Closing Remarks

This chapter introduced the bare essentials of advanced unstructured data analytics, and demonstrated how to use NLTK to go beyond the sentence parsing that was introduced in Chapter 7, putting together the rest of an NLP pipeline and extraction entities from text. The field of computational linguistics is still quite nascent, and nailing the problem of NLP for most of the world’s most commonly spoken languages is arguably the problem of the century. Push NLTK to its limits, and when you need more performance or quality, consider rolling up your sleeves and digging into some of the academic literature. It’s admittedly a daunting task, but a truly worthy problem if you are interested in tackling it.

If you’d like to expand on the contents of this chapter, consider using NLTK’s word-stemming tools to try to compute (entity, stemmed predicate, entity) tuples, building upon the code in Example 8-7. You might also look into WordNet, a tool that you’ll undoubtedly run into sooner rather than later, to discover additional meaning about the items in the tuples. If you find yourself with copious free time on your hands, consider taking a look at some of the many popular commenting APIs, such as DISQUS, and try to incorporate the NLP techniques we’ve covered into the comments streams for blog posts. Crafting a WordPress plug-in that intelligently suggests tags based upon the entities that are extracted from a draft blog post would also be a great way to spend an evening or weekend.

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