The Situation over a Finite Field

Let us now turn our attention to the case of a finite field k, and a groupscheme G/k which is a form of Gm. Concretely, it is either Gm/k itself, or it is the nonsplit form, defined in terms of the unique quadratic extension k2/k inside the chosen k as follows: for any k-algebra A,

G(A) := {x ∈ A ⊗k k2| NormA⊗kk2/A(x) = 1}.

We denote by Parith the full subcategory of the category Pervarith of all perverse sheaves on G/k consisting of those perverse sheaves on G/k which, pulled back to G/k, lie in P. And we denote by Negarith the full subcategory of Pervarith consisting of those objects which, pulled back to G/k, lie in Neg. Then once again we have


which endows Parith with the structure of abelian category. Thus a sequence


of objects of Parith is exact if and only if it is exact when pulled back to G/k; equivalently, if and only if α is injective, β is surjective, βα = 0, and Ker(β)/Im(α) lies in Negarith.

An irreducible object in Parith is an irreducible object in Pervarith which is not negligible, i.e., whose pullback to G/k has nonzero Euler characteristic.

Middle convolution then endows Parith with the structure of a neutral Tannakian category, indeed a subcategory of P such that the inclusion ParithP is exact and compatible with the tensor structure.

Recall [BBD, 5.3.8] that an object N in Parith which is ι-pure of weight zero is geometrically semisimple, i.e., semisimple when pulled back to G/k. Recall also that the objects N in Parith which are ι-pure of weight zero are stable by middle convolution and form a full Tannakian subcategory Parith,ι wt=0 of Parith. [Indeed, if M and N in Parith are both ι-pure of weight zero, then M £ N is ι-pure of weight zero on Gm × Gm, hence by Deligne’s main theorem [De-Weil II, 3.3.1] M?!N is ι-mixed of weight ≤ 0, and hence M?midN, as a perverse quotient of M?!N, is also ι-mixed of weight ≤ 0, cf. [BBD, 5.3.1]. But the Verdier dual D(M?midN) is the middle convolution DM?midDN (because duality interchanges Rπ! and Rπ?), hence it too is ι-mixed of weight ≤ 0.]

This same stability under middle convolution holds for the objects N in Parith which are geometrically semisimple, resp. which are arithmetically semisimple, giving full Tannakian subcategories Parith,gss, resp. Parith,ss. Thus we have full Tannakian subcategories

Parith,ι wt=0 ⊂ Parith,gssParith



Also the objects which are both ι-pure of weight zero and arithmetically semisimple form a full Tannakian subcategory Parith,ι wt=0, ss.

Pick one of the two possible isomorphisms of G/k with Gm/k, viewed as A1/k 0. Denote by j0 : Gm/kA1/k the inclusion, and denote by ! the fibre functor on Parith defined by

N images !(N) := H0(A1/k, j0!N).

The definition of this ! depends upon the choice of one of the two k-points at infinity on the complete nonsingular model, call it X, of G/k. If G/k is already Gm/k, then these two points at infinity on X are both k-rational. But if G/k is nonsplit, these two points at infinity are only k2-rational, and they are interchanged by Frobk. So it is always the case that Frobk2 acts on !(N), but Frobk may not act.

Theorem 4.1. Suppose that N in Parith is ι-pure of weight zero and arithmetically semisimple. Then the following six conditions are equivalent.

(1) For j : G/k ⊂ X/k the inclusion of G/k into its complete non-singular model, the “forget supports” map is an isomorphism j!NRj? N.

(2) The natural “forget supports” and restriction maps

H0c(G/k, N) → !(N) → H0(G/k, N)

are both isomorphisms.

(3) The cohomology group !(N) is ι-pure of weight zero for the action of Frobk2.

(3bis) The cohomology group H0c(G/k, N) is ι-pure of weight zero for the action of Frobk (or equivalently, for the action of Frobk2).

(4) For every object M in <N>arith, !(M) is ι-pure of weight zero for the action of Frobk2.

(4bis) For every object M in <N>arith, the cohomology group H0c(G/k, M) is ι-pure of weight zero for the action of Frobk (or equivalently, for the action of Frobk2).

(5) For every object M in <N>arith, the “forget supports” map is an isomorphism j!MRj? M.

(6) For every object M in <N>arith, the natural “forget supportsand restriction maps

H0c(G/k, M) images !(M) → H0(G/k, M)

are both isomorphisms.

When these equivalent conditions hold, the construction

M images H0c(G/k, M)

is a fibre functor on <N>arith, on which Frobk acts and is ι-pure of weight zero.

