Adding a folder to the project directory

Getting ready

We just need a new open project to perform this task, so you should be ready from our last recipe.

The file structure

We are almost ready to begin working on our project. We would just like to have a look at the structure of the directory we are using for this project and explain the criteria to effectively manage it.

The following screenshot displays the structure of the directory with an example list of folders:

The file structure

As you can see, we have a number of folders, one for every important asset that we are planning to use for the game. We prefer having all different types of assets well separated in a reasonable and meaningful number of folders, so we always know where to search for what.

For now, we just have one folder for the coding, one for the interface elements, one to save our game scenes, and the last one for 2D textures.

If you think we don't have enough folders, well, you are totally right. But don't worry, the list is going to grow very soon, starting with our next recipe!

With this next recipe, we'll show you how to add a folder to our project directory. Stick with us!

How to do it...

  1. In the Project panel, right-click anywhere in the window and select CreateFolder, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  2. Type a name for this folder. We recommend the name Models, so we can use this folder to import Models by following the recipes of the next chapter:
    How to do it...

How it works...

Unity is extremely flexible with regard to addingmoving foldersfiles into its Project structure. Folders can be equally created inside or outside the software interface, and files can be both imported or simply copied from one folder to another outside of the software environment. When the focus gets back to Unity, it automatically updates changes we made. Thanks Unity, we appreciate that!

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