
→ (function), 231

− (additive inverse), in additive group, 67

∧ (and), 231

− (difference)

in additive group, 67

in cancellable monoid, 72

of integers, 18

of iterator and integer, 111

of iterators, 93

× (direct product), 231

∈ (element), 231

= (equality), 7

for array_k, 212

for pair, 210

Image (equals by definition), 12, 231

⇔ (equivalent), 231 3

∃ (exists), 231

∀ (for all), 231

> (greater), 62

≥ (greater or equal), 62

⇒ (implies), 231

[ ] (index)

for array_k, 211

for bounded_range, 214

≠ (inequality), 7, 62

∩ (intersection), 231

< (less), 62

for array_k, 212

natural total ordering, 61

for pair, 210

≤ (less or equal), 62

→ (maps to), 231

H (not), 231

∨ (or), 231

an (power of associative operation), 32

fn (power of transformation), 17

Image (precedes), 95

Image (precedes or equal), 95

· (product)

of integers, 18

in multiplicative semigroup, 66

in semimodule, 69

/ (quotient), of integers, 18

[f, l] (range, closed bounded), 94

[[f, n]] (range, closed weak or counted), 94

[f, l) (range, half-open bounded), 94

[[f, n]) (range, half-open weak or counted), 94

⊂ (subset), 231

+ (sum)

