
Any time you are stuck on a problem, introduce more notation.

—Chris Skinner [Plenary Lecture, Aug 1997, Topics in Number Theory, Penn State]

|a|absolute value of real number a
min Sminimum of elements of set S
max Smaximum of elements of set S
exp(a)ea, where
log xlogarithm of x with respect to some unspecified base (like 10)
ln xloge x, where
lg xlog2 x
logk x(log x)k (similarly, lnk x = (ln x)k and lgk x = (lg x)k)
:=is defined as (or “is assigned the value” in code snippets)
complex conjugate (x – iy) of the complex number z = x + iy
δijKronecker delta
(asas–1 . . . a0)bb-ary representation of a non-negative integer
binomial coefficient, equals n(n – 1) ··· (nr + 1)/r!
xfloor of real number x
xceiling of real number x
[a, b]closed interval, that is, the set of real numbers x in the range axb
(a, b)open interval, that is, the set of real numbers x in the range a < x < b
L(t, α, c)expression of the form exp ((c + o(1))(ln t)α(ln ln t)1–α)
Lt[c]abbreviation for L(t, 1/2, c) (denoted also as L[c] if t is understood)
Bit-wise operations (on bit strings a, b)
NANDnegation of AND
NORnegation of OR
XORexclusive OR
abbit-wise exclusive OR (XOR) of a and b
a AND bbit-wise AND of a and b
a OR bbit-wise inclusive OR of a and b
LSk(a)left shift of a by k bits
RSk(a)right shift of a by k bits
LRk(a)left rotate (cyclic left shift) of a by k bits
RRk(a)right rotate (cyclic right shift) of a by k bits
ābit-wise complement of a
abconcatenation of a and b
empty set
#Acardinality of set A
a is an element of set A
ABset A is contained in set B
ABset A is not contained in set B
set A is properly contained in set B
ABunion of sets A and B
ABdisjoint union of sets A and B
ABintersection of sets A and B
A Bdifference of sets A and B
Ācomplement of set A (in a bigger set)
A × B(Cartesian) product of sets A and B
set of all natural numbers, that is, {1, 2, 3, . . .}
set of all non-negative integers, that is, {0, 1, 2, . . .}
set of all integers, that is, {. . . , –2, –1, 0, 1, 2, . . .}
set of all (positive) prime numbers, that is, {2, 3, 5, 7, . . .}
set of all rational numbers, that is,
set of all non-zero rational numbers
set of all real numbers
set of all non-zero real numbers
set of all non-negative real numbers
set of all complex numbers
set of all non-zero complex numbers
, can be represented by the set {0, 1, . . . , n –1}
group of units in , can be represented as {a | 0 ≤ a < n, gcd(a, n) = 1}
finite field of cardinality q
multiplicative group of , that is,
ring of integers of number field K
group of units of
ring of p-adic integers
field of p-adic numbers
Upgroup of units of
Functions and relations
f : ABf is a function from set A to set B
f : ABf is an injective function from set A to set B
f : ABf is a surjective function from set A to set B
aba is mapped to b (by a function)
f ο gcomposition of functions f and g (applied from right to left)
f–1inverse of bijective function f
Ker fkernel of function (homomorphism) f
Im fimage of function f
~equivalent to
[a]equivalence class of a
aHcoset in a multiplicative group
a + Hcoset in an additive group
HKinternal direct product of (sub)groups H and K
H × Kexternal direct product of (sub)groups H and K
[G : H]index of subgroup H in group G
G/Hquotient group
G1G2groups G1 and G2 are isomorphic
ord Gorder (that is, cardinality) of group G
ordG aorder of element a in group G
Exp Gexponent of group G
Z(G)centre of group G
C(a)centralizer of group element a
GLn(K)general linear group over field K (of n × n matrices)
SLn(K)special linear group over field K (of n × n matrices)
Gtorstorsion subgroup of G
char Acharacteristic of ring A
A × Bdirect product of rings A and B
A*multiplicative group of units of ring A
Sfor ring A, ideal generated by SA, also written as
afor ring A, principal ideal generated by , also written as aA and Aa
ab (mod )a is congruent to b modulo ideal , that is,
ABrings A and B are isomorphic
quotient ring (modulo ideal )
a|ba divides b (in some ring)
vp(a)multiplicity of prime p in element a
pkak = vp(a)
nilradical of ring A
Aredreduction of ring A, equals
gcd(a, b)greatest common divisor of elements a and b
lcm(a, b)least common multiple of elements a and b
sum of ideals and
intersection of ideals and
product of ideals and
root (or radical) of ideal
Q(A)total quotient ring of ring A (quotient field of A, if A is an integral domain)
S–1Alocalization of ring A at multiplicative set S
localization of ring A at prime ideal
ring of integers of number field K
N()norm of ideal (in a Dedekind domain)
CRTChinese remainder theorem
EDEuclidean domain
DDDedekind domain
DVD (or DVR)discrete valuation domain (or ring)
PIDprincipal ideal domain
UFDunique factorization domain
char Kcharacteristic of field K
