Time for action – adding dependencies to the target platform

The target platform created in Chapter 10, Target Platforms, contained the necessary dependencies to build the plug-ins, but not to test them. To use the test cases in this platform, they need to be added. If the target platform isn't being used, just install SWTBot from the main update site; SWTBot has been part of the default Eclipse repository since Eclipse Mars.

  1. Open the com.packtpub.e4.target.mars.target platform definition.
  2. On the Definition tab, click on the Mars repository, and then click on Edit. This will allow other features to be added.
  3. Search for SWTBot and add SWTBot for Eclipse Testing, SWTBot for SWT Testing, and SWTBot IDE Features. Click on Finish to update the target platform:
    Time for action – adding dependencies to the target platform

What just happened?

In order to use JUnit and SWTBot, they need to be added to the target platform. JUnit is part of the standard Eclipse installations, but if a target platform is being used, it won't necessarily be made available.

The SWTBot features can be added to the target platform, which will then transitively include the JUnit libraries as well.

For more information on target platforms, see Chapter 10, Target Platforms.

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