in additive semigroup, 66

of integers, 18

of iterator and integer, 92

∪ (union), 231


abs algorithm, 16, 71

absolute value, properties, 71

abstract entity, 1

abstract genus, 2

abstract procedure, 13

overloading, 43

abstract species, 2

accumulation procedure, 46

accumulation variable

elimination, 39

introduction, 35

action, 28

acyclic descendants of bifurcate coordinate, 116

additive inverse (—), in additive group, 67

AdditiveGroup concept, 67

AdditiveMonoid concept, 67

AdditiveSemigroup concept, 66

address, 4

abstracted by iterator, 89

add_to_counter algorithm, 199

advance_tail machine, 135

algorithm. See machine

abs, 16, 71

add_to_counter, 199

all, 97

bifurcate_compare, 131

bifurcate_compare_nonempty, 130

bifurcate_equivalent, 129

bifurcate_equivalent_nonempty, 128

bifurcate_isomorphic, 126

bifurcate_isomorphic_nonempty, 125

circular, 25

circular_nonterminating_orbit, 25

collision_point, 22

collision_point_nonterminating_orbit, 23

combine_copy, 160

combine_copy_backward, 162

combine_linked_nonempty, 138

combine_ranges, 196

compare_strict_or_reflexive, 57–58

complement, 50

complement_of_converse, 50

connection_point, 26

connection_point_nonterminating_orbit, 26

convergent_point, 26

converse, 50

copy, 152

copy_backward, 155

copy_bounded, 153

copy_if, 158

copy_n, 154

copy_select, 158

count_if, 97, 98

cycle_from, 173

cycle_to, 173

distance, 19

euclidean_norm, 16

exchange_values, 164

fast_subtractive_gcd, 78

fibonacci, 46

find, 96

find_adjacent_mismatch, 103

find_adjacent_mismatch_forward, 106, 135

find_backward_if, 112

find_if, 97

find_if_not_unguarded, 102

find_if_unguarded, 101

find_last, 136

find_mismatch, 102

find_n, 101

find_not, 97

for_each, 96

for_each_n, 101

gcd, 80

height, 122

height_recursive, 118

increment, 91

is_left_successor, 119

is_right_successor, 120

k_rotate_from_permutation_indexed, 180

k_rotate_from_permutation_random_access, 180

largest_doubling, 75

lexicographical_compare, 129

lexicographical_equal, 127

lexicographical_equivalent, 127

lexicographical_less, 130

lower_bound_n, 109

lower_bound_predicate, 108

median_5, 61

memory-adaptive, 177

merge_copy, 163

merge_copy_backward, 163

merge_linked_nonempty, 141

merge_n_adaptive, 206

merge_n_with_buffer, 202

none, 97

not_all, 97

orbit_structure, 28

orbit_structure_nonterminating_orbit, 27

partitioned_at_point, 191

partition_bidirectional, 194

partition_copy, 160

partition_copy_n, 160

partition_linked, 140

partition_point, 107

partition_point_n, 107

partition_semistable, 192

partition_single_cycle, 194

partition_stable_iterative, 201

partition_stable_n, 197

partition_stable_n_adaptive, 197

partition_stable_n_nonempty, 197

partition_stable_with_buffer, 195

partition_trivial, 198

phased_applicator, 147

potential_partition_point, 191

power, 42

power_accumulate, 41

power_accumulate_positive, 41

power_left_associated vs. power_0, 34

power_right_associated, 33

power_unary, 18

predicate_source, 140

quotient_remainder, 85

quotient_remainder_nonnegative, 82

quotient_remainder_nonnegative_iterative, 83

reachable, 121

reduce, 99

reduce_balanced, 200

reduce_nonempty, 99

reduce_nonzeroes, 100

relation_source, 141

remainder, 84

remainder_nonnegative, 74

remainder_nonnegative_iterative, 75

reverse_append, 139, 140

reverse_bidirectional, 175

reverse_copy, 156

reverse_copy_backward, 156

reverse_indexed, 186

reverse_n_adaptive, 178

reverse_n_bidirectional, 175

reverse_n_forward, 177

reverse_n_indexed, 175

reverse_n_with_buffer, 176

reverse_swap_ranges, 167

