Building your first microservices application

We are now ready to build our first application using the microservices architecture. During the development of this application, we will get to see how we can utilize the knowledge that we have gained so far to roll out a working application.

Now, regarding our example, to keep this application simple and provide an easy understanding of how the microservices architecture works, we will build a simple to-do-list-creation application: Let's take a look at how this application will look, as stipulated in the following list:

  • The application will consist of two microservices—namely the to-do manager service and the user authentication service
  • The services will be developed in Python
  • For the purpose of this exercise, the services will utilize their own SQLite databases
  • The to-do service will depend upon the user service to gather any kind of information related to the user operations, including user authentication, profile fetching, and so on
  • The services will communicate through the use of RESTful APIs, each providing a JSON-encoded response

With the basic requirements specified, it's now time for us to start writing our microservices.

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