Chapter 7. Advanced Visualizations

In this chapter, we'll cover the following recipes:

  • Adding time to WMS maps
  • Using the WMS animator
  • Keyhole Markup Language styling
  • Using z-order creatively
  • Using transparency creatively
  • Using symbology encoding


Advanced Visualization is a key factor in producing beautiful maps. Here, beautiful maps are intended not just as the art of producing something that other people consider nice to look at. Maps are your way to communicate your interpretation of data to others.

Spatial data are not objective by nature; all data behaves the same with regards to this aspect. Maps are not a specular representation of the real world. They're propositions, models of the world, and the clearer and readable you design your model, the more understandable it'll appear to other people.

We already had a tour of how to style data in Chapter 3, Advanced Styling. This chapter follows the work you started there and shows you other topics relevant to representing your spatial data, as usual using GeoServer.

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