reverse_swap_ranges_bounded, 167

reverse_swap_ranges_n, 168

reverse_with_temporary_buffer, 187, 225

rotate, 187

rotate_bidirectional_nontrivial, 182

rotate_cycles, 181

rotate_forward_annotated, 183

rotate_forward_nontrivial, 184

rotate_forward_step, 184

rotate_indexed_nontrivial, 181

rotate_nontrivial, 188

rotate_partial_nontrivial, 185

rotate_random_access_nontrivial, 181

rotate_with_buffer_backward_nontrivial, 186

rotate_with_buffer_nontrivial, 185

select_0_2, 53, 63

select_0_3, 54

select_1_2, 54

select_1_3, 55

select_1_3_ab, 55

select_1_4, 56, 59

select_1_4_ab, 56, 59

select_1_4_ab_cd, 56, 58

select_2_3, 54

select_2_5, 60

select_2_5_ab, 60

select_2_5_ab_cd, 59

slow_quotient, 73

slow_remainder, 72

some, 97

sort_linked_nonempty_n, 142

sort_n, 207

sort_n_adaptive, 207

sort_n_with_buffer, 203

split_copy, 158

split_linked, 137

subtractive_gcd, 78

subtractive_gcd_nonzero, 77

swap, 224

swap_basic, 223

swap_ranges, 165

swap_ranges_bounded, 166

swap_ranges_n, 166

terminating, 23

transpose_operation, 201

traverse, 123

traverse_nonempty, 118

traverse_phased_rotating, 148

traverse_rotating, 146

underlying_ref, 224

upper_bound_n, 109

upper_bound_predicate, 109

weight, 122

weight_recursive, 117

weight_rotating, 147

aliased property, 150

aliased write-read, 150

aliased write-write, 159

all algorithm, 97

ambiguous value type, 3

amortized complexity, 219

and (∧), 231

annihilation property, 68

annotation variable, 183

ArchimedeanGroup concept, 83

ArchimedeanMonoid concept, 72

area of object, 227

Aristotle, 77

Arity type attribute, 11

array, varieties, 220–221

array_k type, 210

Artin, Emil, 13

assignment, 7

for array_k, 211

for pair, 210

associative operation, 31, 98

power of (an), 32

associative property, 31

exploited by power, 33

partially_associative, 98

of permutation composition, 170

asymmetric property, 50

attribute, 1

auxiliary computation during recursion, 176

Axiom of Archimedes, 72, 73


backward movement in range, 112

BackwardLinker concept, 134

backward_offset property, 161

basic singly linked list, 218


for array_k, 211

for bounded_range, 214

for Linearizable, 213

behavioral equality, 3, 228

BidirectionalBifurcateCoordinate concept, 119–120

BidirectionalIterator concept, 111

BidirectionalLinker concept, 134

BifurcateCoordinate concept, 115

bifurcate_compare algorithm, 131

bifurcate_compare_nonempty algorithm, 130

bifurcate_equivalent algorithm, 129

bifurcate_equivalent_nonempty algorithm, 128

bifurcate_isomorphic algorithm, 126

bifurcate_isomorphic_nonempty algorithm, 125

BinaryOperation concept, 31

binary_scale_down_nonnegative, 40

binary_scale_up_nonnegative, 40

bisection technique, 107

Bolzano, Bernard, 107

bounded integer type, 87

bounded range, 93

bounded_range property, 93

bounded_range type, 214

Brandt, Jon, 193


CancellableMonoid concept, 72

cancellation in monoid, 72

categories of ideas, 1

Cauchy, Augustin Louis, 107

circular algorithm, 25

circular array, 220

circular doubly linked list, 218

circular singly linked list, 218

circular_nonterminating_orbit algorithm, 25

closed bounded range ([f, l]), 94

closed interval, 231

closed weak or counted range ([[f, n]]), 94

clusters of derived procedures, 62

codomain, 10

Codomain type function, 11

Collins, George, 13

collision point of orbit, 21

collision_point algorithm, 22

collision_point_nonterminating_orbit algorithm, 23

combine_copy algorithm, 160

combine_copy_backward algorithm, 162

combine_linked_nonempty algorithm, 138

combine_ranges algorithm, 196

