Importing packages

The Character Controller package is a standard package provided with Unity and it can be added to a new project upon creating it, or it can be added in a later stage. As a starter, our next recipe shows how to import a package into an already existing project.

A large number of packages, such as the Character Controller package, are provided with Unity and more can be bought from the Asset Store. It's always worth taking a look to see what is available there whenever you need extra stuff for your projects. If you are lucky, you may find what you need for free. Otherwise, you can consider paying for quality stuff and save the time it would take to make it yourself.

Getting ready

Have your existing project opened in Unity and be ready to follow our instructions.

How to do it...

  1. Access the Project panel and right-click anywhere. From the menu, select Import Package under Character Controller, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  2. The importing panel opens. If you inspect it, you can see that the package is made of several components, including Prefabs, Models, Textures, Scripts, and so on. By flagging any of these components, you can decide what to actually import from a package and what not to import. In our case, we keep things easy and simply import everything contained in the package:
    How to do it...

You should now have a new Standard Assets folder in the project, containing a Character Controller folder with the assets we need. The following screenshot displays what the project should now look like:

How to do it...

How it works...

The package is imported into the project and the Character Controller component can now be added to our game character. By inspecting the package in the Project panel, you can see that it contains several types of Assets, including Prefabs, Textures, and Scripts, as shown in the following screenshot:

How it works...

The topic of our next recipe is to add Character Controller and set it up.

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