G2 Examples: Construction in Characteristic Two

We treat the case of characteristic two separately because it is somewhat simpler than the case of odd characteristic. Recall from the first paragraph of the previous chapter that for k a finite field of characteristic 2, and any character χ of k×, the Tate-twisted Kloosterman sheaf of rank seven

F(χ, k) := Kl(image, image, image, χ, χ, χ, χ)(3)

has Ggeom = Garith = G2. Our first task is to express its stalk at a fixed point a ∈ k× as the finite field Mellin transform of the desired object N(a, k).

We abbreviate

Kl2 := Kl(image, image), Kl3 = Kl(image, image, image).

Lemma 26.1. For a finite extension k/F2, and for a ∈ k×, consider the lisse perverse sheaf on Gm × Gm/k, with coordinates (z, t), given by

M = M(z, t) := Kl3(a/(z2t)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt)(3)[2].

Then we have the following results.

(1) The object N(a, k) := R(pr2)!M on Gm/k is perverse, of the form Na[1] for a sheaf Na.

(2) Denote by π : (Gm)3Gm the multiplication map (x, y, z) image xyz. Given a character χ of k×, consider the lisse perverse sheaf on (Gm)3 with coordinates x, y, z given by

Kχ := Kl3(x) ⊗ Kl2(y) ⊗Lχ(y)Kl2(z) ⊗Lχ(z)(3)[3].

We have an isomorphism of perverse sheaves on Gm/k,

F(χ, k)[1] ≅ Rπ!Kχ.

(3) For any character χ of k×, we have H0c(Gm/k, N(a, k)⊗Lχ) ≅ F(χ, k)a as Frobk-module, and Hic(Gm/k, N(a, k) ⊗Lχ) = 0 for i ≠ 0.

(4) The object N(a, k) on Gm/k is pure of weight zero, lies in Parith, has no bad characters, and is totally wild at both 0 and ∞.

Proof. (1) The Verdier dual of M is

M:= Kl3(–a/(z2t)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt)(3)[2].

But in characteristic 2, this is just M. So the Verdier dual of N(a, k) is R(pr2)?M. Because pr2 is an affine morphism, and M is perverse, R(pr2)?M is semiperverse. So to show that N(a, k) is perverse, it suffices to show that it is semiperverse, i.e., that for all but at most finitely many values of t0 k×, we have

H2c(Gm/k, Kl3(a/(z2t0)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0)) = 0.

In fact, this H2c vanishes for all to, because for each t0 ≠ 0, the coefficient sheaf is totally wildly ramified at z = 0 (from the Kl3(a/(z2t0) factor, the other two factors being tame at z = 0). Thus N(a, k)[–1] is a single sheaf, which we name Na.

(2) This is simply the expression of the Kloosterman sheaf F(χ, k) as an iterated ! multiplicative convolution [Ka-GKM, 5.4, 5.5], taking into account the isomorphisms Kl2(χ, χ) ≅ Kl2Lχ and Kl2(χ, χ) ≅ Kl2Lχ [Ka-ESDE, 8.2.5].

(3) If we make the substitutions x = w/(z2t), y = zt, z = z, then, using the identity χ(zt)χ(z) = χ(t), Kχ becomes

Kχ = Kl3(w/(z2t)) ⊗ Kl2(y) ⊗Lχ(t)Kl2(z)(3)[3].

The restriction of Kχ[–1] to the locus w = a, which we view as being Gm × Gm with coordinates z, t, is just M ⊗ pr?2(Lχ). So from the isomorphism F(χ, k)[1] ≅ Rπ!Kχ of part (2), and proper base change, we get

F(χ, k)a = RΓc(G2m/k, M ⊗ pr2(Lχ)).

This last term is just RΓc(Gm/k, N(a, k) ⊗Lχ), by Leray and the projection formula.

(4) For E/k a finite field extension, and t0 ∈ E×, the stalk of Na at t0 is (by proper base change)

H1c(Gm/k, Kl3(a/(z2t0)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0)(3)).

As already noted, the coefficient sheaf is totally wildly ramified at z = 0.

We first claim that for t0 ≠ 1, the coefficient sheaf is also totally wildly ramified at z = ∞. As the first factor Kl3(a/(z2t0)) is tame, in fact unipotent, at z = ∞, we must show that Kl2(z)⊗Kl2(zt0) is totally wild at z = ∞, so long as t0 ≠ 1. As I(∞)-representations, Kl2(z) and its translate Kl2(zt0) are both irreducible, so their tensor product is I(∞)-semisimple. In addition, both are I(∞)-self-dual and of trivial determinant. We argue by contradiction. If Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0) is not totally wild, then it contains some tame character Lχ as a summand, and hence we have an I(∞)-isomorphism

Kl2(zt0) ≅ Kl2(z) ⊗ Lχ.

