6.3. RSA Standards

The public-key cryptography standards (PKCS) [254] refer to a set of standard specifications proposed by the RSA Laboratories. A one-line description of each of these documents is given in Table 6.3. In the rest of this section, we concentrate only on the documents PKCS #1 and #3.

Table 6.3. Public-key cryptography standards from the RSA Laboratories
PKCS #1RSA encryption and signature
PKCS #2Merged with PKCS #1
PKCS #3Diffie–Hellman key exchange
PKCS #4Merged with PKCS #1
PKCS #5Password-based cryptography
PKCS #6Extension of X.509 public-key certificates
PKCS #7Syntax of cryptographic messages
PKCS #8Syntax and encryption of private keys
PKCS #9Attribute types for use in PKCS #6, #7, #8 and #10
PKCS #10Syntax for certification requests
PKCS #11Cryptoki, an application programming interface (API)
PKCS #12Syntax of transferring personal information (private keys, certificates and so on)
PKCS #13Elliptic curve cryptography (under preparation)
PKCS #15Syntax for cryptographic token (like integrated circuit card) information

6.3.1. PKCS #1

PKCS #1 describes RSA encryption and RSA signatures. In this section, we summarize Version 2.1 (dated 14 June 2002) of the standard. This version specifies cryptographically stronger encoding procedures compared to the older versions. More specifically, the optimal asymmetric encryption procedure (OAEP [18]) for RSA encryption is incorporated in the Version 2.0 of PKCS #1, whereas the new probabilistic signature scheme (PSS [19]) is introduced in Version 2.1. This latest draft also includes encryption and signature schemes compatible with older versions (1.5 and 2.0). However, adoption of the new algorithms is strongly recommended for enhanced security.

RSA keys

PKCS #1 Version 2.1 introduces the concept of multi-prime RSA, in which the RSA modulus n may have more than two prime divisors. For RSA encryption and decryption to work properly, we only need n to be square-free (Exercise 4.1). Using u > 2 prime divisors of n increases efficiency and does not degrade the security of the resulting system much, as long as u is not very large. More specifically, if T is the time for RSA private-key operation without CRT, then the cost of this operation with CRT is approximately T/u2 (neglecting the cost of CRT combination).

So an RSA modulus is of the form n = r1r2 . . . ru with u ≥ 2 and with pairwise distinct primes r1, . . . , ru. For the sake of conformity with the older versions of the standard, the first two primes are given the alternate special names p := r1 and q := r2. PKCS #1 does not mention any specific way of choosing the prime divisors ri of n, but encourages use of primes that make factorization of n difficult.

An RSA public exponent is an integer e, 3 ≤ en – 1, with gcd(e, λ(n)) = 1, where λ(n) := lcm(r1 – 1, r2 – 1, . . . , ru – 1). An RSA public key is a pair (n, e) with n and e chosen as above.

The RSA private key corresponding to (n, e) can be stored in one of the two formats. In the first format, one maintains the pair (n, d) with the private exponent d so chosen as to make ed ≡ 1 (mod λ(n)). In the second format, one stores the five quantities (p, q, dP, dQ, qInv) and, if u > 2, the triples (ri, di, ti) for each i = 3, . . . , u. The meanings of these quantities are as follows:

dPe–1 (mod p – 1)
dQe–1 (mod q – 1)
qInvq–1 (mod p)
die–1 (mod ri – 1)
ti(r1 . . . ri–1)–1 (mod ri)

For the sake of consistency, one should store the CRT coefficient (mod r2), that is, p–1 (mod q). In order to ensure compatibility with older versions of PKCS, q–1 (mod p) is stored instead.

RSA key operations

The RSA public-key operation is used to encrypt a message or to verify a signature. The PKCS draft calls these primitives RSAEP (encryption primitive) and RSAVP1 (verification primitive). It is implemented in a straightforward manner as in Algorithm 6.1.

Algorithm 6.1. RSA encryption/signature verification primitive

Input: RSA public key (n, e) and message/signature representative x.

Output: The ciphertext/message representative y.


if (x < 0) or (xn) { Return “Error: representative out of range”. }

y := xe (mod n).

The RSA decryption or signature-generation primitive is called RSADP or RSASP1 and is given in Algorithm 6.2. The operation depends on the format in which the private key K is stored. The correctness of the primitive is left to the reader as an easy exercise.

Algorithm 6.2. RSA decryption/signature generation primitive

Input: RSA private key K and the ciphertext/message representative y.

