Public clouds

In a public cloud, the compute resources are owned and managed by a third-party cloud service provider. As an enterprise, the application deployed by you shares the same hardware resources with a number of other applications, which may be developed by you or some other organization.

The organization usually resorts to a public cloud when their applications are not dealing with some kind of security conscious data that may require strict security policies to prevent any kind of incidents, or to run the applications that are of common use, such as their email servers.

The advantages offered by a public cloud could are vast. Some of them are as follows:

  • Lower costs: Since the infrastructure provided by a public cloud provider is shared across multiple applications, the organization usually pays less for running their application on the shared infrastructure.
  • Reduced maintenance: Since the cloud provider owns the resources for running the applications, they are also responsible for the maintenance of the hardware. This reduces the headache for the organization to take care of the hardware resources.
  • High failure resilience: The cloud service provider owns a number of nodes that can be used to run the application in case one of the nodes fails. This translates to improved capability of handling the failures.
  • Increased scalability: The cloud providers make the resources available on demand. This can be used to dynamically scale up the application to a near unlimited level as the load on the application increases.

As an enterprise, if your application does not deal with any kind of security sensitive data and you want to keep the costs required to run the application low while also maintaining the ability to scale up the application as the demand sores, you can go ahead and choose the public cloud model of deployment.

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