Detailed Contents



Table of Cases

Table of UK Legislation

Table of Statutory Instruments

Table of European and International Legislation

Guide to the Companion Website

List of Figures


1Equity: Its Meaning, History and Maxims

 ‘Equity’ — What is it?

 Our Civil Court System in the Twenty-First Century

 History of Equity

 Coming Full Circle — Back to the Twenty-First Century

 Equity’s Guiding Principles — Its Maxims

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


2Classification of Trusts and Powers

 The Trust


 Where It All Began …

 Split Ownership

 The Different Types of Trust

 What Type of Property Can Be Left on Trust?

 The Express Trust

 Powers of Appointment

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


3Implied Trusts

 The Background to Implied Trusts

 Implied Trusts — A Definition

 The Constructive Trust

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


4Trust Formation: Capacity and Formalities

 The Fundamental Requirements Needed to Form an Express Trust

 Trust Property



 Formality Requirements on the Declaration of a Trust

 Formality Requirements on the Disposition of an Equitable Interest

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


5Trust Formation: The Three Certainties

 Formation of an Express Trust

 The Three Certainties

 Certainty of Intention

 Certainty of Subject Matter

 Certainty of Object

 Fixed Trusts

 Discretionary Trusts

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


6Trust Formation: The Beneficiary Principle

 Definition of the Beneficiary Principle

 Exceptions to the Beneficiary Principle


 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


7Constitution of a Trust

 Constituting the Trust and the Relationship with Creating a Trust

 Constitution of a Trust

 When is a Trust Completely Constituted?

 How a Trust is Completely Constituted

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


8Trustees’ Appointment and Removal; Trustees’ Fiduciary Duties

 Role of a Trustee

 Appointment of Trustees

 Termination of Trusteeship

 Managing the Trust

 The Trustee’s Fiduciary Duties

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


9Trustees’ Non-Fiduciary Duties and Powers

 Fiduciary Duties, Non-Fiduciary Duties and Powers

 Non-Fiduciary Duties

 Trustees’ Powers

 Duty of Care and Skill Required of a Trustee

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


10Variation of a Trust and Setting a Trust Aside

 Variation of a Trust

 Circumstances When a Trust Can Be Varied Today

 Setting a Trust Aside

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


11Secret Trusts, Half-Secret Trusts and Mutual Wills

 Secret Trusts and Half-Secret Trusts

 Fully Secret Trusts

 Half-Secret Trusts

 Mutual Wills

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


12Remedies for Breach of Trust Against Trustees

 Breach of Trust

 Monetary Remedies Available for Breach of Trust

 Exclusion of Liability for Breach of Trust

 Defences and Mitigating Circumstances for Breach of Trust

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


13Tracing and Actions Against Strangers to the Trust


 Tracing v Following

 Tracing at Common Law

 Tracing in Equity

 Actions Against Strangers to the Trust

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


14Trusts of the Family Home

 The Typical Scenario

 The Leading Case Today: Lloyds Bank v Rosset

 Quantification of the Equitable Interest


 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read




 Charity Administration

 The Charity Commission

 Definition of a Charity

 First Requirement of Charitable Status: There Must Be a Charitable Purpose

 Second Requirement of Charitable Status: There Must Be Public Benefit

 Third Requirement of Charitable Status: The Objects Must Be Exclusively Charitable

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read



 Definition of Cy-près

 Exceptions to Cy-près

 Cy-près and General Charitable Intention

 Charities Act 2011, s 62

 Charities Act 2011, s 63

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read


17Equitable Remedies and Proprietary Estoppel

 Equitable Remedies

 Proprietary Estoppel

 Points to Review

 Useful Things to Read



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