About the Reviewers

Dan Blundell is a designer and developer with over 10 years of experience. He has worked in both the public and private sector, from the government to creative agencies. With clients ranging from district authorities and local businesses to international brands, Dan not only has a breadth of experience, but also a reputation for delivery. Today, he is working towards making the government more open, creative, and collaborative.

Daniela Cristiana Docan is a survey engineer. She works as a lecturer for the Faculty of Geodesy, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, Romania.

Formerly, she worked for ESRI Romania and ANCPI (National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration).

While working for ESRI Romania, Daniela trained teams from different private or state companies as an authorized instructor in ArcGIS by Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., USA.

In 2009, she created the logical and physical data model of the National Topographic Dataset for ANCPI on a large scale (TOPRO5). She was also a member of different workgroups that elaborated on technical specifications and country reports for INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community) in 2010.

Antonio Santiago is a Computer Science graduate with more than 10 years of experience in designing and implementing systems.

Since the beginning of his professional life, his experience has always been related to the world of meteorology, working for different companies dealing with meteorology as an employee or a freelance programmer. He has experience in developing systems to collect, store, transform, analyze, and visualize data. He is interested in and actively pursues any GIS-related technology, with preference for data visualization.

As a restless person, which is what one mainly experiences while working in the Java ecosystem, he has also been actively involved with many web-related technologies, always looking to improve the client side of web applications.

As a firm believer of software engineering practices, he is an enthusiast of Agile methodologies involving customers as the main key for a project's success.

Antonio is also the author of OpenLayers Cookbook, Packt Publishing.

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