Time for action – adding the view menu

The next step is to add the view menu, which is the drop-down menu shown by the triangle in the top-right of the original view. Adding this takes the same pattern as before, but the drop-down menu requires an additional tag to be shown as a view menu.

  1. Add a method createViewMenu in the SampleView class. Add a call to the createPartControl method so that it is called when the view is created.
  2. In the createViewMenu method, create an instance of MMenu using MMenuFactory.INSTANCE.createMenu().
  3. Add the menu to the part using part.getMenus().add(menu).
  4. To configure the menu as a view menu, add a tag ViewMenu using menu.getTags().add("ViewMenu").
  5. As with toolbar items, a menu item can either be handled or direct. A direct menu item is associated directly with a handler implementation class. Create a direct menu item with MMenuFactory.INSTANCE.createDirectMenuItem() and store it in a local field one. Set the tooltip and label appropriately, and use the same icon as the previous step.
  6. Associate the menu item with the handler class, with the setContributionURI method as before. Either use a hard-coded string, "bundleclass://com.packtpub.e4.migration/com.packtpub.e4.migration.views.HandlerOne", or use the getURI method as shown in the previous hero section.
  7. Add the menu item using menu.getChildren().add(one).
  8. The method should now look like:
    private void createViewMenu() {
      MMenu menu = MMenuFactory.INSTANCE.createMenu();
      List<MMenuElement> children = menu.getChildren();
      MDirectMenuItem one = MMenuFactory.INSTANCE.createDirectMenuItem();
      one.setLabel("Action 1");
      one.setTooltip("Action 1 tooltip");
       + "icons/full/obj16/info_tsk.png");
  9. When the application is run, clicking on the triangular menu icon on the top right will present the action, which can then be selected:
    Time for action – adding the view menu
  10. To replicate the original Eclipse 3.x view, a separator needs to be added. This is created with a call to createMenuSeparator from the MMenuFactory:
  11. Now add a direct menu item for HandlerTwo as well, using the same pattern as mentioned before.
  12. Clicking on the menu should now show both actions, as before.

What just happened?

Adding a view menu item is very similar to adding a toolbar menu item. Each element has a model object (which begins with M), so MMenu stands for M(odel) Menu. These are then added using standard collections and added to the part as before.

The tags are a way of appending additional information to the model. These are sometimes used to disambiguate between different types of elements; in this case, it allows the menu to be shown as a view menu when the ViewMenu tag is added (without this tag, the menu won't be shown in the UI).


The Eclipse 4.x compatibility layer also adds a menu:menuContribution tag to allow contributions to be added.

A direct menu item works in the same way as a direct toolbar item; the contribution URI (stored as a bundleclass URI) dictates which class will be invoked when the item is chosen from the menu.

Separators provide a horizontal line and can be used to separate items in a menu. When added at the end of a menu, there is no visible effect; but if they are added between menu items, the separator is shown.

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