K*multiplicative group of units of field K, that is, K {0}
algebraic closure of field K
[K : F]degree of the field extension FK
K(a){f(a)/g(a) | f(X), , g(a) ≠ 0}
Aut Kgroup of automorphisms of field K
AutF Kfor field extension FK, group of F-automorphisms of K (also Gal(K|F))
FixF Hfor field extension FK, fixed field of subgroup H of AutF K
finite field of cardinality q
multiplicative group of units of , that is,
Trtrace function
TrK|F (a)for field extension FK, trace of over F
Nnorm function
NK|F (a)for field extension FK, norm of over F
Frobenius automorphism , aaq
ring of integers of number field K
group of units of
ΔKdiscriminant of number field K
ring of p-adic integers
field of p-adic numbers
Upgroup of units of
| |pp-adic norm on
a quot bquotient of Euclidean division of a by b ≠ 0
a rem bremainder of Euclidean division of a by b ≠ 0
a|ba divides b in , that is, b = ca for some
vp(a)multiplicity of prime p in non-zero integer a
gcd(a, b)greatest common divisor of integers a and b (not both zero)
lcm(a, b)least common multiple of integers a and b
ab (mod n)a is congruent to b modulo n
a–1 (mod n)multiplicative inverse of a modulo n (given that gcd(a, n) = 1)
φ(n)Euler’s totient function
Legendre (or Jacobi) symbol
ordn amultiplicative order of a modulo n (given that gcd(a, n) = 1)
μ(n)Möbius function
π(x)number of primes between 1 and positive real number x
Li(x)Gauss’ Li function
ψ(x, y)fraction of positive integers ≤ x, that are y-smooth
ζ(s)Riemann zeta function
RHRiemann hypothesis
ERHextended Riemann hypothesis
Mn2n – 1 (Mersenne number)
232, standard radix for representation of multiple-precision integers
A[X1, . . . , Xn]polynomial ring in indeterminates X1, . . . , Xn over ring A
A(X1, . . . , Xn)ring of rational functions in indeterminates X1, . . . , Xn over ring A
deg fdegree of polynomial f
lc fleading coefficient of polynomial f
minpolyα,K(X)minimal polynomial of α over field K, belongs to K[X]
cont fcontent of polynomial f
pp fprimitive part of polynomial f
f′(X)formal derivative of polynomial f(X)
Δ(f)discriminant of polynomial f
the polynomial
μmgroup of m-th roots of unity
Фmm-th cyclotomic polynomial
Vector spaces, modules and matrices
dimK Vdimension of vector space V over field K
Span Sspan of subset S of a vector space
HomK(V, W)set of all K-linear transformations VW
EndK(V)set of all K-linear transformations VV
M/Nquotient vector space or module
MNvector spaces or modules M and N are isomorphic
direct product of modules Mi,
direct sum of modules Mi,
Attranspose of matrix (or vector) A
A–1inverse of matrix A
Rank Trank of matrix or linear transformation T
RankA Mrank of A-module M
Null Tnullity of matrix or linear transformation T
(M : N)for A-module M and submodule N, the ideal of A
AnnA(M)annihilator of A-module M, same as (M : 0)
Tors Mtorsion submodule of M
A[S]A-algebra generated by set S
v, winner product of two real vectors v and w
Algebraic curves
n-dimensional affine space over field K
n-dimensional projective space over field K
(x1, . . . , xn)homogeneous coordinates of a point in
[x0, x1, . . . , xn]projective coordinates of a point in
f(h)homogenization of polynomial f
C(K)set of K-rational points over curve C defined over field K
K[C]ring of polynomial functions on curve C defined over K
K(C)field of rational functions on curve C defined over K
[P]point P on a curve in formal sums
ordP (r)order of rational function r at point P
DivK (C)group of divisors on curve C defined over field K
group of divisors of degree 0 on curve C defined over field K
DivK(r)divisor of a rational function r
PrinK(C)group of principal divisors on curve C defined over field K
Jacobian of curve C defined over field K
PicK(C)Picard group of curve C (equals DivK(C)/ PrinK(C))
, same as Jacobian
point at infinity on an elliptic or a hyperelliptic curve
Δ(E)discriminant of elliptic curve E
j(E)j-invariant of elliptic curve E
E(K)group of points on elliptic curve E defined over field K
P + Qsum of two points P,
mPm-th multiple (that is, m-fold sum) of point
ψm, , fmm-th division polynomials
ttrace of Frobenius of elliptic curve
EK[m]group of m-torsion points in E(K)
E[m]abbreviation for
emWeil pairing (a map E[m] × E[m] → μm)
Div(a, b)representation of reduced divisor on hyperelliptic curve by polynomials a, b
Probability and statistics
Pr(E)probability of event E
Pr(E1|E2)conditional probability of event E1 given event E2
E(X)expectation of random variable X
Var(X)variance of random variable X
σXstandard deviation of random variable X (equals )
Cov(X, Y)covariance of random variables X, Y
ρX,Ycorrelation coefficient of random variables X, Y
Computational complexity
f = O(g)big-Oh notation: f is of the order of g
f = Ω(g)big-Omega notation: g is of the order of f