common-subexpression elimination, 35

commutative property, 66

CommutativeRing concept, 69

CommutativeSemiring concept, 68

compare_strict_or_reflexive algorithm, 57–58

complement algorithm, 50

complement of converse of relation, 50

complement of relation, 50

complement_of_converse algorithm, 50

complement_of_converse property, 104


amortized, 219

of empty, 213

of indexing of a sequence, 213

of regular operations, 227

of source, 90

of successor, 92

composite object, 215


of permutations, 170

of transformations, 17, 32

computational basis, 6

concept, 11

AdditiveGroup, 67

AdditiveMonoid, 67

AdditiveSemigroup, 66

ArchimedeanGroup, 83

ArchimedeanMonoid, 72

BackwardLinker, 134

BidirectionalBifurcateCoordinate, 119–120

BidirectionalIterator, 111

BidirectionalLinker, 134

BifurcateCoordinate, 115

BinaryOperation, 31

CancellableMonoid, 72

CommutativeRing, 69

CommutativeSemiring, 68

consistent, 87

DiscreteArchimedeanRing, 86

DiscreteArchimedeanSemiring, 85

EmptyLinkedBifurcateCoordinate, 144

EuclideanMonoid, 77

EuclideanSemimodule, 80

EuclideanSemiring, 79

examples from C++ and STL, 11

ForwardIterator, 106

ForwardLinker, 133

FunctionalProcedure, 11

HalvableMonoid, 74

HomogeneousFunction, 12

HomogeneousPredicate, 16

IndexedIterator, 110

Integer, 18, 40

Iterator, 91

Linearizable, 213

LinkedBifurcateCoordinate, 144

modeled by type, 11

Module, 70

MultiplicativeGroup, 68

MultiplicativeMonoid, 67

MultiplicativeSemigroup, 66

NonnegativeDiscreteArchimedeanSemiring, 86

Operation, 16

OrderedAdditiveGroup, 70

OrderedAdditiveMonoid, 70

OrderedAdditiveSemigroup, 70

Predicate, 15

RandomAccessIterator, 113

refinement, 11

Regular, 11

Relation, 49

relational concept, 69

Ring, 69

Semimodule, 69

Semiring, 68

Sequence, 216

TotallyOrdered, 62

Transformation, 17

type concept, 11

UnaryFunction, 12

UnaryPredicate, 16

univalent, 86

useful, 87

weakening, 11

concept dispatch, 106, 187

concept schema

composite object, 216

coordinate structure, 124

concept tag type, 187

concrete entity, 1

concrete genus, 2

concrete species, 2

connectedness of composite object, 215

connection point of orbit, 20

connection_point algorithm, 26

connection_point_nonterminating_orbit algorithm, 26

connectors, 229

consistency of concept’s axioms, 87

constant-size sequence, 216

constructor, 7

container, 213

convergent_point algorithm, 26

converse algorithm, 50

converse of relation, 50

coordinate structure

bifurcate coordinate, 115

of composite object, 215

concept schema, 124

iterator, 89

copy algorithm, 152

copy constructor, 8

for array_k, 211

for pair, 210

copy of object, 5

copying rearrangement, 172

copy_backward algorithm, 155

copy_backward_step machine, 154

copy_bounded algorithm, 153

copy_if algorithm, 158

copy_n algorithm, 154

copy_select algorithm, 158

copy_step machine, 152

counted_range property, 93

counter_machine type, 200

count_down machine, 153

count_if algorithm, 97, 98

cycle detection intuition, 21

cycle in a permutation, 171

cycle of orbit, 20

cycle size, 20

cycle_from algorithm, 173

cycle_to algorithm, 173

cyclic element under transformation, 18

cyclic permutation, 171


DAG (directed acyclic graph), 116

datum, 2

de Bruijn, N. G., 74

default constructor, 8

for array_k, 211

for pair, 209

default ordering, 62

default total ordering, 62

importance of, 228

definition space, 9

definition-space predicate, 17

dependence of axiom, 86

deref, 150

derived relation, 50

descendant of bifurcate coordinate, 116

destructor, 7

for_pair, 210

difference (−)