Taking determinants, we infer that χ2 = image. As p = 2, this forces χ = image. But the isomorphism class of Kl2(z) as I(∞)-representation detects nontrivial translations, hence t0 = 1, contradiction.

For any t0 ≠ 0, Kl3(a/(z2t0)) has Swan0 = 1 (because p = 2). Hence the coefficient sheaf Kl3(a/(z2t0))⊗Kl2(z)⊗Kl2(zt0)has Swan0 = 4.

We next show that the Swan conductor at ∞ of Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0), for t0 ≠ 1, is 2. To see this, we argue as follows. Both Kl2(z) and its translate Kl2(zt0) have both ∞-slopes 1/2, so the four ∞-slopes of Kl2(z)⊗Kl2(zt0) are each ≤ 1/2, and each > 0 (by the total wildness). Taking into account the Hasse-Arf theorem, that the multiplicity of any slope is a multiple of its denominator, the only possible slopes are 1/2 or 1/3 or 1/4. No slope can be 1/3, for then there would be 3 slopes 1/3, and the remaining slope would be an integer. So either we have all slopes 1/2, or we have all slopes 1/4. We argue by contradiction. If we had all slopes 1/4, then Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0) would be a lisse sheaf on Gm which is tame at 0, and totally wild at ∞ with Swan = 1. Any such sheaf is a multiplicative translate of a Kloosterman sheaf, cf. [Ka-GKM, 8.7.1]. The local monodromy at 0 is Unip(2) ⊗ Unip(2) ≅ Unip(3) ⊕ Unip(1), but the only Kloosterman sheaves which are unipotent at 0 have their local monodromy at 0 a single Jordan block.

Hence the coefficient sheaf Kl3(a/(z2t0)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt0) has Swan = 6, for t0 ≠ 1. Thus Na|Gm{1} is lisse of rank 10 (by Deligne’s semicontinuity theorem [Lau-SCCS, 2.1.2]) and pure of weight –1.

We next claim that Na on Gm is a middle extension, i.e., that for j1 : Gm {1} ⊂ Gm the inclusion, we have Naj1?j*1Na. To see this, recall that N(a, k) = Na[1] is perverse, so the adjunction map is injective: Na ⊂ j1j?1Na as sheaves. So we have a short exact sequence of sheaves with a punctual third term supported at 1, say

0 → Na → j1? j?1Na δ1V → 0,

with V a Gal(k/k)-module. Because Na|Gm {1} is lisse and pure of weight –1 (in fact, we only “need” that it is lisse and mixed of weight ≤ –1), V is mixed of weight ≤ –1, cf. [De-Weil II, 1.8.1]. In the long exact cohomology sequence with compact supports, the group H0c(Gm/k, j1j?1Na) = 0 (as the sheaf j1j?1Na has no nonzero punctual sections), so we get an injection V ⊂ H1c(Gm/k, Na). By part (3), this last group is the stalk F(image, k)a, which is pure of weight 0. Therefore V = 0.

Therefore N(a, k) = Na[1] is the middle extension from Gm {1} of a (lisse) perverse sheaf which is pure of weight 0, hence is itself pure of weight 0. The isomorphism of part (3), applied also to all extensions of scalars N(a, E), shows that for any finite extension field E/k, and for any character χ of E×, the group H1c(Gm/k, NaLχ) ≅ F(χ, E)a is pure of weight 0, and the H2c vanishes. Therefore N(a, k) has, geometrically, no quotient which is a Kummer sheaf Lχ[1]. But as N(a, k) is pure, it is geometrically semisimple, so it has, geometrically, no Kummer subsheaf either. Hence N(a, k) lies in Parith. By Theorem 4.1, the purity of H1c(Gm/k, NaLχ) for every χ implies that N(a, k) has no bad characters, which, as already noted, is equivalent to the fact that Na is totally wild at both 0 and ∞.image

It remains to show that the object N(a, k) we have constructed in characteristic 2 is orthogonally self-dual, of “dimension” seven, and geometrically Lie-irreducible. That it is of “dimension” seven is obvious from part (3) of the previous lemma, applied with any one choice of χ. We next show that N(a, k) is self-dual as an object of Parith.

Lemma 26.2. We have the following results.

(1) The object N(a, k) is isomorphic to its pullback by multiplicative inversion t image 1/t on Gm.

(2) The object N(a, k) is isomorphic to its Verdier dual D(N(a, k)).

(3) As an object in the Tannakian category Parith, N(a, k) is self-dual.

Proof. Assertion (3) is immediate from (1) and (2), since N(a, k) ≅ [t image 1/t]? D(N(a, k)).

