Utilizing client-side caching

Caching has long been used to speed up the loading of resources that are frequently used. For example, most of the modern operating systems utilize caching for providing faster access to the most frequently used applications. The web browsers also utilize caching to provide quicker access to resources when the user visits the same website again. This is done so as to avoid fetching the same files from the remote server again and again if they haven't changed and hence reducing the amount of data transfer that may be required, while also improving the rendering time for the page.

Now, in the world of enterprise applications, something like client-side caching can prove to be really useful. This happens because of the following reasons:

  • Enterprise applications, once designed, usually do not see abrupt changes to their code base. This keeps most of the resources required to render a web page the same over a long period of time, which makes them a good candidate for caching.
  • Enterprise web applications usually have a defined workflow, which basically means that a user trying to work on something will follow a particular page navigation order. This is useful in the cases where a certain set of pages are visited often and hence can have a higher chance of benefitting from the caches.
  • Most of the enterprise applications often see repeated visitors, hence requiring the same resources to be fetched again and again from the server. Caching these resources on the client side can be of real high benefit to speed up the response time of the application, as well as in decreasing the network usage.

With these points in mind, we now know that client-side caching, in the case of enterprise applications, could be of real help. But now the question is, how do we get the client-side caching in place for the content?

With our web application, implementing client-side caching is an easy task.

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