Acquisitions Editor: Mary James

Project Editor: Katherine Burt

Technical Editor: Todd Davis

Production Editor: Kathleen Wisor

Copy Editor: Kezia Endsley

Editorial Manager: Mary Beth Wakefield

Freelancer Editorial Manager: Rosemarie Graham

Associate Director of Marketing: David Mayhew

Marketing Manager: Ashley Zurcher

Business Manager: Amy Knies

Production Manager: Tim Tate

Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley

Vice President and Executive Publisher: Neil Edde

Associate Publisher: Jim Minatel

Project Coordinator, Cover: Katie Crocker

Compositor: Craig Woods, Happenstance Type-O-Rama

Proofreader: Word One New York

Indexer: Johnna VanHoose Dinse

Cover Designer: Ryan Sneed

Cover Image: ©Chad Baker/Lifesize/Getty Images

This book is dedicated to Dana Murph, who keeps me grounded, invigorated, and passionate, my heaven-sent parents, and my late Uncle Jr., who proved to me that life was nothing without love, laughter, dogs, and travel.

—Darren Murph

About the Author


Darren Murph is the managing editor of Engadget, a respected publication in the wide world of consumer electronics. He’s written nearly 20,000 posts—enough to earn him a Guinness World Record as the planet’s most prolific professional blogger—on everything from speech synthesis to gadget dissection. He’s a gadget critic, reviewer, and author, and he splits his time between breaking news, covering new launches at trade shows around the world, and reviewing new consumer gadgets.

He has also been a keynote speaker at NEXT Aarhus (an innovation conference in Denmark) and contributes How-To and hacker guides to Bonnier’s Popular Science publication. When not immersed in technology, he’s a freelancer travel writer for Gadling and Shermans Travel, where he has covered such extremes as Alaska in the winter and conducted an interview with The Travel Channel’s own “Bert the Conqueror.”

Darren received a B.S. in Supply Chain Management in 2006 from North Carolina State University and an MBA from Campbell University in 2008. In a former life, he troubleshot a Mac lab at NC State University’s D.H. Hill Library, shopped for chemicals at DuPont, and watched Nortel sink into oblivion. He’s driven a motorized vehicle in all 50 U.S. states, attempted a FaceTime call with the Queen of England, and has an utterly innocent dog named Gangster.

About the Technical Editor


Todd Davis is the Media and Communications Director and a licensed minister at Hope Chapel in Apex, North Carolina, near the state’s capitol. He grew up on the Outer Banks and received a B.S. in Communications & Media Production from East Carolina University.

Todd specializes in video production, web design, and graphic design. As founder of Shorewire Productions, he has created web video and graphic arts for clients ranging from local bands to the regional YMCA.

When he isn’t developing iOS apps, creating music, or crafting custom furniture and cornhole boards, Todd enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons.


To say the writing of this book was a journey would be an understatement of epic proportions. It’s my second book, but it was equally enjoyable and harrowing. That said, I couldn’t be more thrilled to have taken it, and I have to start by thanking Mary James, my acquisitions editor. Without her taking notice, this project would’ve never gotten off of the ground. I’m also grateful to Ryan Block and Peter Rojas, the two men that took a chance by starting Engadget, and soon after, hiring me as a freelance editor. It’s been an honor to devote my career to covering the world of consumer electronics.

I owe a great deal to editors that have come before me—my teachers and my mentors. Each former and current Engadget colleague is dear to my heart, and without learning from all of you, I would’ve been in no position to tackle this book. Thanks to my rivals for keeping me sharp, and thanks to the readers for keeping me accurate.

On a more personal note, I’m hugely grateful to my dearest wife, Dana, for not only agreeing to let me sink countless hours into the construction of this book, but for encouraging me all the while. My mother Alice and father Larry have been instrumental in keeping me focused, and I’m forever indebted to them both for their unwavering support and love. To the rest of my family: thank you for believing in me, despite not ever fully understanding what it is that I do.

Special thanks to my technical editor and best friend, Todd Davis, for jumping in headfirst on this endeavor. Writing a guide such as this can be a daunting task, and having a pal and confidante as amazing as Todd enabled me to never truly feel alone. To Sam and Ethan, thanks for letting me borrow your pops.

Finally, I want to thank my late Uncle Jr., who taught me that love, perseverance, laughter, and aimless wandering were vital to fulfillment. He’s the freest soul I ever knew, and if there are iPhones in heaven, I’m sure he’ll get a kick out of reading this.

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