Output: The message/signature representative x.


if (y < 0) or (y ≥ n) { Return “Error: representative out of range”. }
if (K is stored in the first format) {
   x := yd (mod n).
else {  /* K is stored in the second format */
   x1 := ydP (mod p).
   x2 := ydQ (mod q).
   h := (x1 – x2)qInv (mod p).
   x := x2 + qh.
   if (u > 2) {
      R := r1.
      for i = 3, . . . , u {
         xi := ydi (mod ri).
         R := R × ri–1.
         h := (xi – x)ti (mod ri).
         x := x + Rh.

RSAES–OAEP encryption scheme

The encryption scheme RSAES–OAEP is based on the optimal asymmetric encryption procedure (OAEP) proposed by Bellare and Rogaway [18, 98]. In this procedure, a string of length slightly less than the size of the modulus n is probabilistically encoded using a hash function and the encoded message is subsequently encrypted. The probabilistic encoding makes the encryption procedure semantically secure and (provably) provides resistance against chosen-ciphertext attacks. Under this scheme, an adversary can produce a ciphertext, only if she knows the corresponding plaintext. Such an encryption scheme is called plaintext-aware. Given an ideal hash function, Bellare and Rogaway’s OAEP is plaintext-aware.

RSAES–OAEP uses a label L which is hashed by a hash function H. One may take L as the empty string. Other possibilities are not specified in the PKCS draft. SHA-1 (or SHA-256 or SHA-384 or SHA-512) is the recommended hash function. The hash values (in hex) of the empty string under these hash functions are given in Table 6.4.

Table 6.4. Hash values of the empty string
FunctionHash of the empty string
SHA-1da39a3ee 5e6b4b0d 3255bfef 95601890 afd80709
SHA-256e3b0c442 98fc1c14 9afbf4c8 996fb924 27ae41e4 649b934c a495991b 7852b855
SHA-38438b060a7 51ac9638 4cd9327e b1b1e36a 21fdb711 14be0743 4c0cc7bf 63f6e1da 274edebf e76f65fb d51ad2f1 4898b95b
SHA-512cf83e135 7eefb8bd f1542850 d66d8007 d620e405 0b5715dc 83f4a921 d36ce9ce 47d0d13c 5d85f2b0 ff8318d2 877eec2f 63b931bd 47417a81 a538327a f927da3e

The length of the hash output (in octets) is denoted by hLen. For SHA-1, hLen = 20. The RSA modulus n is assumed to be of octet length k. The octet length mLen of the input message M must be ≤ k–2hLen–2. RSAES–OAEP uses a mask-generation function designated as MGF (see Algorithm 6.11 for a recommended realization).

Algorithm 6.3 describes the RSA–OAEP encryption scheme which employs the EME–OAEP encoding scheme described in Algorithm 6.4. The use of a random seed makes the encryption probabilistic. We use the notation ‖ to denote string concatenation and ⊕ to denote bit-wise XOR.

Algorithm 6.3. RSA–OAEP encryption scheme

Input: The recipient’s public key (n, e), the message M (an octet string of length mLen) and an optional label L whose default value is the empty string.

Output: The ciphertext C of octet length k.


/* Check lengths */

if (L is longer than what H can handle) { Return “Error: label too long”. }

/* For example, for SHA-1 the input must be of length ≤ 261 – 1 octets. */

if (mLen > k – 2hLen – 2) { Return “Error: message too long”. }

/* Encode M to EM (EME–OAEP encoding scheme) */

EM := EME-OAEP-encode(M, L)./* Algorithm 6.4 */
/* RSA encryption */ 
m := OS2I(EM)./* Convert octet string to integer */
c := RSAEP((n, e), m)./* RSA encryption primitive */
C := I2OS(c, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */

The matching decryption operation is shown in Algorithm 6.5 which calls the EME–OAEP decoding procedure of Algorithm 6.6. The only error message that the decryption and decoding algorithms issue is decryption error. This is to ensure that an adversary cannot distinguish between different kinds of errors, because such an ability of the adversary may lead her to guess partial information about the decryption process and thereby mount a chosen-ciphertext attack.

Algorithm 6.4. RSA–OAEP encoding scheme

Input: The message M of octet length mLen, the label L.

Output: The EME–OAEP encoded message EM.


lHash := H(L).

Generate the padding string PS with kmLen – 2hLen – 2 zero octets.

Generate the data block DB := lHashPS ‖ 01 ‖ M.

Let seed := a random string of length hLen octets.

Generate the data-block mask dbMask := MGF(seed, khLen – 1).

Generate the masked data-block maskedDB := DBdbMask.

Generate mask for seed seedMask := MGF(maskedDB, hLen).

