selling provides us with the opportunity to apply the marketing concept during every contact with the customer. All energies can be directed toward an individual who is likely to think and act differently from anyone else. Customers today have become increasingly sophisticated in their buying strategies. They have higher expectations for value-added products and long-term commitments. A customer strategy focuses on understanding the customer’s needs, wants, and buying conditions. A careful review of information contained in the prospect database is an essential part of reviewing the customer strategy. With this understanding, adaptive selling strategies are formulated to meet both the relationship and product needs of the customer.

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