Assertion (1) is obvious from the definition of N(a, k) given in part (1) of the previous lemma, by the change of variable z image z/t, t image t in the sheaf M := Kl3(a/(z2t)) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(zt)(3)[2] on Gm × Gm. It remains to show (2), that N(a, k) is its own Verdier dual. It suffices to show that this holds over the open set Gm {1}, since middle extension of perverse sheaves from Gm{1} to Gm commutes with Verdier duality. On Gm × Gm, the coefficient sheaf M is self-dual (remember we are in characteristic 2, so Kl3(1) is self-dual), so the Verdier dual of N(a, k) := R(pr2)!M is R(pr2)?M. It suffices to show that the canonical “forget supports” map

R(pr2)!M → R(pr2)?M

is an isomorphism over Gm {1}. As we have seen in the proof of the previous lemma, R(pr2)!M is lisse over Gm {1}. Therefore its Verdier dual, R(pr2)?M, is also lisse over Gm {1}, and its formation is compatible with arbitrary change of base on Gm{1}. Sotoshowthat the “forget supports” map is an isomorphism over Gm {1}, it suffices to check point by point in Gm{1}. We have already observed that over any point t0Gm {1}, the restriction of M(–3)[–2] to that fibre, namely the lisse sheaf Kl3(a/(z2t0))⊗Kl2(z)⊗Kl2(zt0), is totally wild at both 0 and ∞, and hence we have the desired isomorphism HcH of its cohomology groups. image

Although the “dimension” of N(a, k) is odd, namely seven, we do not yet know that N(a, k) is irreducible, much less that it is geometrically Lie-irreducible. So we cannot assert that the autoduality we have shown N(a, k) to admit is necessarily orthogonal (or indeed that it has a sign at all). To clarify this question, we need information on the local monodromy of the sheaf Na = N(a, k)[–1] at the point 1.

Lemma 26.3. We have the following results.

(1) The stalk

(Na(–3))1 = H1c(Gm/k, Kl3(a/z2) ⊗ Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(z)) .

has rank seven. It has six Frobenius eigenvalues of weight 5, and one Frobenius eigenvalue of weight 2.

(2) As I(1)-representation, Na is Unip(1)6Unip(4).

(3) The sheaf Na is totally wild at both 0 and ∞, with Swan0 = Swan = 2.

Proof. (1) Because we are in characteristic 2, we have the Carlitz isomorphism

Kl2(z) ⊗ Kl2(z) ≅ Q(–1) ⊕ Kl3(z),

cf. [Ka-ClausCar, 3.1]. So our coefficient sheaf is

Kl3(a/z2)(–1) M Kl3(a/z2) ⊗ Kl3(z).

Because we are in characteristic two, the map z → a/z2 is radicial and bijective, so we have

H1c(Gm/k, Kl3(a/z2)(–1)) ≅ H1c(Gm/k, Kl3(z)(–1)) = Q(–1),

the last equality by Mellin inversion, cf. [Ka-GKM, 4.0]. This is the eigenvalue of weight 2. The sheaf Kl3(a/z2) ⊗ Kl3(z) is lisse on Gm, pure of weight 4, totally wild at both 0 and ∞ with all slopes 1/3 (remember we are in characteristic 2, so Kl3(a/z2) still has its I(0)-representation totally wild with Swan conductor 1, rather than the 2 it would be in odd characteristic). So Swan0 = Swan = 3, and the cohomology group H1c(Gm/k, Kl3(a/z2) ⊗ KL3(z)) has dimension six and is pure of weight 5.

(2) Since Na(–3) is the middle extension across 1 of a lisse sheaf on Gm {1} which is pure of weight 5, the weights of the Frobenius eigenvalues on the space of I(1)-invariants tell us that the unipotent part of the I(1)-representation is precisely Unip(1)6Unip(4), cf. [De-Weil II, 1.8.4 and] or [Ka-GKM, 7.0.7]. As this lisse sheaf Na|Gm {1} has rank 10, there is room for nothing more in its I(1)-representation.

(3) From the fact that N(a, k) has no bad chararcters, we know that Na is totally wild at both 0 and ∞. From its invariance under t image 1/t, we know that Swan0 = Swan. Because Na is lisse outside 1 and unipotent (hence tame) there, we have the equation

Swan0(Na)+ Swan(Na)+ drop1(Na) = “dim”(N(a, k)) = 7.

But drop1 = 3, so Swan0 + Swan = 4. As Swan0 = Swan, we are done. image

Lemma 26.4. The object N(a, k) is geometrically Lie-irreducible, and orthogonally self-dual.