Generate the masked seed maskedSeed := seedseedMask.

Generate the encoded message EM := 00 ‖ maskedSeedmaskedDB.

Algorithm 6.5. RSA–OAEP decryption scheme

Input: The recipient’s private key K, the ciphertext C to be decrypted and an optional label L (the default value of which is the null string).

Output: The decrypted message M.


if (the length of L is more than the limitation of H) or (the length of C is not k octets)
        or (k < 2hLen + 2) { Return “Decryption error”. }

c := OS2I(C)./* Convert octet string to integer */
m := RSADP(K, c)./* RSA decryption primitive */
EM := I2OS(m, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */
M := EME-OAEP-decode(EM, L)./* Algorithm 6.6 */

Algorithm 6.6. RSA–OAEP decoding scheme

Input: The encoded message EM and the label L.

Output: The EME–OAEP decoded message M.


lHash := H(L).
Write EM = Y ‖ maskedSeed ‖ maskedDBwhere Y is a single octet,
       maskedSeed is a string of length hLen octets and
       maskedDB is a string of length k – hLen – 1 octets.
seedMask := MGF(maskedDBhLen).
seed := maskedSeed ⊕ seedMask.
dbMask := MGF(seedk – hLen – 1).
DB := maskedDB ⊕ dbMask.
Try to decompose DB = lHash′ ‖ PS ‖ 01 ‖ Mwhere lHash′ is of length hLen
       and PS is a (possibly empty) padding string comprising octets 00 only.
if (DB cannot be decomposed as above) or (lHash′ ≠ lHash) or
       (Y ≠ 00) { Return “Decryption error”. }

RSASSA–PSS signature scheme with appendix

RSASSA–PSS employs the probabilistic signature scheme proposed by Bellare and Rogaway [19]. Under suitable assumptions about the hash function and the mask-generation function, the RSASSA–PSS scheme produces secure signatures which are also tight in the sense that forging RSASSA–PSS signatures is computationally equivalent to inverting RSA.

Algorithm 6.7. RSASSA–PSS signature generation

Input: The message M (an octet string) to be signed, the private key K of the signer.

Output: The signature S (an octet string of length k).


EM := EMSA–PSS–encode(M, modBits – 1)./* Encode by Algorithm 6.8 */
m := OS2I(EM)./* Convert octet string to integer */
s := RSASP1(m)./* RSA signature generation primitive */
S := I2OS(s, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */

Algorithm 6.8. RSASSA–PSS encoding

Input: The message M to be encoded (an octet string), the maximum bit length emBits of OS2I(EM). One should have emBits ≥ 8hLen + 8sLen + 9.

Output: The encoded message EM, an octet string of length emLen := ⌈emBits/8⌉.


if (M is longer than what H can handle) { Return “Error: message too long”. }

Generate the hashed message mHash := H(M).

if (emLen < hLen + sLen + 2) { Return “Encoding error”. }

Let salt := a random string of length sLen octets.

Generate the salted message M′ := 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ‖ mHashsalt.

Generate the hashed salted message mHash′ := H(M′).

Generate the padding string PS with emLensLenhLen – 2 zero octets.

Generate the data block DB := PS ‖ 01 ‖ salt.

Generate the data block mask dbMask := MGF(mHash′, emLenhLen – 1).

Generate the masted data block maskedDB := DBdbMask.

Set to 0 the leftmost 8emLenemBits bits of the leftmost octet of maskedDB.

Compute EM := maskedDBmHash′ ‖ bc.

RSASSA–PSS signature generation (Algorithm 6.7) uses the EMSA–PSS encoding method (Algorithm 6.8). Verification (Algorithm 6.9) uses the EMSA–PSS decoding method (Algorithm 6.10). We assume that k is the octet length of the RSA modulus n. Let modBits denote the bit length of n. The encoded message is of length emLen = ⌈(modBits – 1)/8⌉ octets. The probabilistic behaviour of the encoding scheme is incorporated by the use of a random salt, the octet length of which is sLen. A hash function H that produces hash values of octet length hLen is employed.

Algorithm 6.9. RSASSA–PSS signature verification

Input: The message M, the signature S to be verified and the signer’s public key (n, e).

Output: Verification status of the signature.


if (the length of S is not k octets) { Return “Signature not verified”. }

s := OS2I(S)./* Convert octet string to integer */
m := RSAVP1((n, e), s)./* RSA signature verification primitive */
EM := I2OS(m, emLen)./* Convert integer back to octet string */
status := EMSA–PSS–decode(M, EM, modBits – 1)./* Algorithm 6.10 */

if (status is “consistent”) { Return “Signature verified”. }

else { Return “Signature not verified”. }

Algorithm 6.10. RSASSA–PSS decoding

Input: The message M (an octet string), the encoded message EM (an octet string of length emLen = ⌈emBits/8⌉) and the maximum bit length emBits of OS2I(EM). One should have emBits ≥ 8hLen + 8sLen + 9.

