SL(n)Examples with Slightly Composite n

In this chapter, we continue to study the object N of Theorem 21.1. Thus k is a finite field of characteristic p, Ã a nontrivial additive character of k, f(x) = ∑ai=–b Aixi ∈ k[x, 1/x] is a Laurent polynomial of “bidegree” (a, b), with a, b both 1 and both prime to p. We assume that f(x) is Artin-Schreier reduced. We take for N the object N := LÃ(f(x))(1/2)[1] ∈ Parith.

Theorem 22.1. The object N, viewed in <N>geom, is not geometrically isomorphic to the middle convolution of any two objects K and L in <N>geom each of which has dimension ≥ 2. Equivalently, the representation of Ggeom,N corresponding to N is not the tensor product of two other representations of Ggeom,N, each of which has dimension ≥ 2.

Proof. The key point is that the object N has no bad characters (because it is totally wildly ramified at both 0 and , a property equivalent to having no bad characters). Therefore every object in <N>arith shares this property of having no bad characters, cf. Theorem 4.1. In other words, every object M< N >arith is (strictly speaking, its H–1(M) is) totally wildly ramified at both 0 and . But every object in <N>geom is, geometrically, a direct summand of some object of <N>arith (indeed, of some multiple middle convolution of N and of its Tannakian dual N), so itself is totally wildly ramified at both 0 and . But N has generic rank one, so the theorem results from the following theorem.images

Theorem 22.2. Let K and M be two irreducible objects of Pgeom, each of which is nonpunctual and totally wildly ramified at both 0 and ∞. Then their middle convolution K ?mid M has generic rank ≥ 2.

Proof. We have K = K[1] and M = M[1] for irreducible middle extension sheaves K and M on Gm/k, each of which is totally wildly ramified at both 0 and . Over a dense open set U, their middle convolution is of the form Q[1], for Q a lisse sheaf on U whose stalk at a point a ∈ U(k) is the image of the “forget supports” map

H1c(Gm/k, K⊗ [x images a/x]? M) → H1(Gm/k, K⊗ [x images a/x]? M).

We claim that, because K and M are totally wildly ramified at both 0 and , the tensor product sheaf K⊗ [x images a/x]? M is, for all but at most finitely many a, itself totally wildly ramified at both 0 and . Let us temporarily grant this claim. Then for good a, the forget supports map is an isomorphism, and hence the generic rank of Q is


the last inequality because K⊗ [x images a/x]? M is totally wildly ramified at both 0 and . Thus we are reduced to the following lemma, applied to the I(0) (resp. the I()) representations of K and of [x images 1/x]? M.images

Lemma 22.3. Let R and S be ℓ-adic representations of I(0) (resp. of I()) which are both totally wildly ramified. Then for all but finitely many aGm(k), R ⊗ [x images ax]? S is a totally wild ramified representation of I(0) (resp. of I()).

Proof. We treat the I(0) case; the I() case is identical. The wildness of an -adic representation of I = I(0) depends only on its restriction to the wild inertia group P = P (0). This restriction is semisimple with finite image, simply because P is a pro-p group, and ℓ ≠ p. So we may replace R and S by their semisimplifications as I-representations, then reduce to the case where R and S are each I-irreducible.

The next step is to reduce further to the case in which R and S are both P-irreducible. We claim that after some Kummer pullback by an n’th power map, for some n prime to p, both R and S are P-isomorphic to direct sums of irreducible P-representations, each of which extends to an I-representation. [Such a Kummer pullback is harmless for questions of total wildness, as P is unchanged.] Recall that once we pick an element ° ∈ I whose pro-order is prime to p and which mod P is a topological generator of the tame quotient ItameZnot p (1), we have a semidirect product expression

IP images < ° >.

Since R (resp. S) is I-irreducible, conjugation by ° must permute the finitely many isomorphism classes of irreducible P-representations which occur in it. So replacing ° by a prime to p power of itself, which amounts to passing to a Kummer pullback, we get a situation where each P-irreducible in R (resp. in S) is isomorphic to its °-conjugate, hence extends to a representation of I (and the extended representation of I is unique up to tensoring with a Kummer sheaf Lχ, i.e., with a character of I/P = Itame).

