Chapter 1. Introduction to Unreal Engine 4

Welcome to Unreal Engine 4 by Example! During the course of this book you are going to learn how to utilize Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) to create high-quality games using C++. This chapter will show you how to install the engine, introduce you to the engine's User Interface (UI), show you how to create new projects, and give you a rundown of what to expect from this book. The purpose of this chapter is to give you a general idea of how this book will be formatted and how to get the most out of your Unreal Engine 4 by Example experience.

The chapter will cover the following points:

  • Navigating this book and what to expect
  • Installing UE4
  • Creating new UE4 projects
  • Navigating UE4's User Interface
  • Creating a basic actor and adding components
  • Opening and exploring the examples provided by Unreal

Navigating this book

First off, it should be stated that the use of C++ features heavily in the later stages of this book. It is strongly advised that you already have some experience with writing in C++ or a similar low-level language before embarking on this journey.

This is a By Example book, meaning that you will be taught how to use UE4 via the breakdown and explanation of previously created UE4 game projects. These projects have been created specifically for this book with your education in mind! Each project will be taught over two chapters, the first will include the core concepts and features needed to implement the title. The second will delve into the advanced or more complicated components of each project. By the end of each project you will have learnt core UE4 functionality plus some very interesting polish techniques.

By the end of this book you should find yourself well on your way to becoming a skilled Unreal Engine developer capable of using C++ and the provided Blueprint system to utilize Unreal Engine's rich feature set to create polished game titles.

Game Projects you say?

Yes, game projects! By the end of this book you will have created four unique game projects that will all include their own polish features. These projects culminate with the creation of your very own multiplayer first-person shooter!

During the course of this book you will create the following game projects:

  • Barrel Hopper: A homage to the original Donkey Kong, this project will be created entirely using Blueprint and will introduce you to the high-level systems used when creating games with UE4.
  • Bounty Dash: Our take on an endless runner, this project will be your first look into C++ with UE4. We will be expanding on some of our content created for Barrel Hopper and really start to unlock the potential of UE4.
  • Boss Mode: For this project we will be expanding on your C++ technical skill set by creating an engagement with a game boss controlled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will be visually detailed by taking advantage of UE4's in-depth rendering and shading functionality.
  • Network Shooter: This will be the culmination of your journey with this book and your UE4 education. You will be creating a networked first-person shooter that lets you create a game you can play with your friends through a Local Area Network.
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