Hybrid clouds

The hybrid cloud deployment model provides the best of both worlds of the private cloud and public cloud approach. Here, the compute resources from the private cloud and the public cloud are pooled, and the applications can move from the private cloud to the public cloud as and when required.

The enterprises usually employ this kind of deployment model to run some of their less security sensitive applications on the public cloud while running the security sensitive applications inside the private cloud.

Another approach that is usually taken is to deploy the application in the private cloud first and then when the number of requests increase, the resources from the public cloud are pooled in to scale the application up by launching more processes inside the public cloud.

The benefits associated with the hybrid cloud approach are as follows:

  • Control: The organization can take control over running the security sensitive applications inside their private clouds while running the less security sensitive application on the public cloud
  • Flexibility: As and when the need arises, the organizations can pool in the resources from the public cloud to handle higher loads
  • Cost effectiveness: Since the resources from the public cloud are only pooled when the demand for the application is high, the organization can save upon the costs of the public cloud by using the public cloud resources only when required

For applications that can easily transition from one place to another, or any that may require the facility of dynamic scaling up while also keeping security in check, the hybrid cloud deployment approach provides a good choice for infrastructure.

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