f = Θ(g)big-Theta notation: f and g have the same order
f = o(g)small-oh notation: f is of strictly smaller order than g
f = ω(g)small-omega notation: f is of strictly larger order than g
f = O~(g)soft-Oh notation: f = O(g logk g) for real constant k ≥ 0
problem P1 is polynomial-time reducible to problem P2
P1P2problems P1 and P2 are polynomial-time equivalent
Intractable problems
CVPclosest vector problem
DHP(finite field) Diffie–Hellman problem
DLP(finite field) discrete logarithm problem
ECDHPelliptic curve Diffie–Hellman problem
ECDLPelliptic curve discrete logarithm problem
HECDHPhyperelliptic curve Diffie–Hellman problem
HECDLPhyperelliptic curve discrete logarithm problem
GIFPgeneral integer factorization problem
IFPinteger factorization problem
QRPquadratic residuosity problem
RSAIFPRSA integer factorization problem
RSAKIPRSA key inversion problem
RSAPRSA problem
SQRTPmodular square root problem
SSPsubset sum problem
SVPshortest vector problem
ADHAdleman, DeMarrais and Huang’s algorithm
AESadvanced encryption standard
AKSAgarwal, Kayal and Saxena’s deterministic primality test
BSGSShanks’ baby-step–giant-step method
CBCcipher-block chaining mode
CFBcipher feedback mode
CSMcubic sieve method
CSPRBGcryptographically strong pseudorandom bit generator
CvAChaum and Van Antwerpen’s undeniable signature scheme
DDFdistinct-degree factorization
DESdata encryption standard
DHDiffie–Hellman key exchange
DPAdifferential power analysis
DSAdigital signature algorithm
DSSdigital signature standard
ECBelectronic codebook mode
ECDSAelliptic curve digital signature algorithm
ECMelliptic curve method
E-D-Eencryption–decryption–encryption scheme of triple encryption
EDFequal-degree factorization
EGEschenauer and Gligor’s scheme
FEALfast data encipherment algorithm
FFSFeige, Fiat and Shamir’s zero-knowledge protocol
GKRGennaro, Krawczyk and Rabin’s RSA-based undeniable signature scheme
GNFSMgeneral number field sieve method
GQGuillou and Quisquater’s zero-knowledge protocol
HFEcryptosystem based on hidden field equations
ICMindex calculus method
IDEAinternational data encryption algorithm
KLCHKPbraid group cryptosystem
L3Lenstra–Lenstra–Lovasz algorithm
LFSRlinear feedback shift register
LSMlinear sieve method
LUCcryptosystem based on Lucas sequences
MOVMenezes, Okamoto and Vanstone’s reduction
MPQSMmultiple polynomial quadratic sieve method
MQVMenezes–Qu–Vanstone key exchange
NFSMnumber field sieve method
NRNyberg–Rueppel signature algorithm
NTRUHoffstein, Pipher and Silverman’s encryption algorithm
NTRUSignNTRU signature algorithm
OAEPoptimal asymmetric encryption procedure
OFBoutput feedback mode
PAPpretty awful privacy
PGPpretty good privacy
PHPohlig–Hellman method
PRBGpseudorandom bit generator
PSSprobabilistic signature scheme
QSMquadratic sieve method
RSARivest, Shamir and Adleman’s algorithm
SAFERsecure and fast encryption routine
Satoh–FGHPoint counting algorithm on elliptic curves over fields of characteristic 2
SDSAshortened digital signature algorithm
SEASchoof, Elkies and Atkins’ algorithm for point counting on elliptic curves
SETUPsecretly embedded trapdoor with universal protection
SFFsquare-free factorization
SHAsecure hash algorithm
SmartASSalgorithm for computing discrete logs in anomalous elliptic curves
SNFSMspecial number field sieve method
SPAsimple power analysis
TWINKLEthe Weizmann Institute key location engine
TWIRLthe Weizmann Institute relation locator
XCMxedni calculus method
XSLextended sparse linearization attack
XTRefficient and compact subgroup trace representation
Quantum computation
|ψ〉ket notation for vector ψ
inner product of vectors |ψ〉 and
‖ψ‖norm of vector |ψ〉 (equals )
n-dimensional Hilbert space (over )
|0〉, |1〉, . . . , |n – 1〉orthonormal basis of
cbitclassical bit
qubitquantum bit
tensor product of Hilbert spaces
FFourier transform
HHadamard transform
IIdentity transform
XExchange transform
ZZ transform
Computational primitives
ulong32-bit unsigned integer data type (unsigned long)
ullong64-bit unsigned integer data type (unsigned long long)
a := bassignment operator (returns the value assigned)
+, –, ×, /, %arithmetic operators
++, – –increment and decrement operators
a ◊ = ba := ab for
=, ≠, >, <, ≥, ≤comparison operators
1True as a condition
ifconditional statement: if (condition)···
if-elseconditional statement: if (condition)··· , else···
whilewhile loop: while (condition)···
dodo loop: do···while (condition)
forfor loop: for (range of values)···
{···}block of statements
, or. or new-linestatement terminator
/*··· */comment
returnreturn from this routine
end of (visible or invisible) proof
end of item (like example, definition, assumption)
[H]hint available in Appendix D

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