Chapter 5. Working with Preferences

Preferences – customizing the runtime

An IDE is powerful if it provides a number of different utility windows to help the developer as they do their job. It becomes more powerful when they can customize it to their tastes, whether it is something as simple as colors or more targeted as filters. The preference store in Eclipse allows users to customize it in the way they want.

In this chapter, we will:

  • Read and write preferences from a PreferenceStore
  • Create a PreferencePage using FieldEditors

Eclipse Preferences

A user preference is a stored configuration option that persists between different Eclipse runtimes. Preferences are simple values (such as int, String, and boolean) and are identified with a String key, typically associated with the plug-in's identifier. Preferences can also be edited via a standard preference panel, contributed through an extension point.

They can also be imported and exported from an Eclipse workbench by navigating to File | Import/Export | Preferences, and saved with an epf extension (short for Eclipse Preference File).

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