So we are reduced to the case where R and S remain irreducible when restricted to P. If R and S are inequivalent as P-representations, then (RS)P = HomP (R,S) = 0, i.e., RS is totally wild. So if no multiplicative translate of S is P-isomorphic to R, we are done.

If some multiplicative translate of S is P-isomorphic to R, say S itself, then (RS)P = HomP (R,S) is one-dimensional, with trivial P action, so is some Kummer sheaf Lχ. In this latter case, we have an I-isomorphism

HomP (R,S) ⊗ RS,



Replacing R by RLχ, which is harmless for questions of total wildness, we must treat the case in which SR as I-representation. In view of the previous paragraph, it suffices to show that there are at most finitely many aGm(k) such that S is P-isomorphic to [x images ax]? S. In fact, we will show that there are at most Max(Swan(S),Swan(det(S))) such translates.

We first recall [Ka-GKM, 4.1.6 (2)] that there are at most Swan(S) aGm(k) such that S is I-isomorphic to [x images ax]1S. To see this, we consider the canonical extension, say S, of S to a lisse sheaf on Gm which is tame at and whose I(0)-representation is isomorphic to S. Because S is I-irreducible, S is irreducible as lisse sheaf on Gm/k. If the I-isomorphism class of S is invariant under multiplicative translation by some a ≠ 1 in Gm(k), say by a of multiplicative order n > 1 prime to p, then the isomorphism class of S is invariant under multiplicative translation by µn, and hence S descends through the n’th power map, i.e., S ≅ [n]? T for some lisse sheaf T on Gm, in which case Swan0(S) = n × Swan0(T). In particular, n divides Swan0(S) = Swan(S). So there are at most Swan(S) multiplicative translates of S which are I-isomorphic to S.

We next infer from this that there are at most


aGm(k) such that S is P-isomorphic to [x images ax]? S. Consider first the case in which det(S) is itself wildly ramified. Then applying the above result to det(S), there are at most Swan(det(S)) values aGm(k) such that det(S) is I-isomorphic to [x images ax]? det(S). But taking a Kummer sheaf Lχ which has the same value on ° as det(S), the ratio det(S)/Lχ is a wild character which takes only p-power roots of unity as values. Indeed, as S has p-power rank (being P-irreducible), we may replace S by its twist by the unique rank(S)’th root of Lχ, and reduce to the case where det(S) has p-power order. In this case, det(S) is a character of IP images < ° > which is trivial on °, so is completely determined by its restriction to P. So in this case, the P -isomorphism class of det(S) is preserved by at most Swan(det(S)) multiplicative translations.

Now consider the case in which det(S) is tame. Here the I-isomorphism class of det(S) is invariant by multiplicative translation. But one knows that for an irreducible representation S of I which is P-irreducible, its I-isomorphism class is determined by the two data consisting of the P-isomorphism class of S and the I-isomorphism class of det(S), cf. [Ka-ClausCar, 2.5.1]. [Indeed, as noted earlier, if S1 and S2 are P-irreducible and P-isomorphic, then for some χ, S1S2Lχ. Taking determinants, we get det(S1) ≅ det(S2) ⊗ Lχq, for q the common rank of the Si. But q is some power q of p, by P-irreducibility, so if the determinants are isomorphic then χ is trivial.] Since the I-isomorphism class of S is preserved by at most Swan(S) translations, the same is true for its P-isomorphism class.images

Theorem 22.4. We have the following result concerning the object N of Theorem 21.1. Suppose that ab, that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1, and that (1)aaAa = (1)b+1bA–b. Suppose further that a + b is the product ℓ12 of two distinct primes. Then G0geomSL(12), already shown to be a connected irreducible subgroup which is not self-dual, has a simple Lie algebra.

Proof. We argue by contradiction. If Lie(G0geom) is not simple, then G0geom is the image in SL(12) of a product group G1 × G2, with G1SL(1) and G2SL(2) connected irreducible subgroups, at least one of which is not self-dual, under the tensor product of the given representations.