in additive group, 67

in cancellable monoid, 72

of integers, 18

of iterator and integer, 111

of iterators, 93

DifferenceType type function, 113

direct product (×), 231

directed acyclic graph, 116

DiscreteArchimedeanRing concept, 86

DiscreteArchimedeanSemiring concept, 85

discreteness property, 85

disjoint property, 134

disjointness of composite object, 216

distance algorithm, 19

distance in orbit, 19

DistanceType type function, 17, 91

distributive property, holds for semiring, 68

divisibility on an Archimedean monoid, 76

division, 68

domain, 10

Domain type function, 12

double-ended array, 220

doubly linked list, 218–219

DudziImageski, Krzysztof, 206

dummy node doubly linked list, 218

Dydek, Andrzej, 206

dynamic-size sequence, 216


efficient computational basis, 6

element (e), 231

eliminating common subexpression, 35


for array_k, 212

for bounded_range, 214

for Linearizable, 213

empty coordinate, 144

empty range, 95

EmptyLinkedBifurcateCoordinate concept, 144


for array_k, 211

for bounded_range, 214

for Linearizable, 213

entity, 1


=, 7

≠, 62

for array_k, 212

behavioral, 3, 228

equal for Regular, 127

for objects, 5

for pair, 210

for regular type, 7

representational, 3, 228

structural, 228

for uniquely represented type, 3

for value type, 3

equals by definition (Image), 12, 231

equational reasoning:, 4

equivalence class, 51

equivalence property, 51

equivalent (⇔), 231

equivalent coordinate collections, 126

erasure in a sequence, 217

Euclidean function, 79

EuclideanMonoid concept, 77

EuclideanSemimodule concept, 80

EuclideanSemiring concept, 79

euclidean_norm algorithm, 16

even, 40

exchange_values algorithm, 164

exists (∃), 231

expressive computational basis, 6


fast_subtractive_gcd algorithm, 78

fibonacci algorithm, 46

Fibonacci sequence, 45

find algorithm, 96

find_adjacent_mismatch algorithm, 103

find_adjacent_mismatch_forward algorithm, 106, 135

find_backward_if algorithm, 112

find_if algorithm, 97

find_if_not, 97

find_if_not_unguarded algorithm, 102

find_if_unguarded algorithm, 101

find_last algorithm, 136

find_mismatch algorithm, 102

find_n algorithm, 101

find_not algorithm, 97

finite order, under associative operation, 32

finite set, 171

first-last singly linked list, 218

fixed point of transformation, 170

fixed-size sequence, 216

Floyd, Robert W., 21

for all (∀), 231

ForwardIterator concept, 106

ForwardLinker concept, 133

forward_offset property, 162

for_each algorithm, 96

for_each_n algorithm, 101

Frobenius, Georg Ferdinand, 32

from-permutation, 172

function, 2

→, 231

on abstract entities, 2

on values, 3

function object, 9, 96, 236

functional procedure, 9

FunctionalProcedure concept, 11


garbage collection, 230

Gaussian integers, 40

Stein’s algorithm, 81

gcd, 76

Stein, 81

subtractive, 76

gcd algorithm, 80

genus, 2

global state, 6

goto statement, 148

greater (>), 62

greater or equal (≥), 62

greatest common divisor (gcd), 76

group, 67

of permutations, 170


half_nonnegative, 40

half-open bounded range (Zf, I)), 94

half-open interval, 231

half-open weak or counted range (ZZf, n)), 94

HalvableMonoid concept, 74

handle of orbit, 20

handle size, 20

header of composite object, 217

height algorithm, 122

height of bifurcate coordinate (DAG), 116

height_recursive algorithm, 118

Ho, Wilson, 182

Hoare, C. A. R., 195

homogeneous functional procedure, 10

HomogeneousFunction concept, 12

HomogeneousPredicate concept, 16


ideas, categories of, 1


of concrete entity, 1

of object, 5

identity element, 65

identity token, 5

identity transformation, 170

identity_element property, 65

implies (⇒), 231

inconsistency of concept, 87

increasing range, 103

increasing_counted_range property, 105

increasing_range property, 105

increment algorithm, 91

independence of proposition, 86

index ([ ])

