Loading a new scene at runtime

With a state manager that handles multiple games scenes, we can now move on to loading those scenes in the game. In the next recipe, we add the level_1 scene to our project and modify the code so that level_01 is loaded upon pressing the interface button displayed in the game_starter scene.

Getting ready

We keep up from where we left at the end of previous recipe. Just be sure that you have the game_starter scene loaded in your project and that an empty game object called game_starter is present in the scene, with the GameStart script attached to it. You can refer to the following screenshot:

Getting ready

How to do it…

  1. With Game Start scene loaded in Unity, navigate to File | Build Settings to open the Build Settings panel.
  2. Click on AddCurrent to add the loaded scene to the game build, as shown in this screenshot:
    How to do it…
  3. Now load the scene called level_01. Refer to the following screenshot to check out the scene that contains the right game object:
    How to do it…
  4. Add this scene too to the Build Settings panel, just as we did before.
  5. With a second scene added to the prototype, we need to enter the instructions to actually load level_01 when the button in the Game Start scene is pressed. Open the GameStart script in Monodevelop and modify the GameStart() function as follows:
      void GameStart(){
        print("starting game...");
  6. Save the script and go back to Unity.
  7. Load Game Start scene into the Editor.

How it works…

If you run the game now, it should begin with Game Start scene, which only consists of an empty scene and a button.

When you press the button, level_01 is loaded and the game begins.

When working with Unity, you generally build up a project of several scenes. Each scene should be designed to host a relevant game phase such as the launching screen, the actual game levels, a "game over" scene, or anything you may need for your game.

It is important to learn how to switch between these scenes efficiently and how to create them in such a way that they remain manageable as the project grows.

DontDestroyOnLoad() and Application.LoadLevel() are the most important functions used to actually build up such a system.

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