B.7. Matrix-based Key Predistribution

The matrix-based key predistribution scheme is derived from the idea proposed by Blom [25]. It is similar to the polynomial-based key predistribution and employs symmetric matrices (in place of symmetric polynomials). Let be a finite field with q just large enough to accommodate a symmetric key and let G be a t × n matrix over , where t is determined by the memory of a sensor node and n is the number of nodes in the network. It is not required to preserve G with secrecy. Anybody, even the enemies, may know G. We only require G to have rank t, that is, any t columns of G must be linearly independent. If g is a primitive element of , the following matrix is recommended.

Equation B.10

In a memory-starved environment, this G has a compact representation, since its j-th column is uniquely identified by the value gj. The remaining elements in the column can be easily computed by performing few multiplications.

Let D be a secret t × t symmetric matrix, and A the n × t matrix defined by:

A := (DG)t = GtDt = GtD.

Finally, define the n × n matrix

K := AG.

It follows that K = AG = Gt DG = Gt (Gt Dt)t = Gt (Gt D)t = Gt At = (AG)t = Kt, that is, K is a symmetric matrix. If the (i, j)-th element of K is denoted by kij, we have kij = kji, that is, this common value can be used as a pairwise key between the i-th and j-th nodes.

Let the (i, j)-th element of A be denoted by aij for 1 ≤ in and 1 ≤ jt. Also let gij, 1 ≤ it and 1 ≤ jn, denote the (i, j)-th element of G. But then the pairwise key kij = kji is expressed as:

Thus, the i-th row of A and the j-th column of G suffice for the i-th node to compute kij. Similarly, the j-th row of A and the i-th column of G allow the j-th node to compute kji. In view of this, every node, say, the i-th node, is required to store the i-th row of A and the i-th column of G. If G is as in Equation (B.10), only gi needs to be stored instead of the full i-th column of G. Thus, the storage of t + 1 elements of (equivalent to t + 1 symmetric keys) suffices.

During direct key establishment, two physical neighbours exchange their respective columns of G for the computation of the common key. Since G is allowed to be a public knowledge, this communication does not reveal secret information to the adversary.

Suppose that the adversary gains knowledge of some t′ ≥ t rows of A (say, by capturing nodes). We also assume that the matrix G is completely known to the adversary. The adversary picks up any t known rows of A and constructs a t × t matrix A′ comprising these rows. But then A′ = GD, where G′ is a suitable t × t submatrix of G. Since G is assumed to be of rank t, G′ is invertible and so the secret matrix D can be easily computed. Conversely, if D is known to the adversary, she can compute A and, in particular, any t′ ≥ t rows of A.

If only t′ < t rows are known to the adversary, then any choice of any tt′unknown rows of A yields a value of the matrix D, and subsequently we can construct the remaining nt unknown rows of A. In other words, D cannot be uniquely recovered from a knowledge of less than t rows of A. This task is difficult too, since there is an infeasible number of choices for assigning values to the elements of the unknown tt′rows of A.

To sum up, the matrix-based key predistribution scheme is completely secure, if less than t nodes are only captured. On the other hand, if t or more nodes are captured, then the system is completely compromised. Thus, the resilience against node capture of this scheme is determined solely by t and is independent of the size n of the network. The parameter t, in turn, is restricted by the memory of a sensor node (a node has to store t + 1 elements of ).

In order to overcome this difficulty, Du et al. [79] propose a matrix-pool-based scheme. Here, S matrices A1, A2, . . . , AS are computed from S pairwise different secret matrices D1, D2, . . . , DS. The same G may be used for all these key spaces. Each node is given shares (that is, rows) of s matrices randomly chosen from the pool {A1, A2, . . . , AS}. The resulting details of the matrix-pool-based scheme are quite analogous to those pertaining to the polynomial-pool-based scheme described in the earlier section, and are omitted here.

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