Communication Style Model

  1. 5.2 Identify the two major dimensions of the communication style model

This section introduces you to the four basic communication styles. One of these will surface as your most preferred style. The communication style model that defines these styles is based on two important dimensions of human behavior: dominance and sociability. We look at the dominance continuum first.

Dominance Continuum

Dominance can be defined as the tendency to control or prevail over others.10 Dominant people tend to be quite competitive. They also tend to offer opinions readily and to be decisive, opinionated, self-assertive, and vocal. Each of us falls somewhere on the dominance continuum, which is illustrated in Figure 5.1.

An illustration shows a horizontal lengthy block divided into 4 sections. Leftmost section is labeled “low” and rightmost section is marked “high.”

Figure 5.1

The first step in determining your most preferred communication style is to identify where you are on the dominance continuum.

A person classified as being high in dominance is generally a “take charge” type of person who makes his or her position clear to others. A person classified as being low in dominance is usually more reserved, unassertive, and easygoing. Dominance has been recognized as a universal behavioral characteristic. David W. Johnson developed the Interpersonal Pattern Exercise to help people achieve greater interpersonal effectiveness. He believes that people fall into two dominance categories:

  1. Lower dominance. These people have a tendency to be quite cooperative and let others control things. They tend to be lower in assertiveness.

  2. Higher dominance. These people tend to like to control things and frequently initiate demands. They are more aggressive in dealing with others.11

The first step in determining your most preferred communication style is to identify where you fall on the dominance continuum. Do you tend to rank low or high on this scale? To answer this question, complete the Dominance Indicator form in Table 5.1. Rate yourself on each scale by placing a check mark on the continuum at the point that represents how you perceive yourself. If most of your check marks fall to the right of center, you are someone who is higher in dominance. If most of your check marks fall to the left of center, you are someone who is lower in dominance. Is there any best place to be on the dominance continuum? The answer is no. Successful salespeople can be found at all points along the continuum.

Table 5.1 Dominance Indicator

Rate yourself on each scale by placing a check mark on the continuum at the point that represents how you perceive yourself.

Cooperative / / / / / Competitive
Submissive / / / / / Authoritarian
Accommodating / / / / / Domineering
Hesitant / / / / / Decisive
Reserved / / / / / Outgoing
Compromising / / / / / Insistent
Cautious / / / / / Risk taking
Patient / / / / / Hurried
Complacent / / / / / Influential
Quiet / / / / / Talkative
Shy / / / / / Bold
Supportive / / / / / Demanding
Relaxed / / / / / Tense
Restrained / / / / / Assertive
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