Proof. We first show that (1), (2), and (3) are equivalent. Since N is arithmetically semisimple, we reduce immediately to the case when N is arithmetically irreducible. If N is punctual, each of (1), (2), and (3) holds, so there is nothing to prove. So it suffices to treat the case when M is G[1] for an arithmetically irreducible middle extension sheaf G which is ι-pure of weight –1. As we saw in the proof of Lemma 3.3, we have four term exact sequences

0 → GI(∞) → H0c(Gm/k, G[1])→ H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) → H1(I(∞),G) → 0


0 → GI(0) → H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) → H0c(Gm/k, G[1]) → H1(I(∞);,G) → 0

In particular, we have an injection

GI(0) ⊂ H0(A1/k, j0!G[1])

and a surjection

H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) ³ H1(I(∞), G).

Now (1) holds for G[1] if and only if we have either of the following two equivalent conditions:

(a) GI(0) = 0 = H1(I(0); G) and GI(∞) = 0 = H1(I(∞); G).

(b) GI(0) = 0 = H1(I(∞), G) = 0.

[That (a) and (b) are equivalent results from the fact that dim GI(0) = dim H1(I(0); G) and dim GI(∞) = dim H1(I(∞); G).] So if (1) holds, then (a) holds, and the above four term exact sequences show that (2) holds. If (2) holds, then the “forget supports” map

H0c(G/k, N) → H0(G/k, N)

is an isomorphism, which implies that each is ι-pure of weight zero (the source being mixed of weight ≤ 0 and the target being mixed of weight ≥ 0), and hence (3) holds. If (3) holds, we claim that (b) holds. Indeed, the four term exact sequences above give us an injection

GI(0)H0(A1/k, j0!G[1])

and a surjection

H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) ³ H1(I(∞), G).

But GI(0) has ι-weight ≤ –1, so must vanish, and H1(I(∞), G) has ι-weight ≥ 1, so also must vanish, exactly because !(M) = H0(A1/k, j0!G[1]) is ι-pure of weight zero.

We next show that (1) and (3bis) are equivalent. We have (1) implies (3bis) (the source is mixed of weight ≤ 0, and the target is mixed of weight ≥ 0). If (3bis) holds, we infer (1) as follows. The question is geometric, so we may reduce to the case where G is Gm.

Then on P1 we have the short exact sequence

0 → j!G → j? G δ0V M δ ⊗ W → 0,

with V and W representations of Gal(k/k) which, by [De-Weil II, 1.81], are mixed of weight ≤ –1. Because G[1] has P, G has no constant subsheaf, and so the group H0(P1, j? G) vanishes. So the cohomology sequence gives an inclusion

V ⊕ W ⊂ H1c(G/k, G) := H0c(G/k, N).

As the second group is pure of weight 0, we must have V = W = 0. Thus we have


and this in turn implies that

j!GRj? G.

Each object M in <N>arith is itself ι-pure of weight zero and arithmetically semisimple, so applying the argument above object by object we get the equivalence of (4), (4bis), (5), and (6). Trivially (5) implies (2). Conversely, if (2) holds, then (5) holds. Indeed, it suffices to check (5) for each arithmetically irreducible object M in <N>arith, (i.e., for any irreducible representation of the reductive group Garith,N), but any such M is a direct factor of some multiple middle convolution of N and its dual, so its !(M) lies in some !(N)r ⊗ (!(N))s, so is ι-pure of weight zero.

Once we have (4) and (6), the final conclusion is obvious.images

Given a finite extension field E/k, and a Q× -valued character ρ of the group G(E), we have the Kummer sheaf Lρ on G/E, defined by pushing out the Lang torsor 1 – FrobE : G/E → G/E, whose structural group is G(E), by ρ. For L/E a finite extension, and ρL := ρ ◦ NormL/E, the Kummer sheaf LρL on G/L is the pullback of Lρ on G/E. Pulled back to G/k, the Kummer sheaves Lρ are just the characters of finite order of the tame fundamental group πtamei(G/k); here we view this group as the inverse limit, over finite extensions E/k, of the groups G(E), with transition maps provided by the norm.

We say that a character ρ of some G(E) is good for an object N in Parith if this becomes true after extension of scalars to G/k, i.e., if the “forget supports” map is an isomorphism j!(NLρ) ≅ Rj (NLρ). As an immediate corollary of the previous theorem, applied to NLρ on G/E, we get the following.

Corollary 4.2. Suppose N in Parith is ι-pure of weight zero and arithmetically semisimple. If a character ρ of some G(E) is good for N, then for every M in <N>arith, H0c(G/k, M ⊗Lρ) is ι-pure of weight zero for FrobE, and the construction

M images H0c(G/k, M ⊗Lρ)

is a fibre functor on <N>arith, on which FrobE acts and is ι-pure of weight zero.

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