Third Hand++

How to build a multi-use helping hand for electronics and other delicate work By Ryan Straughan


Figure A: The basic Third Hand++, made from machining coolant hose

In the past, I’ve used the third hands/helping hands available at chain electronics shops and been frustrated with their usability. I could never get the clips exactly where I wanted them, or it took more time than it really should to get the setup right. I also wanted the ability to hold small circuit boards and alligator clips just don’t do a very good job of that.

I was familiar with the adjustable coolant hose systems used to spray coolant at cutting tools in the machining industry and thought that would be a great place to start. I ordered various nozzles and hose segments from my favorite online machine tool supply company and started experimenting. This is what I came up with. While it still has plenty of room for improvement, it has served me well over the last 3-4 years.

These arms can be placed into pretty much any position and they will stay there. Another nice feature is that you can make all sorts of attachments for holding whatever you need to work on. So far, I’ve made a circuit board holder, a clamp, a mount for an LCD, and an extraction fan for keeping fumes out of my face.

All you really need are some simple hand tools, a couple of taps, a drill bit, and a drill to make the basic version. If you have all the tools you need, it can be made for $20 or less.

1. Getting started

The first step is to gather everything you’ll need.


image Drill (a hand drill will work, but a drill press would be better)

image 3/8” drill bit

image 1/8-27 NPT tap

image 6-32 tap


Figure B: The Third Hand++ in action


Figure C: Middle arm with a fan for extracting the fumes produced while soldering


Figure D: Circuit board holders


Figure E: Circuit board holder close up. Note how the board slots in place.

image A tap handle

image Ruler

image Center punch

image Don’t forget safety glasses!


The base: I used a block of 1/2” thick aluminum (5.75" x 2.5" x 0.5").

Aluminum is heavy enough to be stable and is easily tapped. You can use whatever you want as long as it is at least a 1/2” thick and can be tapped (plastic, wood, MDF, steel, etc.). The lighter the material, the larger the base needs to be in order to remain stable. If the material is too soft, the threads will wear out and the arms won’t stay in. If you don’t have a local source for the aluminum, you can order it from an online metal sales company cut to length for about $6 plus shipping. I have used for other projects in the past.

The arms: are made from coolant hoses and nozzles used in the machining industry to keep cutting tools cool and lubricated. I used the Snap Flow brand coolant hose system that I bought from They sell a “Male NPT Hose Kit” that has 13" of hose and an assortment of nozzles and connectors. That gets you most of what you need to make a two-handed Third Hand.

I’d recommend purchasing two kits and a few extra nozzles and connectors. For around $12, you will have more than enough parts to make four arms.

For each arm, you will need:

image A 1/8 NPT connector

image 4-5" of hose

image A 1/8” 90 degree nozzle

You may want to consider buying the hose assembly pliers for $23. They are a little difficult to snap together by hand. I didn’t buy the pliers but I kind of wish I had.

The hands: Each hand is made out of a banana plug threaded into the 90-degree nozzle and an alligator clip. I chose the “Flexible Banana plugs (2-Pack)” from RadioShack because it has 6-32 threads that will thread into the nozzle. The alligator clips are the standard 2" size.


Figure F: Center arm sports a holder for an LCD display


Figure G: My first version of the Third Hand++, with a Quick Grip attachment


Figure H: A 2.5" diameter x 9.5" long solid aluminum round bar that weights 5lbs 1 oz, to show the load capacity of the arms


Figure I: Some of what you’ll need—1. Coolant hose 2. 3/8” drill bit 3. An 8-27 NPT Tap 4. A 6-32 tap 5. Banana plugs 6. Alligator clips 7. 1/8-27 NPT coolant hose connectors 8. 90-degree 1/8” coolant nozzles 9. Aluminum block for the base

2. Building the base—lay out

Once you have chosen your base material, you will need to cut it to size, if it has not been done already. I used a block of 1/2” thick aluminum (5.75" x 2.5" x 0.5").


Figure J: Laying out where you want your “arms” to go


Figure K: I used a spring loaded center punch to mark the holes, but I suppose even a nail and hammer would work


Figure L: Drilling the holes for the base


Figure M: A tap socket and a 1/8-27 NPT Tap


Figure N: Tapping the holes in the base


Figure O: The finished, tapped base plate


Figure P: Finish the base surface by sanding. I used 80 and 220 grit and finished with a coarse Scotch-Brite pad (shown).