Output: Decoding status: “consistent” or “inconsistent”.


if (M is longer than what H can handle) { Return “inconsistent”. }
Generate the hashed message mHash := H(M).
if (emLen < hLen + sLen + 2) { Return “inconsistent”. }
Try to decompose EM = maskedDB ‖ mHash′ ‖ Ywhere
       maskedDB is an octet string of length emLen – hLen – 1,
       mHash′ is an octet string of length hLenand Y is a single octet.
if (Y ≠ bc) or (the leftmost 8emLen – emBits bits of the leftmost octet of
       maskedDB are not all 0) { Return “inconsistent”. }
dbMask := MGF(mHash′, emLen – hLen – 1).
DB := maskedDB ⊕ dbMask.
Set to 0 the leftmost 8emLen – emBits bits of the leftmost octet of DB.
Try to decompose DB = PS ‖ 01 ‖ saltwhere PS is a string with
       emLen – sLen – hLen – 2 zero octets, and salt is of length sLen octets.
if (the above decomposition is unsuccessful) { Return “inconsistent”. }
Set M′ := 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ‖ mHash ‖ salt.
if (H(M′) = mHash) { Return “consistent”. } else { Return “inconsistent”. }

A mask-generation function

A mask-generation function (MGF1) is specified in the PKCS #1 draft. It is based on a hash function H. The mask-generation function is deterministic in the sense that its output is completely determined by its input. However, the (provable) security of OAEP and PSS schemes are based on the pseudorandom nature of the output of the mask-generation function. This means that any part of the output should be statistically independent of the other parts. MGF1 derives this pseudorandomness from that of the underlying hash function H.

Algorithm 6.11. Mask-generation function MGF1

Input: The seed mg f Seed (an octet string) and the desired octet length maskLen of the output mask. One requires maskLen ≤ 232hLen, where hLen is the octet length of the hash function output.

Output: An octet string mask of length maskLen.


if (maskLen > 232hLen) { Return “Error: mask too long”. }
Initialize T to the empty octet string.
for i = 0, 1, . . . , ⌈maskLen/hLen⌉ – 1 {
    I := I2OS(i, 4).
    T := T ‖ H(mgfSeed ‖ I).
mask := the leftmost maskLen octets of T.

The RSA encryption scheme of PKCS #1, Version 1.5

The older encryption scheme RSAES–PKCS1–v1_5 is no longer recommended, since this scheme is not plaintext-aware, that is, with high probability, an adversary can generate ciphertexts without knowing the corresponding plaintexts. This allows the adversary to mount chosen-ciphertext attacks. The new drafts of PKCS #1 include this old scheme for backward compatibility. Encryption and decryption for RSAES–PKCS1–v1_5 are given in Algorithms 6.12 and 6.13. Here, k is the octet length of the modulus.

Algorithm 6.12. RSA–PKCS1 encryption scheme

Input: The recipient’s public key (n, e) and the message M (an octet string).

Output: The ciphertext C which is an octet string of length k.


if (mLen > k – 11) { Return “Error: message too long”. }
Generate a padding string PS of length k – mLen – 3 ≥ 8 octets consisting of
       random non-zero octets.
Generate the encoded message EM := 00 ‖ 02 ‖ PS ‖ 00 ‖ M.

m := OS2I(EM)./* Convert octet string to integer */
c := RSAEP((n, e), m)./* RSA encryption primitive */
C := I2OS(c, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */

Algorithm 6.13. RSA–PKCS1 decryption scheme

Input: The recipient’s private key K and the ciphertext C (an octet string).

Output: The plaintext message M (an octet string of length ≤ k – 11).


if (the length of the ciphertext is not k octets) { Return “decryption error”. }

c := OS2I(C)./* Convert octet string to integer */
m := RSADP(K, c)./* RSA decryption primitive */
EM := I2OS(m, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */

Try to decompose EM = 00 ‖ 02 ‖ PS ‖ 00 ‖ M, where PS is an octet string of length ≥ 8 and containing only non-zero octets.

if (the above decomposition is unsuccessful) { Return “decryption error”. }

The RSA signature scheme of PKCS #1, Version 1.5

The older RSA signature scheme RSASSA–PKCS1–v1_5 is not known to have security loopholes. (Nevertheless, the provably secure PSS scheme is recommended for future applications.) RSASSA–PKCS1–v1_5 uses EMSA–PKCS1–v1_5 message encoding procedure (Algorithm 6.16). The signature generation and verification procedures are given in Algorithms 6.14 and 6.15. Here, k denotes the octet length of the modulus n.

