Chapter 10. Extending your Apps With Custom Modules

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Integrating an existing module—the PayPal Mobile Payment Library
  • Preparing your iOS module development environment
  • Developing a new iPhone module using XCode
  • Creating a public API method
  • Packaging and testing your module using the test harness
  • Packaging your module for distribution and sale


While Titanium allows you to create apps that are almost cross-platform, it is inevitable that some devices will inherently have operating system and hardware differences that are specific to them (particularly between Android and iOS). For example, anyone who has used both Android and iPhone devices would immediately recognize the very different way the notification systems are set up. However, there are other platform-specific limitations that are very specific to the Titanium API.

In this chapter, we will be discussing both building and integrating modules into your Titanium applications, using the iOS platform as an example. The methods of developing Android modules using Java are very similar, however, for our purposes, we will just be concentrating on developing modules for iOS using Objective-C and XCode.

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