Figure Q: The parts to build our “hands”

Next you need to lay out the location of the hole for each arm. In this case, I’m using three arms. The arm locations are not critical, they just need to be close enough that the hands will be able to reach each other and be symmetrical so they look nice. It will also depend on the shape and size of your base material. A triangular base might also be a good way to go if you plan on using three arms.

Use a center punch to mark the center of each hole for drilling.

3. Building the base—drilling the holes

I usually start with a smaller drill bit to get it started and then finish with the 3/8” bit. Make sure you drill all the way through the material so it can be tapped. You want the hole to be perpendicular to the base so the hose connector will be flat on the surface when threaded in. This can be done with a hand drill but a drill press would be easier.

4. Building the base—tapping the holes

Tap the holes for the arms using the 1/8-27 NPT tap. Remember that pipe thread is tapered so you will need to tap it deep enough that the hose connector screws all the way in. But tapping it too deep will cause it to be loose and potentially strip the threads on the hose connector. Also remember to keep the tap perpendicular to the base.

I don’t have a tap handle large enough for the 1/8-27 NPT tap so I used one of my sockets designed to hold taps.

If your base is metal, I recommend using thread cutting oil or any lubricant like WD-40 that you may have on hand. I use Tap-Magic thread cutting oil.

5. Building the base—surface finish

Now that the holes are drilled and tapped, you can smooth the surfaces and round the corners using sand paper. I started with 80 grit, then used 220 grit and finished it off with coarse Scotch-Brite. The Scotch-Brite gives it a nice satin finish.

6. Building the hands

Remove the red and black covers from the banana plugs and discard. We only need the metal parts. Using the 6-32 tap, start threading the 90-degree nozzle. The banana plug threads aren’t actually 6-32 but are close enough and provide a nice tight fit. Once the banana plugs are installed you can just slide the alligator clips onto the banana plugs.


Figure R: Threading the 90 degree nozzle using the 6-32 tap


Figure S: Attaching the nozzle-banana clip assembly to the alligator clip


Figure T: The gap in the alligator clip can cause the clip to rotate


Figure U: The top two clips are modified, the top with a metal sleeve, the middle with a wire wrap. The bottom clip in unmodified.


Figure V: All the parts to an arm


Figure W: Using a #2 Phillips head to thread the parts for easier assembly


Figure X: Tapping all of the components to snap into place


Figure Y: The finished, basic Third Hand++

The alligator clips work pretty well as is, but they do have a tendency to rotate when holding longer or heavier items. In the next step I’ll show you how to improve them.

7. Improving the hands—optional

As I said in the previous step, the hands have a tendency to rotate on the banana plugs. While this is a feature I wanted, the ease at which they rotated was a problem in some situations. This is in part due to the alligator clips expanding when installed. You can see the gap in Figure T. To fix this, I came up with a couple of solutions. You can certainly skip this step and be happy with the results, but doing this will make it a lot easier to use.

Metal sleeve

I had some stainless steel tubing sitting around that was the perfect size. OD: 1/4” ID: ~3/16” (0.192”). I cut a 3/8” long section of tubing and using a hammer, lightly tapped the alligator clip into the sleeve. This is the best fix in my opinion (Figure U).

Wrapping with wire

I found some thin solid core wire, wrapped it around the clip, and soldered it in place. This is the easiest and cheapest solution to the problem (Figure U).

8. Assembling the arms

Unless you bought the assembly pliers ($23) when you ordered the coolant hose parts, assembling the arms can be a little tricky. I didn’t buy it, but here is how I figured out how to put them together with ease. Slide the parts you want to join onto a #2 Phillips screwdriver. This will keep everything aligned and all it takes is a sharp tap to get the parts to snap together. Just hold onto the hose and tap it on the work surface in the direction of the part you want to attach.

Although theses pictures show 10 (Figure V), I found that about 7 hose segments per arm to be about the right length. Of course that is my preference and you can use as many as you want.


Figure Z: The circuit board holder in action


Figure ZA: The circuit board holder made out of 1/2” x 1/4” aluminum


Figure ZB: The newer holder made from black Delrin plastic—an easy to work with, electrically benign material


Figure ZC: A fume extraction fan made from a PC fan and a ScotchBrite pad

9. Finishing it up

Now all you need to do is thread the arm assemblies into the base and you’re done!

Next I’ll show you some of the attachments I’ve made.

10. Attachments—circuit board holder

The circuit board holder has been one of the best attachments I’ve made for the third hand. I’ve used it to hold boards as small as an inch wide all the way up to ~8” wide (Figures Z-ZA).

