Influence of the Salesperson’s Personal Values

Ann Kilpatrick, a sales representative in the transportation industry, encountered an unexpected experience when entertaining a potential client. The client said, “Let’s go to Johnny’s.” She was not familiar with Johnny’s, but on arrival discovered it was a raunchy bar. Kilpatrick related that she sat there for five minutes and then said, “This is not what I was expecting. This is a sleazy place. Let’s go somewhere else where we can talk.” She was not willing to compromise her personal values to win a new account.22

Values represent the ultimate reasons people have for acting as they do. Values are your deep personal beliefs and preferences that influence your behavior. To discover what really motivates you, carefully examine what you value.23 Values serve as a foundation for our attitudes, and our attitudes serve as a foundation for our behavior (Figure 3.4). Destructive attitudes can result in unethical behaviors, where constructive attitudes generally create ethical behaviors. We do not adopt or discard values quickly. In fact, the development and refinement of values is a lifelong process.

A horizontal process flow shows the three parameters that influence the actions of salespeople.

Figure 3.4

Values represent the ultimate reasons salespeople have for acting as they do. Values serve as a foundation for either constructive or destructive attitudes, and these attitudes serve as a foundation for ethical or unethical behavior.

Customers have a very negative view of salespeople who lack integrity. Yet, the temptation to lie about a product’s features or benefits grows when you are trying to meet sales quotas. John Craig, a pharmacist at Hancock Drugs in Scottsburg, Indiana, describes a meeting with a pushy sales representative employed by a pharmaceutical company. The salesperson emphasized the wonders of a powerful, expensive painkiller but failed to describe its side effects. Craig said, “He was very pushy at the beginning,” and this behavior revealed a character flaw.24

Values Conflict

Values help us establish our own personal standards concerning what is right and what is wrong. Ron Willingham, author of Integrity Selling for the 21st Century, says, “Selling success is more an issue of who you are than what you know.”25 A salesperson’s ethics and values contribute more to sales success than do techniques or strategies. Some salespeople discover a values conflict between themselves and their employer. If you view your employer’s instructions or influence as improper, you have three choices:

  1. Ignore the influence of your values and engage in the unethical behavior. However, even with success, inattention to values will result in a loss of self-respect and feelings of guilt and in some circumstances legal liability.26 When salespeople experience conflicts between their actions and values, they also feel a loss of confidence and energy.27 Positive energy is the result of creating value for the customer. Negative energy is experienced when salespeople fail to honor and embrace their ethical values.

  2. Voice strong opposition to the practice that is in conflict with your values system. Take a stand and state your beliefs. When ethical infractions occur, it’s best to bring them up internally and try to influence decisions made by your peers or superiors. In some cases, doing the right thing may not be popular with others. Price Pritchett, the author of The Ethics of Excellence, says, “Not everybody will be on your side in your struggle to do the right thing.”28 However, more and more companies are celebrating employees who come forward to identify questionable conduct.

  3. Refuse to compromise your values and be prepared to deal with the consequences. This may mean leaving the job. It also may mean that you will be fired.

Salespeople face ethical problems and decisions every day. In this respect, they are no different from the doctor, the lawyer, the teacher, or any other professional. Ideally, they make decisions on the basis of the values they hold.29

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