Coding audio

With the Audio Source attached to the collectible prefab, the obvious idea would be to play the sound when a collision occurs between the character and the item.

This can be done by adding a few lines to the Runner script.

In the OnCollisionEnter() function of the script, we write this if statement to check whether the character hit a collectible:

if(c.gameObject.tag == "collectible"){
  collected += 1;

If we want the audio clip to be played when the character collides with a collectible, we can apparently put the following line inside the if() statement:;

Unfortunately, we can't do that! If we did, the collectible game object would be destroyed the very moment it begins playing the sound, and the player would hear nothing.

This is a common problem, but there are many solutions to overcome it. The solution we provide is a creative way to achieve the result we want, and it involves using another important Unity asset we didn't mention yet.

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