197 Three-Pronged Attack
admiration. Regarding the students now in his charge, he ensures that they
all feel that they have a “level playing field” and are afforded respect as
individuals looking to enter the recording industry. Determined to help
redress the gender balance in the profession, he states:
There is still an imbalance, but each academic year sees an incremen-
tal increase in the number of female applicants and subsequently the
number of students we take on. My hope is that we eventually achieve
at least a 50:50 situation.
Much hope is pinned upon this younger generation of women, unjaded
and uncynical digital natives, be they self-taught or products of a largely
inclusive FE and HE education system where production, engineering, and
programming are part of a syllabus, more than ready and able to assume
a confident, creative, and authoritative demeanor at the helm of a control
room. Personally, I am at a stage in my career where the desire to pro-
duce other artists has long slid off my list of ambitions. However, I have a
sense of gratitude toward the allies I met along the way, and to those I still
encounter: men who see a female presence in the studio as not just natural,
but positive, and who generously share their skills rather than insecurely
guarding them.
I acknowledge that for the most part of my recording career I was a
principal songwriter and lead vocalist, and that afforded me queen bee
privileges. It wasn’t easy to intimidate me, though many tried. From the
small girl on a stage with apparently too big an instrument, I have arrived
at a place where I produce and engineer my own music, predominantly for
my own pleasure, or co-produce and engineer music amongst a selective
coterie of longstanding and trusted allies. I can’t say that I’m fortunate,
because I’ve had to work hard at threshing some irritatingly misogynistic
chaff out from the wonderful wheat, but it has been incredibly worth it.
Treasure your allies.
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198 Julianne Regan
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