List of Figures




1.1 The jurisdiction of the common law courts
2.1 How a trust is formed: the concept of split ownership
2.2 The (apocryphal?) crusader’s trust
2.3 The probable first trust
2.4 The family tree of trusts
2.5 The facts of Re Gulbenkian’s Settlement
3.1 Lord Browne-Wilkinson’s first resulting trust
3.2 The presumption of advancement
3.3 The Vandervell litigation
3.4 Regal (Hastings) Ltd v Gulliver
4.1 How a trust is formed: the concept of split ownership
4.2 The nature of ‘understanding’ a disposition of property
4.3 The difference between declaring an express trust and assigning an equitable interest
4.4 The beneficiary instructs the trustee to hold the trust property on trust for another
5.1 Knight v Knight family tree
5.2 OT Computers Ltdv First National Tricity Finance Ltd
5.3 Brazzill v Willoughby
5.4 Summary of different tests for discretionary trusts and powers
5.5 Table summary of the judgments in Re Baden’s Deed Trusts (No. 2)
5.6 Summary of certainty of object
6.1 Exceptions to the beneficiary principle
7.1 Gift or trust?
7.2 Summary of case law developments of when a trust wil l be completely constituted
7.3 Re Ralli’s Will Trusts
7.4 The rule in Strong v Bird
7.5 Lord Millet’s hypotheses on where the equitable interest in a Quistclose trust lay,
8.1 Setting up an express trust
8.2 How trustees can be appointed
8.3 How trusteeship can be terminated
8.4 Fiduciary duties, non-fiduciary duties and powers
9.1 Table of Fiduciary duties, non-fiduciary duties and powers
9.2 Table of Fiduciary duties, non-fiduciary duties and powers
10.1 The main methods of varying a trust
10.2 Comparison of ss 339 and 423 Insolvency Act 1986
11.1 The secret trust
11.2 Ottaway v Norman
12.1 Re Hastings-Bass
13.1 The steps in Agip (Africa) Ltd v Jackson
13.2 Tracing flowchart
13.3 Summary of the test for dishonesty in accessory liability cases.
14.1 The argument for a trust of the family home
14.2 Summary of trusts of the family home
15.1 The Charity Commission’s two main functions
15.2 Charitable purposes under s 3(1) of the Charities Act 2011
16.1 Summary of the main principles of cy-près
17.1 Equity’s remedies
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