Suppose first that 2 = 1. Then for lack of choice G1 = SL(2), and hence by Gabber’s theorem on prime-dimensional representations [Ka-ESDE, 1.6], G2 must be SL(2), the only non-self-dual choice. The image of this G1 × G2 in SL(12) is this product group, and it is its own normalizer in SL(12). Therefore Ggeom = G1 × G2. This contradicts Theorem 22.1.

Suppose now that both 1 and 2 are odd primes. Then at least one of the factors, say G1, is not self-dual, so must be SL(1). The second factor G2 is either SL(2) or SO(2) or SO(3), viewed as the image of SL(2) in Sym21(std2), or, if 2 = 7, possibly the exceptional group G2 in its seven-dimensional representation. In this case as well, the image of G1 × G2 in SL(12) is this product group, and its normalizer in SL(12) is itself, augmented by the scalars µ12 in SL(12). In the case when G2 is SL(2), these scalars are already in G1 × G2, so G1 × G2 is its own normalizer in SL(12). So in this case Ggeom is the product group G1 × G2, and we contradict Theorem 22.1.

If G2 is SO(2) or one of its listed subgroups, G2 contains no nontrivial scalars, so the normalizer of G1 × G2 in SL(12) is the product group

G1 × (µ2 × G2).

Thus we have

G1 × ×G2GgeomG1 × (µ2 × G2).

So Ggeom is either G1 × × G2 or it is G1 × (µ2 × G2), in either case contradicting Theorem 22.1.images

Remark 22.5. In view of this result, it is natural to ask the following question: for which pairs of distinct primes 1 < 2 is it the case that the only connected irreducible subgroup of SL(12) which is not self-dual, and whose Lie algebra is simple, is the entire group SL(12) itself? Such a subgroup is the image of an irreducible, non-self-dual, 12-dimensional representation of a simply connected group with simple Lie algebra. We wish to know the cases in which the only such are the standard representation std12 of SL(12) and its contragredient. One knows that only the types An, n ≥ 2, D2k+ 1, k ≥ 2, and E6 have irreducible representations which are not self-dual. According to a recent result of Goldstein, Guralnick and Stong [GGS, Cor. 1.5], only the An, n ≥ 2, have irreducible representations which are non-self-dual and of dimension equal to the product 12 of two distinct primes 1 < 2. Moreover, the only dimensions 12 so attained are of the following three types.

(1) Twin primes: 2 = 1 + 2. In general, n(n+ 2) is the dimension of the representation !1 + (n – 1)!2 of A2.

(2) Sophie Germain primes: 2 = 21 + 1. In general, n(2n + 1) is the dimension of the representation Sym2(std2n) of SL(2n), or the dimension of the representation Λ2(std2n+ 1)of SL(2n+ 1), or the dimension of the representation Sym2n+ 1(std3)of SL(3).

(3) Variant Sophie Germain primes: 2 = 21 – 1. In general, n(2n–1) is the dimension of the representation Sym2(std2n–1) of SL(2n–1), or the dimension of the representation Λ2(std2n) of SL(2n), or the dimension of the representation Sym2n(std3) of SL(3).

Thus we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 22.6. We have the following result concerning the object N of Theorem 21.1. Suppose that ab, that gcd{i|Ai ≠ 0} = 1, and that (–1)aaAa = (–1)b+ 1bA–b. Suppose further that a + b is the product ℓ12 of two distinct primes ℓ1 < 2. Suppose that these are neither twin primes, Sophie Germain primes, or variant Sophie Germain primes. Then Ggeom = SL(12).

Remark 22.7. Thus for example if 12 < 400 and (1, 2) is not any of

(2, 3), (2, 5), (3, 5), (3, 7), (5, 7), (5, 11), (7, 13), (11, 13), (11, 23), (17, 19), then we have Ggeom = SL(12) in the theorem above. This can be seen directly, i.e., without invoking [GGS, Cor. 1.5], from the tables of Lübeck [Lu]. In these tables, the dimensions listed as valid for all large p are also the dimensions of the same representations of the complex group.

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