Isogenies, Connectedness, and Lie-Irreducibility

For each prime to P integer n, we have the n’th power homomorphism [n] : G → G. Formation of the direct image

M images [n]?M

is an exact functor from Perv to itself, which maps Neg to itself, P to itself, and which (because a homomorphism) is compatible with middle convolution:

[n]?(M?mid N) ≅ ([n]?M) ?mid ([n]?N).

So for a given object N in Parith, [n]? allows us to view <N>arith as a Tannakian subcategory of <[n]?N>arith, and <N>geom as a Tannakian subcategory of <[n]?N>geom. For the fibre functor ! defined (after a choice of isomorphism G/kGm/k) by

N images !(N) := H0(A1/k, j0!N),

we have canonical functorial isomorphisms

!(N) = !([n]?N).

So with respect to these fibre functors we have inclusions of Tannakian groups

Ggeom, [n]?NGgeom,N



Theorem 8.1. Suppose that N in Pgeom is semisimple and that n is a prime to p integer. Then Ggeom,[n]?N is a normal subgroup of Ggeom,N. The quotient group Ggeom,N/Ggeom,[n]?N is the cyclic group Z/dZ with

d := #{ζ ∈ μn(k)| δζ ∈ <N>geom},

and Ggeom,[n]?N, seen inside Ggeom,N, is the fixer of the objects


Proof. As N is semisimple, [n]?N is also semisimple, hence Ggeom,[n]?N is reductive. So Ggeom,[n]?N is the fixer of its invariants in some representation of the ambient group Ggeom,N, say corresponding to an object M in <N>geom. Its invariants are the δ1 subobjects of [n]?M. These are precisely the subobjects [n]?δζ, ζ ∈ μn(k), of [n]?M, i.e., the images by [n]? of the subobjects δζ, ζ ∈ μn(k), of M. Thus its space of invariants in M is the largest subobject of M which is punctual and supported in μn(k). So the space of Ggeom,[n]?N -invariants is a Ggeom,N stable subspace. Hence the fixer of these invariants, namely Ggeom,[n]?N, is a normal subgroup of Ggeom,N. A representation of the quotient is an object M in <N>geom with [n]?M geometrically trivial, i.e., a punctual object in <N>geom which is supported in μn(k), i.e., a sum of the objects

ζ ∈ <N>geom | ζ ∈ μn(k)}.

Thus we recover the reductive normal subgroup Ggeom,[n]?N of Ggeom,N as the fixer of these objects.images

Recall that a representation ρ of an algebraic group G is said to be Lie-irreducible if it is both irreducible and remains irreducible when restricted to the identity component G0 of G.

Theorem 8.2. Suppose that N in Parith is arithmetically semisimple and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). Then N is geometrically Lie-irreducible (i.e., Lie-irreducible as a representation of Ggeom,N) if and only if [n]?N is geometrically irreducible for every integer n ≥ 1 prime to p. For n0 the order of the finite group Ggeom,N/G0geom,N, we have

G0geom,N = Ggeom, [n0]?N.

Proof. If N is geometrically Lie-irreducible, then any subgroup of finite index in Ggeom,N acts irreducibly. By the previous result, for each n ≥ 1 prime to p the group Ggeom,[n]?N is of finite index, so acts irreducibly, i.e., [n]?N is geometrically irreducible. Conversely, by Theorem 6.5, we know that Ggeom,N/G0geom, N is cyclic of some order n0 prime to p. By Corollary 6.6, we know that G0geom,N is the fixer of all punctual objects in <N>geom. Moreover, by Theorem 6.5, the irreducible such punctual objects are precisely

ζ ∈ <N>geom | ζk×} = {δζ ∈ <N>geom | ζ ∈ μn0(k)}.

Their fixer, by Theorem 8.1 above, is the subgroup Ggeom,[n0]?N. Thus we have

G0geom, N = Ggeom,[n0]?N.

This second group acts irreducibly if (and only if) [n0]?M is geometrically irreducible.images

Corollary 8.3. Suppose that N in Parith is geometrically irreducible and pure of weight zero (i.e., ι-pure of weight zero for every ι). Then N is geometrically Lie-irreducible if and only if for every a = 1 k× the multiplicative translate [x images ax] N is not geometrically isomorphic to N.

Proof. Given two semisimple objects in Pgeom, say A = MiniCi and B = MimiCi where the Ci are pairwise non-isomorphic, geometrically irreducible objects, and the integers ni and mi are ≥ 0, define the inner product


Thus a geometrically semisimple object N is geometrically irreducible if and only if <N, N>geom = 1. Frobenius reciprocity gives, for each integer n prime to p,


By the previous theorem, N is geometrically Lie-irreducible if and only if [n]?N is geometrically irreducible for every integer n ≥ 1 prime to p, i.e., if and only if <[n]?N, [n]?N>geom = 1 for every integer n ≥ 1 prime to p. By Frobenius reciprocity, this holds if and only if N is not geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself by a root of unity of order prime to p. But every element of k× is a root of unity of order prime to p.images

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