Making these might be beyond the capabilities of most people because of the tools needed. First, my first set of holders. I used two pieces of 1/2舡 x 1/4舡 aluminum, each about 2.5舡 long. In the end of each, I drilled a 5/32” hole around 3/4” deep. You could do that with a hand drill and a vise, but there isn’t a lot of room for error. A drill press or a mill would be best.

To make the slot, I used a slitting saw in my mill. The slot is a little over 1/16” wide and 1/8” deep running the entire length of the rail. I suppose you could do this with a hack saw or Dremel, but it would be difficult, and I suspect the results would be pretty rough.

Figure ZB shows a set of newer circuit board holders I made out of black Delrin plastic. These were a bit easier to make since I was able to use a 1/16” end mill instead of a slitting saw. Plastic is also a safer material, since many circuit boards have components and traces right up to the edge of the board and could be shorted by the aluminum.

11. Attachments—fume extraction fan

I made an extraction fan using an old CPU cooling fan, a bit of filter material, another 1/8” 90-degree nozzle, and a couple screws—all stuff I had lying around the house (Figure ZC).

For the filter, I cut a piece of white Scotch-Brite to the shape of the fan and attached one corner with a screw. The opposite corner I used a long screw to go through the fan and filter into the nozzle. Connect it to a 12-volt source and solder without having fumes in your face.

In my next version, I plan to add white LEDs to provide extra light in addition to the extraction functionality.

12. Attachments—LCD mount

I made this mount to hold a graphics LCD when I was playing with a BASIC STAMP II (Figure ZD).

I used a mill to build this, but I’m sure it can be done with hand tools. I milled a black bracket out of Delrin plastic, drilled and tapped the appropriate holes, and screwed it to a large straight nozzle. I’m not going to get into the details as it is fairly self explanatory and not everyone is going to have the same LCD. I mostly wanted to show you the variety of attachments that can be made for the helping hands.

13. Attachments—clamp

This clamp can be used to hold larger items than what will fit in the alligator clips. All I did was drill a couple holes in the bar near the stationary end of a Quick Grip clamp and attached it to a 90- degree spray bar nozzle with two screws. I used a right angle adapter to make positioning the clamp easier and #4-40 screws thread right into the spray bar nozzle without having to tap them. However, drilling through the hardened metal bar of the clamp took some effort (Figure ZE).


Figure ZD: An LCD display mount


Figure ZE: The Quick Grip mount using the 90-degree spray bar nozzle part


Figure ZF: The Third Hand++ holding 2.2lbs of round bar


Figure ZG: The Third Hand++ with an O-scope probe attachment

14. Other attachments and ideas

ESD (electrostatic discharge): When I made the first version, that I’ve used for years, I was concerned with ESD and so I soldered a wire to the banana plug that ran inside the arm and was grounded to the base. I also drilled holes in the front and back so I could plug in a static wrist strap in the front and in the back and connect it to the static ground at the workbench. I probably should have soldered in a 1MΩ resistor to the wire going to each hand for more protection.

Powered hands: I’ve also thought about adding binding posts to the base and wires going up to the banana plugs so that voltage can be applied to the hands for powering circuits or loads being held by the alligator clips. The down side to this is that the left and right hands are wired to the base so changing attachments, that requires a nozzle change, means you have to disconnect the wire. However, most of the attachments I made that require a nozzle change are primarily used on the center arm. The alligator clip hands and the circuit board holder just slide onto the banana plugs, so no nozzle change is required.

DMM/O-scope probe: I am also working on an attachment to hold voltmeter leads or an O-scope probe (Figure ZG). I always seem to run out of hands when measuring signals on a circuit board.

Magnifying glass : Although I never used the magnifying glass on the old helping hands I had, I’m sure many people would use one. It would be easy to adapt one to use on the center arm.


Figure ZH: A Third Hand++ with parts trays built into the base

LED light: A little extra light would be helpful as well. I plan to combine the extraction fan and an LED light.

Small parts tray: Figure ZH shows a base that I made for a friend that has a pair of parts trays milled into the aluminum.

Other thoughts: There are a ton of different nozzles and connectors available for the coolant hose systems. I’m sure there is no end of attachments and accessories that can be made for this third hand.

Ryan Straughan works as an airline flight simulator technician in Denver, CO. His hobbies include RC aircraft (both planes and helicopters), electronics, metal working/machining, an amateur radio (NORYN). He has been fixing, making, and inventing since he was very little. He lives in Centennial, CO, with his wife and two cats.

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