
Great job! You made it this far! You are now familiar with the basics of Blueprint and level creation. You created a blueprint character from scratch that you then brought to life through input events and the character movement components. You learned about the Blueprint window and a large portion of the intricacies and details of that new work environment. You summoned prebuilt nodes via the context sensitive search and blueprint pallet. You created your very own custom functionality using blueprint and how to debug that functionality! You have learned how to utilize brushes to block out level approximations so that you can get onto developing the game. You created a legion of rolling barrels that can bring doom to the players of Barrel Hopper. You have actually done quite a lot so far and there is much more to come!

In the next chapter, you will learn all about the animation system provided by Unreal and how you can utilize these systems through Blueprint and provided Editor tools. You will learn how to load and play sounds in the 3D. You will also learn how to bind animation events and triggers to sounds and other actions within the blueprint! We will also be providing that final layer of polish to Barrel Hopper to turn it from a basic game loop to a polished mini-game! I look forward to showing how to do all of this and more in the next chapter!

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