Rethinking EAI in microservices

With microservices in the picture, with their own set of tools and different requirements, we now have to rethink the approach of EAI in the enterprise infrastructure. So, let's take a look at few of the points that we need to take care of when considering the application integration in microservices-based infrastructures:

  • Planning for expansion: The applications inside the microservices infrastructure are evolving continuously, and their integration needs to be planned in the same manner. While thinking about the integration strategy, we need to make sure that it will be able to support the future scale of our applications and the type of communication that our application may warrant.
  • Defining the APIs: The APIs exposed by the microservices play an important role in the integration of the different applications. Before the development of a microservice is started, its APIs should be planned well and documented, so as to allow for smoother integration with other services.
  • Keeping the data formats standard: The data formats in which the different microservices manage their data should be standardized to have only a few sets of formats, so as to enable an easy integration and reduced complexity in the infrastructure.

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