for array_k, 211

for bounded_range, 214

index permutation, 172

index of segmented array, 221

indexed iterator

equivalent to random-access iterator, 113

IndexedIterator concept, 110

inequality ( ≠ ), 7

standard definition, 62

inorder, 118

input object, 6

input/output object, 6

InputType type function, 11

insertion in a sequence, 217

Integer concept, 18, 40

interpretation, 2

intersection (∩), 231

interval, 231

into transformation, 169

invariant, 148

loop, 37

recursion, 36

inverse of permutation, 170, 171

inverse_operation property, 66

isomorphic coordinate sets, 124

isomorphic types, 86

is_left_successor algorithm, 119

is_right_successor algorithm, 120

iterator adapter

for bidirectional bifurcate coordinates, project, 124

random access from indexed, 114

reverse from bidirectional, 112

underlying type, 224

Iterator concept, 91

iterator invalidation in array, 221

IteratorConcept type function, 187

IteratorType type function, 133, 134, 213


Kislitsyn, Sergei, 55

k_rotate_from_permutation_indexed algorithm, 180

k_rotate_from_permutation_random_access algorithm, 180


Lagrange, J.-L., 107

Lakshman, T. K., 159

largest_doubling algorithm, 75

less (<), 62

for array_k, 212

for bounded_range, 215

less for TotallyOrdered, 130

natural total ordering, 61

for pair, 210

less or equal (≥), 62

lexicographical_compare algorithm, 129

lexicographical_equal algorithm, 127

lexicographical_equivalent algorithm, 127

lexicographical_less algorithm, 130

limit in a range, 95

linear ordering, 52

Linearizable concept, 213

link rearrangement, 134

on lists, 219

linked iterator, 133

linked structures, forward vs. bidirectional, 219

LinkedBifurcateCoordinate concept, 144

linker object, 133

linker_to_head machine, 139

linker_to_tail machine, 135

links, reversing, 145


doubly linked, 218

singly linked, 218

Lo, Raymond, 182

load, 4

local part of composite object, 217

local state, 6

locality of reference, 143

loop invariant, 37

lower bound, 107

lower_bound_n algorithm, 109

lower_bound_predicate algorithm, 108


machine, 120

advance_tail, 135

copy_backward_step, 154

copy_step, 152

count_down, 153

linker_to_head, 139

linker_to_tail, 135

merge_n_step_0, 205

merge_n_step_1, 205

reverse_copy_backward_step, 156

reverse_copy_step, 155

reverse_swap_step, 166

swap_step, 165

traverse_step, 121

tree_rotate, 145

maps to (↦), 231

marking, 118

Mauchly, John W., 107

median_5 algorithm, 61

memory, 4

memory-adaptive algorithm, 177

merge, stability, 203

mergeable property, 203

merge_copy algorithm, 163

merge_copy_backward algorithm, 163

merge_linked_nonempty algorithm, 141

merge_n_adaptive algorithm, 206

merge_n_step_0 machine, 205

merge_n_step_1 machine, 205

merge_n_with_buffer algorithm, 202

mod (remainder), 18

model, partial, 70

models, 11

Module concept, 70

monoid, 67

multipass traversal, 106

MultiplicativeGroup concept, 68

MultiplicativeMonoid concept, 67

MultiplicativeSemigroup concept, 66

multiset, 227

Musser, David, 13

mutable range, 151

mutable_bounded_range property, 151

mutable_counted_range property, 151

mutable_weak_range property, 151

mutative rearrangement, 172


natural total ordering, < reserved for, 61

negative, 40

nil, 134

Noether, Emmy, 13

noncircularity of composite object, 216

none algorithm, 97

NonnegativeDiscreteArchimedeanSemiring concept, 86

nontotal procedure, 17

not (¬), 231

not_all algorithm, 97

not_overlapped property, 157

not_overlapped_backward property, 155

not_overlapped_forward property, 153

not_write_overlapped property, 159

null link, 218


object, 4

area, 227

equality, 5

starting address, 216

state, 4

object type, 4

odd, 40

one, 40

one-to-one transformation, 169

onto transformation, 169

open interval, 231

Operation concept, 16

or (Image), 231

orbit, 18–20

orbit_structure algorithm, 28

orbit_structure_nonterminating_orbit algorithm, 27

OrderedAdditiveGroup concept, 70

OrderedAdditiveMonoid concept, 70

OrderedAdditiveSemigroup concept, 70

ordering, linear, 52

ordering-based rearrangement, 172

output object, 6

overloading, 43, 133, 144

own state, 6

ownership, of parts by composite object, 216


pair type, 11, 209

parameter passing, 9

part of composite object, 215–219

partial model, 70

partial procedure, 17

partial (usage convention), 232

partially formed object state, 7

partially_associative property, 98

partition algorithm, origin of, 195

partition point, 105

lower and upper bounds, 107

partition rearrangement, semistable, 192

partitioned property, 105

partitioned range, 105

partitioned_at_point algorithm, 191

partition_bidirectional algorithm, 194

partition_copy algorithm, 160

partition_copy_n algorithm, 160

partition_linked algorithm, 140

partition_point algorithm, 107

partition_point_n algorithm, 107

partition_semistable algorithm, 192

partition_single_cycle algorithm, 194

partition_stable_iterative algorithm, 201

partition_stable_n algorithm, 197

partition_stable_n_adaptive algorithm, 197

partition_stable_n_nonempty algorithm, 197

partition_stable_singleton algorithm, 196

partition_stable_with_buffer algorithm, 195

partition_trivial algorithm, 198

permanently placed part of composite object, 217

permutation, 170

composition, 170

cycle, 171

cyclic, 171

from, 172

index, 172

inverse, 170, 171

product of its cycles, 171

reverse, 174

rotation, 178

to, 172

transposition, 171

permutation group, 170

phased_applicator algorithm, 147

pivot, 205

position-based rearrangement, 172

positive, 40

postorder, 118

potential_partition_point algorithm, 191


of associative operation (an), 32

powers of same element commute, 32

of transformation (fn), 17

power algorithm, 42

operation count, 34

power_accumulate algorithm, 41

power_accumulate_positive algorithm, 41

power_right_associated algorithm, 33

power_unary algorithm, 18

precedence preserving link rearrangement, 135

precedes (Image), 95

precedes or equal (Image), 95

precondition, 13


of integer, 40

of iterator, 111

Predicate concept, 15

predicate-based rearrangement, 172

predicate_source algorithm, 140

prefix of extent, 220

preorder, 118

prime property, 14

procedure, 6

abstract, 13

functional, 9

nontotal, 17

partial, 17

total, 17

product (·)