The EMSA–PKCS1–v1_5 message encoding procedure (Algorithm 6.16) uses a hash function H. Although a member of the SHA family is recommended for future applications, MD2 and MD5 are also supported for compliance with older application. An octet string hashAlgo is used whose value depends on the underlying hash algorithm and is given in Table 6.5.

Table 6.5. The string hashAlgo used by EMSA–PKCS1–v1_5
FunctionThe string hashAlgo
MD230 20 30 0c 06 08 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 02 02 05 00 04 10
MD530 20 30 0c 06 08 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 02 05 05 00 04 10
SHA-130 21 30 09 06 05 2b 0e 03 02 1a 05 00 04 14
SHA-25630 31 30 0d 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 01 05 00 04 20
SHA-38430 41 30 0d 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 02 05 00 04 30
SHA-51230 51 30 0d 06 09 60 86 48 01 65 03 04 02 03 05 00 04 40

Algorithm 6.14. RSA–PKCS1 signature generation

Input: The signer’s private key K and the message M to be signed (an octet string).

Output: The signature S (an octet string of length k).


Encode M to EM := EMSA–PKCS1–v1_5(M, k)./* Algorithm 6.16 */
m := OS2I(EM)./* Convert octet string to integer */
s := RSASP1(K, m)./* RSA signature generation primitive */
S := I2OS(s, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */

Algorithm 6.15. RSA–PKCS1 signature verification

Input: The signer’s public key (n, e), the message M (an octet string) and the signature S to be verified (an octet string of length k).

Output: Verification status of the signature.


if (the length of S is not k octets) { Return “Signature not verified”. }

s := OS2I(S)./* Convert octet string to integer */
m := RSAVP1((n, e), s)./* RSA signature verification primitive */
EM′ := I2OS(m, k)./* Convert integer back to octet string */
Encode M to EM := EMSA–PKCS1–v1_5(M, k)./* Algorithm 6.16 */

if (EM = EM) { Return “Signature verified”. }

else { Return “Signature not verified”. }

Algorithm 6.16. EMSA–PKCS1 encoding

Input: The message M (an octet string), the intended length emLen of the encoded message. One requires emLentLen + 11, where tLen is the octet length of hashAlgo plus the octet length of the hash output.

Output: The encoded message EM (an octet string of length emLen).


if (M is longer than what H can handle) { Return “Error: message too long”. }
Compute the hash value mHash := H(M).
Let T := hashAlgo ‖ mHash.
/* Let tLen be the octet length of T*/
if (emLen < tLen + 11) { Return “Error: encoded message length too short”. }
Generate a padding string PS of length emLen – tLen – 3 ≥ 8 octets each
      having the hexadecimal value ff.
Set EM := 00 ‖ 01 ‖ PS ‖ 00 ‖ T.

6.3.2. PKCS #3

PKCS #3 describes the Diffie–Hellman key-exchange algorithm. The draft assumes the existence of a central authority which generates the domain parameters that include a prime p of octet length k, an integer g satisfying 0 < g < p and optionally a positive integer l. The integer g need not be a generator of , but is expected to be of sufficiently large multiplicative order modulo p. The integer l denotes the bit length of the private Diffie–Hellman key of an entity. Values of l ≪ 8k can be chosen for efficiency. However, for maintaining a desired level of security l should not be too small. Since the central authority determines p, g (and l), individual users need not bother about the generation of these parameters.

During a Diffie–Hellman key-exchange interaction of Alice with Bob, Alice performs the steps described in Algorithm 6.17. Bob performs an identical operation which is omitted here.

Algorithm 6.17. PKCS3 Diffie–Hellman key-exchange scheme

Input: p, g and optionally l.

Output: The shared secret SK (an octet string of length k).


Alice generates a random .

/* If l is specified, one should have 2l–1 ≤ x < 2l. */

Alice computes y := gx (mod p).

Alice converts y to an octet string PV := I2OS(y, k).

Alice sends the public value PV to Bob.

Alice receives Bob’s public value PV′.

Alice converts PVto the integer y′ := OS2I(PV′).

Alice computes z := (y′)x (mod p) (with 0 < z < p).

Alice transforms z to the shared secret SK := I2OS(z, k).

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