Time for action – working with menus

Note that SWTBot works on a non-UI thread by default to avoid deadlock with modal dialogs and other user interface actions. If the tests need to interact with specific SWT widgets, it is necessary to invoke a Runnable via the UI thread.

To make this easier, the SWTBot framework has several helper methods that can provide a facade of the workspace, including the ability to click on buttons and show menus.

  1. Create a new test method in the UITest class called createProject with a @Test annotation.
  2. Create a new SWTWorkbenchBot instance.
  3. Use the menu method of the bot to navigate the File | Project... menus, and perform a click.
  4. Use the shell method of the bot to get the newly opened shell with a title of New Project. Activate the shell to ensure that it has focus.
  5. Use the tree method of the bot to find a tree in the shell, and expandNode the General node, and finally select the Project.
  6. Invoke the Next > button with a click. Note the space between the Next and the > symbol.
  7. Find the Text object with the label titled Project name: and set its text to SWTBot Test Project.
  8. Click on the Finish button.
  9. The code will look like:
    public void createProject() {
      SWTWorkbenchBot bot = new SWTWorkbenchBot();
      SWTBotShell shell = bot.shell("New Project");
      bot.button("Next >").click();
      bot.textWithLabel("Project name:").
        setText("SWTBot Test Project");
  10. Run the test as a SWTBot Test, and verify that the createProject method does not throw an exception.

What just happened?

After creating the workspace bot, the File | Project... menu is selected. Since this opens up a new dialog, a handle needs to be acquired to point to the newly created shell.

To do this, a new SWTBotShell is created, which is a handle to a displayed shell. The title is used as a key to find a given shell. If one is not currently visible, it polls (every 500 ms by default) until one is found; or the default timeout period (5 s) ends when a WidgetNotFoundException is thrown.

The activate method waits until the dialog has focus. To navigate through a dialog, options such as tree and textWithLabel methods allow specific elements to be pulled out from the UI, with exceptions being raised if these are not found. If there is only one element of the particular type, then simple accessors such as tree may be sufficient, but if not, there are xxxWithLabel and xxxWithId accessors that can find a specific element in a particular section.

To set an ID on an SWT object such that it can be found with the withId, call widget.setData(SWTBotPreferences.DEFAULT_KEY, "theWidgetId").

When objects are accessed, they aren't the underlying SWT widgets directly. Instead, they are wrappers, much like how the SWTWorkspaceBot is a wrapper for the workspace. Although the code is calling setText on what looks like a label, in fact the code is running on a non-UI thread. Instead, it posts a runnable to the UI thread with an instruction to set the text; but all of this is done by SWTBot under the covers.

One thing that's immediately obvious from this is that when using labels, the tests are highly specific to the localization of the product. The tests will fail if the application is run in a different language, for example. They are also implicitly tied to the structure of the application; if the UI changes significantly, then it may be necessary to re-write or update the tests.

Have a go hero – using resources

Automated testing exercises code paths, but it is often necessary to verify that not only has the user interface reacted in the right way, but also the side effects have happened correctly.

In this case, to find out if a project has been created, use the ResourcesPlugin (from the org.eclipse.core.resources bundle) to get the workspace, from which the root will provide a means of accessing an IProject object. Use the exists method of the project to determine that the project has been successfully created.

Amend the createProject method to verify that at the start of the method, the project does not exist, and does exist at the end of the method.

Note that the getProject method of the IWorkspaceRoot will return a non-null value regardless of whether the project exists or not.

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