of integers, 18

in multiplicative semigroup, 66

in semimodule, 69

program transformation

accumulation-variable elimination, 39

accumulation-variable introduction, 35

common-subexpression elimination, 35

enabled by regular types, 35

forward to backward iterators, 112

relaxing precondition, 38

strengthening precondition, 38

strict tail-recursive, 37

tail-recursive form, 35


abstracting platform-specific copy algorithms, 164

algorithms for bidirectional bifurcate algorithms, 123

axioms for random-access iterator, 113

benchmark and composite algorithm for rotate, 189

concepts for bounded binary integers, 87

coordinate structure concept, 131

cross-type operations, 14

cycle-detection algorithms, 29

dynamic-sequences benchmark, 222

dynamic-sequences implementation, 222

dynamic-sequences interfaces, 222

floating-point nonassociativity, 42

isomorphism, equivalence, and ordering using tree_rotate, 148

iterator adapter for bidirectional bifurcate coordinates, 124

linear recurrence sequences, 47

minimum-comparison stable sorting and merging, 61

nonhalvable Archimedean monoids, 75

order-selection stability, 61

reallocation strategy for single-extent arrays, 221

searching for a subsequence within a sequence, 114

setting for Stein gcd, 81

sorting library, 208

underlying type used in major library, 225

projection regularity, 216

proper underlying type, 223

properly partial object state, 5

properly partial value type, 2


aliased, 150

annihilation, 68

associative, 31

asymmetric, 50

backward_offset, 161

bounded_range, 93

commutative, 66

complement_of_converse, 104

counted_range, 93

discreteness, 85

disjoint, 134

distributive, 68

equivalence, 51

forward_offset, 162

identity element, 65

identity_element, 65

increasing_counted_range, 105

increasing_range, 105

inverse_operation, 66

mergeable, 203

mutable_bounded_range, 151

mutable_counted_range, 151

mutable_weak_range, 151

notation, 14

not_overlapped, 157

not_overlapped_backward, 155

not_overlapped_forward, 153

not_write_overlapped, 159

partially_associative, 98

partitioned, 105

prime, 14

readable_bounded_range, 95

readable_counted_range, 96

readable_tree, 123

readable_weak_range, 96

reflexive, 50

regular_unary_function, 14

relation_preserving, 103

strict, 50

strictly_increasing_counted_range, 105

strictly_increasing_range, 104

symmetric, 50

total_ordering, 51

transitive, 49

tree, 117

trichotomy, 51

weak trichotomy, 51

weak_ordering, 52

weak_range, 92

writable_bounded_range, 150

writable_counted_range, 150

writable_weak_range, 150

write_aliased, 159

proposition, independence of, 86

pseudopredicate, 136

pseudorelation, 137

pseudotransformation, 91


quotient (/), of integers, 18


in Euclidean semimodule, 80

in Euclidean semiring, 79

QuotientType type function, 72

quotient_remainder algorithm, 85

quotient_remainder_nonnegative algorithm, 82

quotient_remainder_nonnegative_iterative algorithm, 83


random-access iterator, equivalent to indexed iterator, 113

RandomAccessIterator concept, 113


backward movement, 112

closed bounded ([f, l]), 94

closed weak or counted ([[f, n]]), 94

empty, 95

half-open bounded ([f, l)), 94

half-open weak or counted ([[f, n])), 94

increasing, 103

limit, 95

lower bound, 107

mutable, 151

partition point, 105

partitioned, 105

readable, 95

size, 94

strictly increasing, 103

upper bound, 107

writable, 150


of bifurcate coordinate, 116

in orbit, 18

reachable algorithm, 121

readable range, 95

readable_bounded_range property, 95

readable_counted_range property, 96

readable_tree property, 123

readable_weak_range property, 96

rearrangement, 172

bin-based, 172

copying, 172

link, 134

mutative, 172

ordering-based, 172

position-based, 172

reverse, 174

rotation, 179

recursion invariant, 36

reduce algorithm, 99

reduce_balanced algorithm, 200

reduce_nonempty algorithm, 99

reduce_nonzeroes algorithm, 100

reduction, 98

reference counting, 230

refinement of concept, 11

reflexive property, 50

Regular concept, 11

and program transformation, 35

regular function on value type, 3

regular type, 6–8

regularity, 216, 217

regular_unary_function property, 14

Relation concept, 49

relational concept, 69

relationship, 229

relation_preserving property, 103

relation_source algorithm, 141

relaxing precondition, 38


algorithm, 84

in Euclidean semimodule, 80

in Euclidean semiring, 79

remainder (mod), of integers, 18

remainder_nonnegative algorithm, 74

remainder_nonnegative_iterative algorithm, 75

remote part of composite object, 217

representation, 2

representational equality, 3, 228

requires clause, 13

syntax, 240

resources, 4

result space, 10

returning useful information, 87, 96, 97, 101–103, 106, 112, 152, 153, 159, 163, 174, 179, 182, 211