Proof. It suffices to prove the first statement, since N(a, k) is self-dual and of “dimension” seven. It suffices to show that N(a, k) is geometrically irreducible, since it has a unique singularity, namely 1, in Gm, so cannot be geometrically isomorphic to any nontrivial multiplicative translate of itself.

We argue by contradiction. Suppose we have, geometrically, a direct sum decomposition

N(a, k) ≅ A[1] ⊕B[1].

Then both A and B must be totally wild at both 0 and ∞, so each of the four Swan conductors (of A and B at 0 and ∞) is ≥ 1. As their direct sum A⊕B = Na has Swan0 = Swan = 2, we must have

Swan0(A) = Swan(A) = 1, Swan0(B) = Swan(B) = 1.

Furthermore, both A and B are lisse on Gm {1}, and middle extensions across 1. So both A[1] an B[1] are geometrically irreducible. Their local monodromies at 0 are both totally wild of Swan conductor 1, so detect nontrivial multiplicative translations. So each of A[1] and B[1] is geometrically Lie-irreducible. The local monodromy at 1 of Na is Unip(1)6Unip(4), so one of our summands is lisse at 1, say A at 1 is Unip(1)a, and the other is B = Unip(1)b ⊕ Unip(4). Thus A[1] has “dimension” 2, and B[1] has “dimension” 5. As they have different “dimensions” and are geometrically irreducible, any autoduality of N(a, k) must make each of the summands self-dual. For B[1], the auto-duality must be orthogonal, since its “dimension” is odd. For A[1], the autoduality must be symplectic, for otherwise its Ggeom lies in O(2), which contradicts its Lie-irreducibility.

Since Ggeom is a normal subgroup of Garith, Garith must permute the Ggeom-irreducible constituents of !(N(a, k)). As these two constituents have different dimensions, each must be Garith-stable. Thus N(a, k) = A[1] ⊕B[1] is an arithmetic direct sum decomposition into irreducibles of “dimensions” 2 and 5. As N(a, k) admits an arithmetic autoduality, this autoduality must make each summand self-dual, in a way compatible with its geometric autoduality. Thus A[1] is symplectically self-dual, and B[1] is orthogonally self-dual. So Garith,A[1]SL(2), and Garith,B[1]O(5). In fact, Garith,B[1]SO(5), because “det”(N(a, k)) is trivial. Indeed, by Lemma 26.1, part (3), every Frobenius FrobE,χ of N(a, k) lies inside a G2 inside an SO(7). But “det”(N(a, k)) ≅ “det”(A[1])? mid “det”(B[1]) ≅ “det”(B[1]) (this last because “det”(A[1]) is trivial, as Garith,A[1]SL(2)).

As A[1] is geometrically Lie-irreducible with its Garith,A[1]SL(2), G0geom, A[1] is an irreducible connected subgroup of SL(2), so must be SL(2), so we have

Ggeom,A[1] = Garith,A[1] = SL(2).

As B[1] is geometrically Lie-irreducible with its Garith,B[1]SO(5), G0geom, B[1] is an irreducible connected subgroup of SO(5). By Gabber’s theorem on prime-dimensional representations, either G0geom,B[1] is SO(5) or it is the image SL(2)/ ± 1 of SL(2) in SO(5) via Sym4(std2). Both of these groups are their own normalizers in the ambient SO(5), so

Ggeom,B[1] = Garith,B[1] = SO(5) or Ggeom,B[1] = Garith,B[1] = SL(2)/ ± 1.

Now we apply Goursat’s lemma to conclude that we have one of three possibilities. Either

Ggeom, N(a, k) = Garith,N(a, k) = SL(2) × SO(5),


Ggeom, N(a, k) = Garith,N(a, k) = SL(2) × SL(2)/ ± 1,


Ggeom, N(a, k) = Garith,N (a, k) = SL(2).

In this last case, SL(2) acts by the representation std2Sym4(std2), i.e., this SL(2) is the subgroup of SL(2) × SL(2)/ ± 1 which is the graph of the projection of the first factor onto the second.

Even for this smallest group, its compact form contains elements Diag(eiθ, e–iθ) with, e.g., θ = 3π/4, whose trace in std2Sym4(std2), namely

2cos(θ)+ 1+ 2cos(2θ)+ 2cos(4θ),

is –1 – √2 = –2.414… < –2.4. So in the compact form K of any of the three possible groups Garith,N (a, k), the set “Trace < –2.4” is a nonempty open set in the compact space K#. So by equidistribution we will find Frobenius elements FrobE,χ for N(a, k) whose traces are < –2.4. But each such Frobenius is, by Lemma 26.1, part (3), an element of UG2, and so its trace lies in [–2, 7]. This contradiction completes the proof that N(a, k) is in fact geometrically irreducible. image

This concludes the construction of the objects N(a, k) in characteristic 2.

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