reverse rearrangement, 174

reverse_append algorithm, 139, 140

reverse_bidirectional algorithm, 175

reverse_copy algorithm, 156

reverse_copy_backward algorithm, 156

reverse_copy_backward step machine, 156

reverse_copy_step machine, 155

reverse_indexed algorithm, 186

reverse_n_adaptive algorithm, 178

reverse_n_bidirectional algorithm, 175

reverse_n_forward algorithm, 177

reverse_n_indexed algorithm, 175

reverse_n_with_buffer algorithm, 176

reverse_swap_ranges algorithm, 167

reverse_swap_ranges_bounded algorithm, 167

reverse_swap_ranges_n algorithm, 168

reverse_swap_step machine, 166

reverse_with_temporary_buffer algorithm, 187, 225

reversing links, 145

Rhind Mathematical Papyrus

division, 73

power, 33

Ring concept, 69

rotate algorithm, 187

rotate_bidirectional_nontrivial algorithm, 182

rotate_cycles algorithm, 181

rotate_forward_annotated algorithm, 183

rotate_forward_nontrivial algorithm, 184

rotate_forward_step algorithm, 184

rotate_indexed_nontrivial algorithm, 181

rotate_nontrivial algorithm, 188

rotate_partial_nontrivial algorithm, 185

rotate_random_access_nontrivial algorithm, 181

rotate_with_buffer_backward nontrivial algorithm, 186

rotate_with_buffer_nontrivial algorithm, 185


permutation, 178

rearrangement, 179


schema, concept, 124

Schreier, Jozef, 55

Schwarz, Jerry, 150

segmented array, 221

segmented index, 221

select_0_2 algorithm, 53, 63

select_0_3 algorithm, 54

select_1_2 algorithm, 54

select_1_3 algorithm, 55

select_1_3_ab algorithm, 55

select_1_4 algorithm, 56, 59

select_1_4_ab algorithm, 56, 59

select_1_4_ab_cd algorithm, 56, 58

select_2_3 algorithm, 54

select_2_5 algorithm, 60

select_2_5_ab algorithm, 60

select_2_5_ab_cd algorithm, 59

semi (usage convention), 232

semigroup, 66

Semimodule concept, 69

Semiring concept, 68

semistable partition rearrangement, 192

sentinel, 101

Sequence concept, 216

extent-based models, 219

linked models, 219

set, 231

single-ended array, 220

single-extent array, 220

single-extent index, 221

single-pass traversal, 91

singly linked list, 218

sink, 149


for array_k, 212

for bounded_range, 214

for Linearizable, 213

size of an orbit, 20

size of a range, 94

SizeType type function, 213

slanted index, 221

slow_quotient algorithm, 73

slow_remainder algorithm, 72

snapshot, 1

some algorithm, 97

sort_linked_nonempty_n algorithm, 142

sort_n algorithm, 207

sort_n_adaptive algorithm, 207

sort_n_with_buffer algorithm, 203

source, 90

space complexity, memory adaptive, 177


abstract, 2

concrete, 2

splicing link rearrangement, 219

split_copy algorithm, 158

split_linked algorithm, 137

stability, 52

of merge, 203

of partition, 192

of sort, 204

of sort on linked range, 142

stability index, 53

Standard Template Library, x

starting address, 4, 216

state of object, 4

Stein, Josef, 81

Stein gcd, 81

STL, x

store, 4

strengthened relation, 53

strengthening precondition, 38

strict property, 50

strict tail-recursive, 37

strictly increasing range, 103

strictly_increasing_counted_range property, 105

strictly_increasing_range property, 104

structural equality, 228

subpart of composite object, 216

subset (⊂), 231

subtraction, in additive group, 67

subtractive_gcd algorithm, 78

subtractive_gcd_nonzero algorithm, 77


definition space on range, 94

of integer, 40

of iterator, 91

sum (+)

in additive semigroup, 66

of integers, 18

of iterator and integer, 92

swap algorithm, 224

swap_basic algorithm, 223

swap_ranges algorithm, 165

swap_ranges_bounded algorithm, 166

swap_ranges_n algorithm, 166

swap_step machine, 165

symmetric complement of a relation, 52

symmetric property, 50


tail-recursive form, 35

technique. See program transformation

auxiliary computation during recursion, 176

memory-adaptive algorithm, 177

operation–accumulation procedure duality, 47

reduction to constrained subproblem, 54

returning useful information, 87, 96, 97, 101–103, 106, 112, 152, 153, 159, 163, 174, 179, 182, 211

transformation–action duality, 28

useful variations of an interface, 38

temporary_buffer type, 187

terminal element under transformation, 18

terminating algorithm, 23

three-valued compare, 63

Tighe, Joseph, 179

to-permutation, 172

total object state, 5

total procedure, 17

total value type, 2

TotallyOrdered concept, 62

total_ordering property, 51

trait class, 240

transformation, 17

composing, 17, 32

cyclic element, 18

fixed point of, 170

identity, 170

into, 169

of program. See program transformation

one-to-one, 169

onto, 169

orbit, 18

power of (fn), 17

terminal element, 18

Transformation concept, 17

transitive property, 49

transpose_operation algorithm, 201

transposition, 171


multipass, 106

single-pass, 91

of tree, recursive, 119

traverse algorithm, 123

traverse_nonempty algorithm, 118

traverse_phased_rotating algorithm, 148

traverse_rotating algorithm, 146

traverse_step machine, 121

tree property, 117

tree_rotate machine, 145

trichotomy law, 51

triple type, 11

trivial cycle, 171

twice, 40

two-pointer header doubly linked list, 218


array_k, 210

bounded_range, 214

computational basis, 6

counter_machine, 200

isomorphism, 86

models concept, 11

pair, 11, 209

regular, 6

temporary_buffer, 187

triple, 11

underlying_iterator, 225

visit, 118

type attribute, 10

Arity, 11

type concept, 11

type constructor, 11

type function, 11

Codomain, 11

DifferenceType, 113

DistanceType, 17, 91

Domain, 12

implemented via trait class, 240

InputType, 11

IteratorConcept, 187

IteratorType, 133, 134, 213

QuotientType, 72

SizeType, 213

UnderlyingType, 223

ValueType, 90, 149, 213

WeightType, 115


unambiguous value type, 3

UnaryFunction concept, 12

UnaryPredicate concept, 16

underlying type, 164, 223

iterator adapters, 224

proper, 223

UnderlyingType type function, 223

underlying_iterator type, 225

underlying_ref algorithm, 224

union (∪), 231

uniquely represented object type, 5

uniquely represented value type, 2

univalent concept, 86

upper bound, 107

upper_bound_n algorithm, 109

upper_bound_predicate algorithm, 109

useful variations of an interface, 38

usefulness of concept, 87


value, 2

value type, 2

ambiguous, 3

properly partial, 2

regular function on, 3

total, 2

uniquely represented, 2

ValueType type function, 90, 149, 213

visit type, 118


weak (usage convention), 232

weak-trichotomy law, 51

weakening of concept, 11

weak_ordering property, 52

weak_range property, 92

weight algorithm, 122

WeightType type function, 115

weight_recursive algorithm, 117

weight_rotating algorithm, 147

well-formed object, 5

well-formed value, 2

words in memory, 4

writable range, 150

writable_bounded_range property, 150

writable_counted_range property, 150

writable_weak_range property, 150

write_aliased property, 159


zero, 40

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